


6 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info

Obtained ||

MYO slot

Worth ||


Attachment Lv ||

my actual child do not touch



Nicknames Mase, Mason Jar
Pronouns They/Them
Birthday March 2nd
Orientation Panromantic Demisexual
Status Single
Role Bakery employee/Magical Girl
Moodboard ♡ ♡ ♡
Playlist ♪♫♩♪

Mason's personality tends to change based on who they're interacting with or based on the situation but for the most part being somewhat more quiet and reserved seems to be their default. While they are more introverted, their shyness still is only to a certain extent as its mostly just caused by fear of being annoying or bothersome and their anxiety. As you get closer with them they come out of their shell a lot more and are actually a bit of a dork with a cheesy and slightly sarcastic sense of humor. They also tend to be a bit louder around people they're comfortable with and especially start to up their volume if you get them talking about something they're particularly interested in. This along with the fact their laugh is rather loud and obnoxious, borderline cackley even, are things that Mason is really insecure about. If they manage to catch themself in the act often times it results in them shying back into quiet Mason mode accompanied by a small muttered apology. If they're especially comfortable with you they might just tone it down a bit without the sudden shut down, even more so if they know for a fact you're not bothered by their sudden bursts of enthusiasm. They're just a really really passionate person so sometime it gets a little out of control, which to others has come across as annoying in the past.

If you do manage to get Mason to warm up to you though they are a very good friend to have. Due to their own anxiety and just general observance they can easily pick out others' discomfort and usually go out of their way to prevent making anyone uncomforatble or putting them in an uncomfortable situation, even in the slightest. They have a pretty good memory too and are definitely the friend to get you gifts or make you something or do something for you that they know you like just because you mentioned it exactly once like five weeks ago.

With others Mason generally tends to be more of a follower than a leader, following others closely and doing what they wanna do (within limits) like a puppy, though they can take charge if needed. They certainly don't prefer it but again still very capable and a good lead when they are. However when alone, they're much more adventurous and its not uncommon for them to go on a walk by themself to wherever their legs take them or to find them sitting up in a tree or on the roof of a small building or stuff like that. They like being a little rebellious for the excitement but would never push it far enough to where they'd actually get in trouble for it.

Lastly when it comes to dealing with extremely stressful situations or having to work under pressure Mason is suprisingly calm while working through things and figuring ways out. They seem to handle such situations rather well but in reality once the situation is gone and over they get hit with all the fear and anxiety they should have felt in the duration of that moment all at once as if it was just kinda pushed to the side for a bit. Usually it takes them a bit to sit down and regain themself but as long as things are calm around them doing that generally isn't an issue.


  • the Magical Girl genre
  • Sanrio and other cute merchandise characters
  • Little Twin Stars especially
  • Tamagotchi and virtual pets
  • Cute and/or Comfy clothes
  • pants and shorts that look like skirts
  • stickers
  • collecting (figures, manga, etc.)


  • winter, the cold, aything related
  • replacing items they had their fave stickers on because they couldn't salvage the sticker
  • being judged for wearing what they want and having fun colored hair
  • dark magical girl series
  • horror
  • people who don't respect boundaries


  • It was mentioned only very briefly and not all that in detail so for clarification, Mason's adoptive dad was American and their adoptive mom Japanese. They themself are still Japanese-American as well though since their birth parents happened to be the same but flipped the other way around where the dad was Japanese and mom American.
  • Mason is completely fluent in both Japanese and English since they were raised bilingually by each parent only speaking to them in their native tongue. They continued this even when Mason and their sisters got older since their mom's English still isn't the strongest so it just made communication easier
  • Sometime during highschool Mason came to the realization they identify as nonbinary. They're still really closeted about it and are only out to,,, really Chitose right now and maybe some other friends they have.
  • going off of them still being closeted about their gender, they don't think their mom would really disown them or anything since she's open minded enough but they're still afraid she might treat or see them differently so for now they just keep it hidden best they can even if its not really healthy for them
  • their wings are actually functional and while they can't fly SUPER high or for very long they have enough flight capability to be practical for their needs
  • they like to go out and take walks or adventure on their own a lot and even climb trees or sit on top of buildings so its not surprising to come across them in otherwise odd places
  • they’re a very cuddly sleeper, if you ever share a sleeping space with them don’t be surprised if they end up latching onto you
  • going off of the cuddly sleeper thing, they do also sleep better when with another living being, whether it be another person or a pet or something along those lines
  • Mason gets EXTREMELY passionate and invested in things which is why they tend to be a big collector of whatever their top interests are. They have bookshelves in their room full of manga, figures, and other goodies to prove it
  • At the bakery they’re known very well as “the cute boy who works there” and sales always seem to be better on days they’re working. Mason is def shy about this and it bothers them a little but not enough for it to be a genuine problem. Though the cute 'boy' part does
  • Its no secret that Mason and Chitose are now extremely close friends. They have an almost childish relationship where they're always teasing each other and shoving one another around playfully.
  • For a short point in time Mason and Chitose even went out together but they quickly realized that it just made things awkward so they broke it off and just went back to being friends as if nothing ever changed. They would have had to keep it a secret anyways with Chitose being an idol and all.
  • Suprisingly enough Masona and Chitose being close friends still doesn't mess with Chi's public image at all. Most fans know they're friends. Their strong friendship could still be mistaken as romance honestly but people seem to just assume they're childhood friends instead, which they might as well have been at this point
  • Mason never has really been all that close with their Mom or sistes so living with only them and some other family right now is a little weird sometimes but it has allowed them to get a little bit closer
  • They still really love their mom and sisters, they just never really did anything that would result in them having a stronger bond that others may have with their mom and siblings
  • Mason was however much closer with their dad. Since the divorce Mason has had really mixed feelings about him since they miss him but at the same time are extremely upset with what he had done and how much he hurt their mom and the three of them kids in the process.



Most of Mason's life as a baby is unclear to them for they were given up for adoption not long after birth. Their birth mother would have absolutely loved her child but was unfortunately unable to care for the them for she was very young and the pregnancy had not been a planned one. She still wanted a good life for the baby however and luckily for Mason, even from birth they had a really cute face so it didn't take much time at all for a couple with three young girls to take Mason in as their own. To give Mason as normal of a life possible their adoptive parents decided to keep all this a secret from Mason, also thinking it in a way would protect them. The father was a Dainty so that made keeping it a secret all the easier.

The rest of their childhood was fairly simple. Their father worked a lot of the time and wasn't around very much so being raised mostly by the three girls in the house did have a bit of an influence on them. Mason's love for the Magical Girl genre is definitely the most prominant example. Their mom often times had Sailor Moon or Tokyo Mew Mew playing on TV and Mason fell in love with the shows very quickly. There was just something that appealed to them about the ordinary girls who transformed in to sparkling super heroes to save whatever town or universe their story took place in. Since then they've always admired magical girls and secretly dreamed of being one themself, which they were able to have a small taste of any time they played pretend with their sisters. Unfortunately though the girls didn't seem to be as interested in these games so most of their time was spent just bingeing episodes over and over again, playing with figures they took from their sisters (they didn't really want them anyways), drawing their own magical girl teams and fanart, and other such activities they could enjoy by themself.


This carried on into their early teen years, and they even went as far as wanting to dye their hair all sorts of bright pastel colors to further achieve their dream of becoming a magical girl. Their mom though wasn't too keen on this at first, especially because of all the weird colors, but eventually they were only ever able to get as far as convincing her to let them bleach it blonde and add just a few streaks of color. In general expressing themself as a teen became difficult since now that they were older, their love for magical girls was now considered childish as well as "for girls". Not to mention at that point in their life it was just in Mason's personality to talk loudly a lot of the time, especially when speaking about something they liked or were passionate about. So that just made people extra annoyed with them and caused them to be even less willing to let Mason enjoy things and express themself how they wanted. Because of all this highschool was definitely a really lonely time for them for it was hard for them to make friends, so most often they just kept to themself.

Towards the end of their highschool years things became even more of a struggle when their dad suddenly started coming home later and later after work without explanation. Overtime the worse it got, the more their mother began to worry and question. Their father avoided answering at the beginning or would try and dance around saying he'd be spending some time with his friends from work or picking up extra hours, but those lies couldn't keep going forever and eventually it was spilled that he had been seeing another woman that whole time. From there things escalated to the point that their parents ended up in a divorce and their mom took Mason and their two sisters to move back to Japan where she was originally from. The sudden split of their parents was already enough to be really rough for Mason but the sudden move to a completely different country didn't make it any easier. They had visited a few times in the past to see extended family on their mom's side but living there permanently now was definitetly different and a huge adjustment they had to make. Not to mention they didn't have a lot of friends to begin with back in the US, but now that they were in a new town thousands of miles away from where they group up they really had no one.

Mason just kinda slugged through their senior year. They still did well academically just without the usual enthusiam they might have had before. Which was another thing that steered many away from trying to befriend Mason. Luckily though their loneliness didn't last too much longer. One day when they didn't have school or work at the bakery their mom's family ran, they went out on a small adventure by themself as they started to do rather often since moving. This particular day they were feeling extra restless and decided to go as far as the nearby city. While browsing the streets and taking in the new territory, they stumbled upon a small crowd gathered around an equally as small stage. On that stage stood a single girl with mint hair performing what seemed to be a free promotional concert to the public. Having nothing else better to do Mason stuck around to listen and had to admit she did have a nice voice and a lot of energy and passion on stage. With every momevent you could tell she was enjoying herself as well as putting everything she could into creating a good show and it was definitely admirable watching her work so hard but still have a good time.

After the show Mason decided it was about time to head home. But before officially taking off, they figured they'd stop to get something small to eat seems how there were a lot of really nice food places on the way. Choosing one that especially caught their eye, they headed inside, and much to their suprise When they went in they just so happened to have walked into the same shop the girl they had just watched on stage chose for her lunch too. After they each got their food they ended up coincidentally also sitting at nearby tables from one another. Mason felt a little awkward and uncomfortable about it but hopefully if she noticed they were there, she wouldn't think they had been stalking her, if she even actually remembered anyone in the crowd at all.

The girl did notice them though but instead of being suspicious or cautious when she saw the familiar light and sliglty colored hair of Mason's she just,,, walked right hecking up to them , asked if she could sit, and started to strike up some casual conversation. It almost caused Mason to be the one who was uncomfortable but she was just a really friendly and outgoing person, not just because she was an idol. So remembering Mason from the crowd she just thought she'd say hi. She introduced herself as Chitose, the green member of newly debuted idol group. During their conversation Mason really didn't say much but she really didn't seem to mind, and by the end of it she apparently even liked Mason enough that she asked if they could exchange contact info. Something about her made Mason enjoy the conversation too even though it started off a little weird so they agreed, the two swapped info, and then went on their way.

From then on they talked a lot over messages and occassionally met up in the city for lunch or coffee when their free time just so happened to line up. They grew close very quickly and it wasn't long until Mason was invited to come over to her apartment to hang out. After the first few times Mason in return said she should stop by the bakery sometime and come visit them at their home if she could manage to make the trip. And once she did Mason's life took another big turn, though this time around it was definitely for the better.

When Chitose arrived it didn't take long to find out about Mason's love for magical girls. I mean,,, all it really took was one look at their room which was full of their collections of DVDs, manga, figures, wands, and any plenty other merch to know they had a real passion for it. Seeing that passion had her really excited for reasons she kept secret for the first few times she visited. Once she felt it had been long enough and they were close enough though, Chitose revealed to them that secretly she was a Magical Girl, and with Mason's passion and dedication that she had now grown to see she knew they would make the PERFECT addition to her team. And well,,, the start of it too since until now she had been working on her own. Mason of course was skeptical at first, I mean as much as they wanted to be a Magical Girl in the past they still knew it wasn't actually possible, right? So the next time she had a small battle to fight that was safe enough to bring Mason along with, she did just that so she could prove herself. Even then Mason was still hesistant but after seriously pondering it for a week that seemed like an eternity, they accepted.

After that Mason was taken to the organization of Magical Girls Chitose worked for and thus began their training to be the Magical Girl they always dreamed of being.


Nowadays Chitose and Mason are still extremely close friends, perhaps even more so now that they share the same secret. The both graduated from highschool and even attented each other's graduation ceremonies and spend as much time goofing off with each other as they can. Mason has picked up a new interest for idols though mostly just enough that they can support Chitose and start a merch collection dedicated to ONLY her's, they're sure to make it to every one of her shows or concerts, and makes sure to promote when one is coming up to anyone they interact with. They still work at their mom's bakery as well and so for the most part their life today is pretty much the same as when they first met Chitose. Only difference is now ocassionally on the side they get to live out their dreams and kick ass a magical fighter when trouble arises.



Chitose Ichinose [ Best friend/Magical Team Partner ]

"Chitose was the first friend I made once I moved. I really really love her a lot, she's really cool and fun to hang around,,,, even if she is a big bully to me all the time. *chuckles* It's also thanks to her I got to actually fufill my childhood dream of becoming a Magical Girl!! It's kinda crazy honestly but she's helped me out a lot with it and we work really well together. I couldn't ask for a better friend honestly and I'd give everything for her."


Yoana Holloway [ Friend ]

"I met Yoana once when her, Cas, and their host came to Japan for a trip. She's sure full of energy... Though I suppose Chitose is similar so I'm not that unfamiliar with it. She really likes anime too so now when we visit each other every so often we have marathons together, I've shown her a lot of Magical Girl series of course and still have more I want to introduce her to! She likes to cook too so we have fun baking together as well."


Caspian Bellerose [ Acquinted friend ]

"Cas is really... really pretty. I'll admit they intimidate me because of that a little bit. I really admire them though, they're an openly genderfluid model and always seems so confident in themself. I really hope I can be like that too someday. I also really only know them since they're Yoana's roommate? Housemate? I don't know they live together. We do still interact a little on visits though because of that."

❥ For more of Mason's relationships go to their links tab in the left sidebar! I just wanted to keep this part of their bio simple with the most prominent characters involved in their story.

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