Neves Silva



1 year, 5 months ago



Name Information

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Occupation Information

Residence Information

Worth Information

Designer Information

Design Notes

  • The white underlayer of her outfit is the training uniform she and the other "students" in Caudecus were required to wear throughout testing. The outer layer is the lab coat she wore to sneak out from the facility. 
  • Her corset, veil, and other decorative details on her outfit are from unsellable/damaged wedding dresses processed through the bridal shop she works at.  
  • She prefers gold jewelry, partially because it compliments her skin tone, but mostly because she appreciates the irony of it combined with her last name. She's still waiting for someone to get the joke.
  • Maecenas eget faucibus urna. Integer malesuada enim eu lobortis porttitor.
  • Duis ut leo sed ante vestibulum sodales quis vel mi.

Neves Silva


Neves is the ghost at the back of the classroom, off in her own world as she doodles complex patterns in the back of her notebook. She appears and disappears as she likes, and if you're not careful, you won't see her go. She's got a quiet type of confidence and self assuredness that is often underestimated, and prevents people from questioning her actions until after they've already been pranked. Nobody really knows where she came from, and she tends to act strangely in the world- like she hasn't been around for a particularly long time. 

She speaks relatively rarely, no matter how well you know her, but when she does, she does so bluntly and brutally. Most of the time, her observations are simply stated and disturbingly accurate, but she also has a habit of using the same deadpan tone calling out a lie as offering odd shower thoughts and concerning facts. Ex: "Only a thief wishes prosperity for you." (via BoredPanda)


  • Comfortable clothes. In Caduceus, most of her things were cheap and disposable, and she struggled with the texture, so she leans towards anything soft & cuddly. 
  • Abandoned houses & cities. She found they were a place where she could practice her abilities undisturbed, and likes to imagine who used to live there. 
  • Liminal spaces. They are, like her, an aftereffect of playing with forces you don't understand. 
  • Books. She fricking loves books, man. 


  • False pretenses. She's good at picking up on things that don't ring true, whether it's the façade of an organization, a literal illusion, or a questionable intention. 
  • Governments. For the abovementioned reasons. She also dislikes being controlled. 
  • Things being destroyed when they can be reused or left to rest. 
  • Items without an evident 'purpose'. A staircase leading to nowhere. A door in a frame, standing after the walls have already been destroyed. (Shopping at Lowes is a nightmare.)


After her mother's expulsion from the Caduceus Foundation and subsequent designation as a threat to Halcyon, Neves was brought into the care of the Foundation in the hopes she could succeed where her parent could not. Her mother, she was told, had enrolled in Caduceus as a  teenager to strengthen her subpar abilities. In the course of her admission, as a result of the foundation's 'experimentation', she'd excelled beyond their highest expectations. She'd begun, barely able to open a portal to the next room- but her final report listed, in detail what she'd accomplished: not only recovering arcane objects and energies from another dimension, but solidifying a permanent portal to it- and others- Caduceus was now exploring. 

Neves was warned about the hunger her mother had displayed- which, unchecked, had led to her eventual dismissal as an agent. She knew the existence of the same hunger, inherited, in herself. She loved the way she could clip through the universe itself, and turn locations hundreds of miles away into a step through a door. She fed on the wonder and awe of new universes at her fingertips. She obsessed over the strange crystals filled with brand-new energies she'd found in another dimension. And what was more enthralling than all of that- was the knowledge that she was capable of more. And despite their warnings of the hunger, with every new discovery, every strange relic she brought back- all Caduceus did was feed it for their own gain. And she would've gone along with it, if it hadn't been for their newest efforts playing god: resurrection.


Neves had never met a corpse before, but upon meeting Shard, she could truthfully say that the previously dead were not what she'd expected. They were, for one thing, younger. It wasn't as though she'd been expecting Caduceus to ressurrect a middle-aged super, but seeing them carefully step into their new room in an oversized training suit and eyes still blinking against the light? Shard's physical form couldn't have been older than fourteen- and its consciousness was brand new. And despite the superior introducing her as 'Neves', they did not hesitate to call her their sibling. 

Neves wasn't prepared in the least to be a role model, but someone had to explain social interaction. It probably shouldn't be her, given that she'd only begun to figure it out for herself recently, but she accepted the assignment nonetheless. It didn't take her long to come to the realization Shard deserved more than the life Caduceus offered. Given that they weren't prone to letting their experiments away from the campus often, the logical next step was for her to break them both out. So that's exactly what she did. 

Neves met Jean Deaux when they agreed to model for the bridal boutique she was working at- but it was in the alleyway outside two hours later, Jean's dressed ripped, Neves' knuckles scraped, going through the pockets of a trio of masked thugs when the connection really sunk in. And upon learning that the thugs had come from an organization Neves was trying to separate herself and her younger sibling from, Jean wasted no time in agreeing to help out. 

In the days that followed, Neves's initial reservations turned to interest- though they'd chosen modelling as a trade, Deaux had formerly been involved with a manipulative supramundane organization as well. They bonded over their abilities, considered unnatural even by supramundane standards, the strangeness of civilian life, and their ultimate decisions to separate themselves from systems that only cared about their powers. 

They stayed in abandoned buildings while they formulated their plans, and Jean's ever-shifting appearance kept anyone from recognizing them as they prodded at the Foundation's weaknesses. Their particular brands of chaos rarely worked well with others'- but somehow, combined, when it came to taking on Caduceus- they were a perfect match. 

