Rin Kearny



4 months, 27 days ago


Rin Kearny

Mess with the bull, and you'll get the horns, bucko!

Rin was new in town when attending 8th grade, which is where she found Ramona and became friends. The two shared a connection as new kids and have been friends ever since.

She talks big about fighting and being tough, but she really just enjoys playing the guitar in her off time. She one day wishes to make music that will become popular and recognized.

She lives in a family of five with two younger siblings. She has to take care of them whenever their parents aren't around, making her good at dealing with children.


  • She dyed her hair to match with Ramona. In her original iteration, she had brown hair and magenta highlights.
  • She used to be that one angry character who would beat up anyone if they looked at her wrong, but this has been toned down a lot.
  • The nickname Rin came from her middle name. She prefers this nickname more than her first name.