
1 year, 7 months ago



Family: Nail, Screw (sisters) Chip (brother, now deceased) Plank (mother), Feather (father) Hammer (grandfather) Maple (grandmother) Rose (aunt) Triangle and Square (cousins)

Age: Adult (51 years old in human years)

Wood is a rat who lives in the city of New York with his colony. He is A very sassy and laid-back rat. He often likes to make fun of others but in a lighthearted and playful way of course. He’s an adopted older brother to Elm. Wood is very cynical and it may seem like he doesn’t care, but that’s not true because he’s very caring. He has a soft spot for his family and younger rat pups and animals. He doesn’t like cats very much due to one of them killing his mother, but he does know one mistake shouldn’t affect everyone. Wood hates humans even more than cats though. Due to the death of his mother he struggles making friendships, opening up and getting attached in fear of doing something wrong or getting them killed. Though he does love his siblings and would do anything to protect his colony, his only home. He also has a passion for freedom and justice.

Wood also knows and speaks Spanish, just like his mother! 

When he meets Spike, Rock and Elm as children he becomes very protective of them