


1 year, 5 months ago


Nika Jane

01 — Profile

Name Vixquen
Nicknames Vix
Age Roughly 26
Gender Female ( she/her )
Height 16"

Energy Manipulation

Species Crisalli
Orientation Straight
Role Interdimensional Murder Queen

Everything I've done has been for the good of this world.
  • Sleek, crystal-like fur and regal posture

  • Gem embedded in tail

  • Almost always wearing crown

  • She wanted to make sure she could lead her world the way she thought it should be led... the price never mattered to her.

02 — Personality

Ambitious, Cunning, Paranoid

Vixquen's defining trait is her paranoia. Every move that she makes stems from the overwhelming desire to check her blind spots, cover her tracks, ensure that no one will get an upper hand over her and that she will always have power over everyone. She is exceedingly cunning and has contingency plans for her contingency plans, absolutely obsessed with ensuring that she appears exactly the way that she wants to appear. She genuinely wants to make her dimension a better place, but her ambition is skewed by her pure paranoia and her desires have turned more and more from helping others to making sure that she will stay in the position to help others; in her mind, the throne is the only acceptable position for this, and anything less will never satisfy her.

  • feeling in control

  • security

  • her crown

  • wide, open spaces

  • loss of control

  • any sort of threats

  • dwelling on the past

  • closed-in spaces

03 — Background

Rise to Power

Vixquen has been the ruler of Mid-Way for as long as most care to remember, though in reality this has only been a few years. She had challenged the previous ruler for the crown when she was very young, and has held onto it tightly ever since. It was her sister, Syma, who first suggested that they issue a challenge, and Vixquen was quick to agree. They fought their way to power with Vixquen as the spearhead and Syma as the schemer behind the scenes. Both of them believed that their rule would benefit their dimension, and once they succeeded in claiming the throne they worked to help build their dimension more; once again with Vixquen as the figurehead, and Syma behind the scenes. For the most part, the sisters held a peaceful rule and no one challenged them… for a while, at least.

Steady Decline

Vixquen’s problem has never been that she is a bad ruler; it was always her paranoia. She murdered her sister, Syma, in order to ensure that she would keep the throne for herself, and since then has been absolutely paranoid that someone will find out about the blood on her paws. She framed Safia for the murder, as she was very outspoken about her complaints against Vixquen’s rule. That combined with the fact that Safia was well-known as a powerful magic user made Vixquen fear that she would someday lead an uprising. She planned to have Safia imprisoned for life, and was very confident in her plan. However, when Safia escaped imprisonment, Vixen’s paranoia spiked. She became increasingly determined to ensure that no one would know about the murder she commited to gain power, and began arranging assassinations on anyone who seemed like they may have an idea of the truth. It is quickly getting out of hand, to the point where citizens have become afraid to utter words against the throne for fear that they will be attacked by some unknown force. No one truly knows what is happening, but the situation is worsening by the day.


Nowadays Vixquen’s rule is quickly spinning out of her control. Her paranoia consumes her, and the stains of blood that mark her rule are becoming harder and harder to cover up with each passing day. She continues on though, blind to the way that the dimension is faltering under her tyrannical rule.

04 — Fun Facts

  • Vixquen truly believed that she was doing the right thing when she killed her sister. She wanted to ensure stability throughout the kingdom and feared what would happen if her sister attempted to claim power.

05 — Relationships


Vixquen and Syma were exceedingly close as kids. They relied on each other, as crisalli siblings should, and as they grew up they remained close... but then ambition grew in both of their hearts. Vixquen loved Syma, but as the two of them claimed the throne she began to grow paranoid. Before long she was convinced that her sister would stab her in the back for total control and so, she did the only thing she could think to do; she struck first.


Vixquen knew that Scorp was a guard with a lot of ambition, and not a lot of scrutiny. He was always a bludgeon, willing and able to take out threats at the simplest order if he thought that it would push him further in the ranks. Vixquen took note of this early on, and quickly fashioned Scorp into the perfect scapegoat. He always made the arrests he was told to without thought of consequence, and gave Vixquen a perfect person to pin blame on if one of the arrests went awry.


Vixquen has viewed Safia as a threat from the moment that she first heard rumor of the crisalli's supposed power. The young crisalli's abilities were frequently murmured about even before she made a life for herself spreading gossip and slander about the crown... once these activities began, Vixquen instantly increased her threat level to something that needed to be taken care of. Safia provided the perfect scapegoat for Syma's murder, and Vixquen was sure that she killed two birds with one stone... at least, until she escaped.

Now that Safia is on the loose in another dimension, Vixquen's paranoia has ramped up. She has increased the amount of guard patrols throughout Mid-Way, and is determined to either recapture the escapee, or make sure she stays out of the dimension for good.


Vixquen could have cared less who Grold was until she caught sight of him in her palace after another cover-up murder. He instantly went from nobody to an immediate threat. Plus, now that he has escaped the dimension, Vixquen is paranoid that he may eventually meet up with Safia... and terrified of what that could mean for her rule.