Charlie Anon



1 year, 6 months ago



Computers? Yeah, I know something about them!

Charlie Anon, or rather just Charlie, is the local weirdkid that got placed into a grade higher than his age. He was given a chance to fit in after Chris befriended him when they worked on a science assignment together.

Because of his particular interest in computers and the internet, Charlie had trouble making friends even before skipping a grade. However, he is exceptionally well at all things software and even hacking. He's the one who troubleshoots technical issues within minutes.

He lives with separated parents, spending weekdays with his dad and weekends with his mom. His dad is a police detective who isn't home often, and his mom is generally neglecting, which allows for Charlie to sneak off with his friends most days. He was known well to stay over at Elijah's house in middle school as well as Ramona's house after meeting her in high school.


  • Did I mention that he's autistic? Yeah he has the 'tism. And also has hyperlexia.
  • The nickname "Charlie Anon" is sometimes said together (ex. Charlie Brown or Joe Hills) like a full name. "Anon" originated from his online alias.
  • He only hacks for fun. He just likes to challenge himself to bypass security or change someone's profile picture into a silly image.
  • Charlie's original character was meant to be a child detective, but that trait was instead turned into incredible tech literacy.
  • His first ever name was Charlie Anonymous, which was later changed to Charlie Anon. Only recently was his full name changed to Charles Anton instead.