Laplace (VTM AU)



(Learned how to play VTMs TTRPG and now I'm doing AUs of some of my vampires so I can DM a game for my wife. I need something to do with this 600 pages of knowledge
I'm like.....50% following VTM lore. If there is something wrong lore wise, it's probably on purpose. I'm opting to ignore things because my dumbass can. )

TW: Brief cult mention

DOB: 1502, June 2

Embrace Date: 1524, September 17

Clan: Caitiff

Generation: 8th

Backstory: Laplace fell into the sights of two Toreadors in their early twenties, and quickly found themself pulled into the twos clutches. Part cult, part means to gather lovers and potential progeny, the two Kindred found themselves constantly teetering on what was allowed by the newly established Camrilla's rules. Laplace isn't sure exactly what happened, they just know that the two vampires got into a fight that resulted in Estiene killing Jaspar, and they were embraced the same night. Laplace thinks that they may have been embraced as some sort of twisted way of Estiene dealing with the guilt of murdering his oldest friend, that or maybe Estiene had some sort of plan to use them to get out of trouble but didn't have enough time to finish his plot.

Either way, Estiene's intent or reason didn't matter, the Prince of the area soon heard of the murder of Jaspar and Laplace found themself entangled in the situation. They were caught and brought before the Prince. Made without permission by a kinslayer, an unfortunate situation that would normally sentence one to final death, but the Prince opted to show a shred of mercy. By rules of lex talionis, Estiene was to be hunted. If Laplace could catch and kill their sire, all would be forgiven. Maybe by pure luck or their sire allowing them to catch him, Laplace cornered him and committed the act of diablerie, saving their life and lowering their generation to 8.

Laplace found himself in the city of Wardell in the late 1700s, and soon purchasing a tavern that would later be added on to and several times renovated to become a hotel with a club in the basement.

Current: Laplace believes they survived the bullshit that happened during 1987 due to their lack of clan. Existing barely in the Camrilla and often forgotten until someone needs something, when centuries of sabotage and backstabbing came crashing down they were spared the worst of it.  The violent instability that currently grips Wardell isn't exactly a joy, though it's certainly better than being a pile of ash.