Aaron De la Cruz



4 months, 27 days ago



What do you mean? I have great ideas! Theodore, back me up!

Aaron is the goofy funtimes guy in the friendgroup, often seen doing stupid shenanigans with Theodore and Chris (especially Theo). He seems to know just about everyone in the neighborhood, which allows him to take his friends along on wacky adventures.

He runs the friend group's D&D campaign as the dungeonmaster and does a damn good job at it. They've been playing together since middle school, and all of them agree that he's the best DM.

He lives in a family of six with his parents, grandparents, a younger sister named Maria, and a dog named Foxy (named after that one animatronic in that one horror game franchise). He is direct neighbors with Theodore and Chris, which is how they became such great friends in the first place.


  • He really liked Foxy when he played the FNAF games as a kid. He sometimes wears a shirt with Foxy on it even nowadays as a sort of ironic enjoyment.
  • He, Theo, and Chris often make the "Magneton" as dubbed by the group -- when they combine their brains, they still don't get any smarter.
  • He commonly drags his friends out to do stuff. Without him, a lot of them would just stay home all day.
  • Hates gacha games with a burning passion. He says they're "destroying the spirit of gaming." Chris antagonizes him by always talking about his gacha pulls.