Sumati B'anh



1 year, 6 months ago


Sumati B'anh


Sumati is a joyful little fella. She's very laidback about most things in her life and prefers to look on the bright side of things, and to help others do the same. But even tho she's cheery and easy-going, she has a side of her that can be serious, protective and devoted.

  • nature
  • heavy weapon
  • three
  • four
  • five
  • politics
  • reading
  • rude people
  • four
  • five


  • She grew up in an orphanage, her whole family was destroyed when she was a baby, it was caused by her best friend's family - Magellan's, but neither of them know and will never learn about it. She would've forgave him anyways' since he's not connected to the crimes of his family.
  • She had a good childhood despite being an orphan - her caretaker took the role of her mother, and she was friendly to other kids there too. She easily makes friends nowadays, even with people who most would avoid.
  • In argonian form she changes the color of her skin from green in summer to black for the rest of the seaons. She also has red feathers growing side to side to her hair.
  • She avoids having a permanent job and has a humble lifestyle, not needing much to feel comfortable anywhere.

Close friend

Magi and Sumati met somewhere in their mutual adventures, before Magi got his life back together after rather traumatic events. She saw good in him behind his facade, and even tho Magi wanted to leave as soon as possible, Sumati clamed him as her friend and even offered to stay at her place while he's looking for his own home. It broke the initial ice Magellan has for other people, and they slowly became very close friends.

Ja'ari Sakhar

Open relationship

Sumati and Ja'ari are casual girfriends. They met as kids, and grew to like each other more than friends in adulthood. They rarely see each other, but always like to spend time together when they do.


Close friend

Sumati grew up in the same village as Chili, but while he was a teen - she was a baby. Chili left on his own adventure, returning years after, only to learn that Sumati doesn't remember him. Nontheless it didn't prevent them from quickly becoming close friends - they are rather similar in their character and they are both lizards!



Sumati met Amaro through Magellan. They mostly hang out in a group.

Dar'jo Kanay

Committed relationship

Sumati and Dar'jo are in a committed romantic relationship. They jokingly (or not?) reffer to each other as wife and husband.


Floating Heads - Sister Crayon

Пофигу - БИ-2

Черное солнце - БИ-2

Mothman - Unequal, Alex Maas

Merci - Stromae