Idutlian Banyan (🍃|| Avatar AU)



11 months, 25 days ago


she/any 68727991_QMhcAUVRTEk2axy.gif

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Hi, my name is Inia, I'm quite the experienced airbender if I do say so myself!
My profile is long and extensive, and my lore contains themes of violence, death, mental health and immortality.
I hope you can learn some cool things about me!
/ / /
Give Me The Future Bastille
People Say Portugal. The Man
Trust Issues Emei
New Direction Sloan Peterson
Constellations The Oh Hellos
As It Was Hozier


calm • observant • at peace


Inia has been around for many years, more than anyone she knows. She is not sure what has granted her immortality, but she guesses it has to do with the scars. It has been a lonely couple of centuries but has lately made some important friends and helped save the world with her Airbending and spiritiual powers.

I know it's frusting to not know, but I'm sure an answer will come to you. Wisdom takes time.


榕樹 伊尼亞
March 3rd
Blood type
Lawful Neutral

Inia's current ribbons

15988440_kyGKU7ZGvay2DYm.png?1565834470 15994134_9UPUgphY1EnRGoa.png 15990354_hAHCSvdWScCQ3zO.png?1565843566 16052989_wDBMvquIL8CnL4O.png 16053155_2plSXegZwPBsbUE.png 15986425_Pi0PHoaGFrxZ34N.png?1565834552 revelation.png shapeshifter.png 31158334_9TS2phJZjI0zjU5.png 50774128_PlV4ji6jnhC15Lx.png mirror_image.png queer.png sV8B3zE.png SGkqBnG.png
Peaceful Attitude
Right dominant hand
The Moon Tarot
Mediator Archetype
Crow Spirit animal
Western Air Temples Favourite Place


extroverted introverted
instinctive calculated
deceptive sincere
unjust fair
indifferent emotional
reserved affectionate
cooperative lone wolf


  • Patient with others
  • Kind
  • Considerate
  • Timid
  • Observant
  • Trust issues
  • Hides secrets
  • Hard to open
  • Cannot lead


Food Egg Custard Tart
Drink Milk
Scent Electric Burn
Color Red
Flower Lotus
Season Spring
Time of day Evening
Clothing item Red Wrap Cloth
Weather Windy
World Spirit World


  • Inia had an encounter with a spirit that left her immortal. She had helped the spirit out of danger and it had accidentally hurt her, scaring her. It blessed her with eternal life as sorry.
  • During and after the 100 Year War, she had to go into hidding in order to protect herself. She was on the White Lotus' protection list until it was safe for her again.
  • Inia is a vegetarian, but ate meat during the 100 Year War as self preservation to stay hidden.
  • Inia constantly travelled to never stay in one place too long. She hasn't made many friends because of this, but has some very close ones.
  • She often visits the Spirit World just to chat with Iroh.
  • She is a friend to most spirits, as she has spent a lot of time wondering their homes.


Quirks & habits

She is a friend to poeple, animals and spirits. She is a kind soul with the patience of someone with all the time in the world. She is more than happy to impart her knowledge onto others, but prefers that they have a go at learning themselves. She is often found meditating as she loves to spend a lot of time in both worlds.

Communication skills

You have to talk to her first. She does not lead, especially in conversation. She will talk a lot if you ask her questions though. She is mostly quiet and observant otherwise.

The 100 Year War stopped her from starting conversations, but she's getting better at it again.

Showing affection

Inia is not picky in ways to show affection, she knows she is loved and makes sure others know they are loved. However, her favourite way to show others she loves them is to give them gifts that remind her of them.


  • Spirits
  • Bending
  • Fresh leaves
  • Adventuring
  • Having her hair brushed
  • Swimming


  • Raiko
  • Heat
  • Meat
  • Aggressiveness
  • Earth Queen
  • Lack of freedom


  • Dying
  • Having her face stolen
  • Being stuck in the dark
  • Being found out
  • Being killed with the rest of her Nation


  • Adventuring
  • Meditating
  • Story telling
  • Making bracelets
  • Swimming
  • Drawing

Design notes

  • She has a collection of clothes that change depending on her current circumstances, but prefers her airbending outfit.
  • Her red cloth is very versatile and is used in all her looks.
  • Her clothes come from a time long gone, and she hates the feeling of the current clothes. She does not mind the glider suits.
  • Likes to have her hair in a braid as it mostly stays out of the way.
  • Always wears her friendship bracelets around her ankle.
designer: Ghostal
worth: $140 USD


Treetop Cathedral #304b1c


Paper Heart #f8dbc3
Roses in the Snow #e9afcb
Master's Tattoo #80b0ba


Turtle #4c3c2e


Red Cloth #a2353d
Friendship Band (Rua) #5c72b0
Friendship Band (Mako) #c02d38

Early Days

  • Inia is from the Western Air Temple.
  • She was never very good at airbending, but has always been a close friend to the spirits.
  • She learnt how to meditate into the Spirit World at a very early age.
  • She received her scars at 24.

A Favourite Place

  • She loves to visit the Spirit World, and knows how to get almost anywhere. She has become friends with most of the spirits there.
  • She has built trust with important spirits as well, such as Wan Shi Tong. She loves to spend her time in his library.
  • She finds it easy to bring people with her, but she will only do it if she trusts them deeply.

The 100 Year War

  • She is forced to go into hiding, as the genocide puts a target on her head. At first, she thinks she may be the last airbender left.
  • She travels a lot to always be on the move. She hides her tattoos and her airbending.
  • The White Lotus are aware of her existance, and help to protect her from further harm.
  • She meets Rua and they bond over the fact they have to be on the run.


  • She still struggles with firebenders, but is starting to come out of that fear now that she has firebenders she can trust.
  • She now helps Tenzin with the new generation, so happy that the airbenders are coming back. She is very kind with them, and loves to show them to the spirits.
  • Her and Mako become more serious, for the first time in her life finding a real romantic partner. She feels like for the first time in her life she actually has a group of close friends to go to.


Attack Defence Speed Stamina Protection Support


  • She cannot attack first, as an airbender and on principle.
  • Firebending still can cause her to shut down.
  • She protects everyone else before herself, which has caused her to come close to death.
  • Very hot environments.
Tactic Evasion unless needed
Attitude patient
Distance Prefers around 10m
Weapon Bending

Skills & abilities


The ability to manipulate air.


She was never really good at airbending, but with over 400 years of it up her sleeve she has become practiced in all the forms and uses it comes with. She finds comfort in beind able to airbend now.

Spiritual Projection

The ability to project the spirit out of the body.


She's always been in touch with her spiritual self, so has been good as using the spiritual abilities that come with her airbending history, but she does not use this power very often.

Sense of Spirit

Seeing others and meditating.


She is able to sense where others are through their spiritual energy, and by trying to feel for them through anything. She is also very good at meditating into the spirit world, being able to bring others with her.

• Close Friend •

Inia has had many friends over the years, but none as close as she has been with Rua. She would lay down her life for her, and knows that Rua feels the same way. They are attatched by the hip, and do almost everything together, and go everywhere together. They make a good fighting pair as well, being in sync with each others moves.

They met when skipping rocks, and somehow Inia had the most skips (she was airbending).

• Friend •

Inia enjoys fighting with Avira, and loves the look of her lava. She has never become friends with a lavabender until now. She likes to play games with her, and go exploring through the city with her. They love to spend a lot of time together just generally messing around. She still struggles with trusting people but Avira helps her get through that barrier.

She met Avira through Korra, but grew closer with her than the rest of the group.

• Friends and More •

Inia meets with the Krew after Harmonic Convergence. She presents herself as a new airbender that joins while they search through the Earth Kingdom, though later admits to who she is. This becomes apparent with her high airbending and spiritual skills. She helps fight the Red Lotus, and after they are defeated, helps Tenzin teach the airbenders about their history.

Korra & CO

Avatar Korra [ friends ]

Inia has immense respect for Korra, and appreciates all the work she does. She puts herself towards helping Korra's cause, and can often offer her help and wisdom. She enjoys talking and sparring with her, as the Avatar is always going to be a good challenge. She teaches Korra a lot about airbending, and the different techniques she can use.

Asami Sato [ friends ]

Inia also confides within Asami, alongside Rua. She finds Asami to be good company, who sees her issues and offers her good advice. They like to joke around together, and love playing pai sho on a rainy day. Asami tends to win, but Inia gets her back in their nonbending sparring matches. Inia loves to learn about new technology from Asami too, always expanding her knowledge.

Tenzin[ close friend ]

Inia looks up to Tenzin, though she is much older than him, she has immense respect for the work and effort he's put into holding what's left of the Air Nation together. He has a special fondness for her, as she offers to help train the new generation of airbenders, and shows them all the techniques from her time of living.

Mako[ boyfriend ]

Mako and Inia find that even though they care about each other, they often find themselves arguing with each other like siblings. They get into stupid arguments and tend to fight with their fists, but they would never hurt each other. Inia loves to play pranks on Mako too, which he plays back even though he says they're too childish. They also have pretty intense sparring sessions. It takes them a long time, but eventually they realise their feelings for each other when they experience near death together.

Bolin [ close friend ]

Inia inherently has a closer relationship to Bolin due to Mako and Avira. She tends to hang out with him, Avira and Rua the most, as they all enjoy adventuring. Maple and Pabu also get along great, which started off their relationship strong. They enjoy talking and often pull pranks on one another that get more insane as time passes. She enjoys sparring with him as earthbending is a challenging for her, as she loves the look of lava.

Jinora[ close friend ]

Inia sees Jinora like a niece. She teaches her a lot of advanced airbending skills, as well as helps her devlop her spiritual abilities. Jinora is glad to have someone to teach her, and grows fond of Inia. They tend to travel into the spirit world together to enjoy the spirits and just generally have some fun in their down time. Inia often takes Jinora out for more intensive training.
