


1 year, 5 months ago


"Your under my control."




Puppeteer is a mysterious crime boss who makes fortunes off of selling C.H.A.I.N.S. Weapons and other organization items. She knows how to get what she wants and is good at getting into people's heads. Only Kitsune and a few others have seen what the puppeteer looks like, But she usually watches her employees through a monitor or uses holograms. Other heroes avoid her because of her skilled ability, Control and possession. Once her strings touch you, you become a mindless puppet. She turns others into actual puppet dolls if she feels like it. Puppeteer isn’t actually her name. Her real name is Penny. Penny grew up in a small village near the forest side of sakura. When her parents had her, They were horrified to find out that their precious daughter was born with the rare disease, osteogenesis imperfecta. A rare disease that causes not normally formed and fragile bones, making Penny being born with broken bones. She was given the name Penny from how fragile and small she was. Because of her rare disease, Her parents had no idea what to do with her or how to raise a child that could break her bones just from a flick. This led to Penny being neglected and alone. Penny tried to get her parents attention and tried everything to show them she’s not as weak as they saw her as. But it was just no use.. The only one there for her was her older brother, Vallen. Vallen has always been supportive of Penny and has always been by her side. It was these two siblings against the world. Penny was a very shy, insecure, quiet kid. Because of her fragile bones, she wasn’t allowed to play with the other kids at the village. She wasn’t even allowed to be outside unless it was from her cabin balcony. It was just too much of a risk to break a bone. Penny spent most of her time watching everything afar from the balcony. She would watch the other kids, wishing she could be normal just like them. But deep down she knew that she would never be normal, and she hated it. Penny also had a bad relationship with her parents. Although they were over protective of Penny, they also completely neglected her when it didn’t come to her safety. When they looked at her, All they saw was a failure. They would even go as far as physical abuse. When Penny dropped something or asked too many questions, They would claw her or strike her, breaking her bones. They justified it as her learning how to behave and deal with real problems in the world. Penny got so terrified of being hit and breaking another bone that she just stayed silent all the time. She would usually only interact with Vallen. Penny also hated the way they treated Vallen. Vallen was always positive about and pretended not to notice, but Penny absolutely hated the way her parents neglected him. He was treated like he didn’t even exist and was punished for when something went wrong. Vallen made Penny promise that she wouldn’t confront her parents about it, so she never did. Despite their not so great home life. Penny and Vallen had each other and that's all they needed. They got through the suffering together. But things only got worse. When her parents didn’t even care to tell Penny no anymore. Penny would go outside and finally explore around her village. But something she wanted for so long turned into a thing she would hate. When Vallen wasn’t there to defend her, The other kids saw how fragile and vulnerable Penny was and saw her as a target to push around. They would throw small rocks at her out of nowhere. On purposely bump into her and would even physically hurt her for fun. Everytime Penny went out she would come back with scars and bruises from everyone targeting her. All she wanted was to make some friends and meet rapterians that were her age. But her expectations were shattered. Of course, She could have just stopped exploring the village. But Penny would rather explore her village and spend her time outside then break another bone from her parents. Vallen noticed the scars and wounds on Penny every time she came home and immediately knew the other kids targeted his sister. He would follow her everytime she went out and defend her from any harm. Because of the rumors about Vallen being cursed and his tall height, the other kids left Penny alone when Vallen defended her. Penny now felt safe and could safely walk around her village finally, Thanks to her brother. But again, Things got worse. Vallen would start crying and screaming in the middle of the night when he was supposed to be asleep. His parents just thought it was just him having nightmares at first, But it started happening every night. When his parents asked him what was wrong, Vallen would claim to see spirits from the corrupted forest attacking him in his sleep. But his parents pushed it off as childish behavior for attention and just nightmares. But when in reality, Vallen had the ability to see corrupted dead spirits. He tried telling everyone in his village that there were monsters attacking him, but everyone just saw him as insane. The only one that ever believed him and comforted him was Penny. It got to the point where his parents saw Vallen as an insane kid that needed serious help. His father had enough of the lies and would lock Vallen in a small basement until he stopped crying. But that only made things worse because now Vallen was trapped with the corrupted spirits that kept on attacking and torturing him. The basement didn’t help and everyone could hear Vallen’s cries for help in the middle of the night. Penny couldn’t take it anymore and would sneak out food for Vallen so he could calm down. This is how he survived, But unfortunately, Penny was caught after doing it every night. Her parents just thought more punishment was needed. They broke Penny’s bones in front of Vallen. Because he couldn’t stand to watch his little sister suffering, It triggered something in him. Vallen attacked his parents to protect Penny. Little did he know this is exactly what they wanted. Now there was an actual reason to say Vallen was mentally unstable. This was all a plan to get rid of Vallen since he was such an annoyance. Vallen was taken away to an asylum so he could get “better” while Penny was left alone. Her brother, Best friend, her only friend was now gone. Now there was no one to protect her. Penny became more paranoid and afraid of everything trying to target and hurt her. She stayed out of her balcony which was away from any other kid and her parents. But even when she was safe. Being without her brother was torture to her and all she could do was worry about him. When Vallen did come back, he was traumatized and was scared to even mention the spirits anymore. The only reason everyone thought he was better was because he lied that the spirits were all made up and for attention. But Penny knew the truth, She knew deep down he was suffering from spirits tormenting him. Months passed and for the first time, three kids walked up to Penny and invited her to play. Penny was shocked but happy someone finally asked her. Penny happily accepted and thought that she finally made some friends, But Vallen didn’t trust them and despites his efforts of warning Penny. She thought he was being overly dramatic. These three kids were the first ones to include Penny in anything and treated her like she was an actual member of their friend group, but she was just being used. One day the kids invited Penny to come meet them in the forest. Excited and a bit confused, She agreed and went to the woods on her own to find her friends. But when Penny couldn’t find any of them, She called for them in confusion. Penny found herself near the edge of a mountain. But before she can back away from the edge. Her “friends” jumped out of the bushes and pushed Penny off the edge. At first she was confused. But she instantly recognized the voices that were shouting. She knew that she was just used and she was betrayed. At first the kids thought it was a silly prank but instantly realized they might have possibly killed Penny. They were horrified, but were afraid of anyone finding out. They instead just walked away and pretended they had no idea where Penny went. But Penny was still alive. Every bone in her body was broken, She couldn’t move and she was slowly bleeding out. All she could think about is what did she do so wrong to deserve this and what would Vallen do if he found out the only person that cared for him was dead. Penny should have died after the impact. But she fell near a dark cherry blossom flower. Of course Cherry blossoms are common in sakura since the land is surrounded by a giant blossom tree. But what do the black ones stand for? These black flowers are to be avoided at all cost. They appear as beautiful flowers to lure their victims, But use strings to possess them and eat or control their victims. The black blossom flower near Penny should have done the same, but instead took pity for the little rapterian. The strings wrap around her and bond inside of her. Her bounds wrap together around her bones until they fully healed. Penny stayed there not moving for three days, She hoped someone could come find her but no one did. By the time Penny could fully move, She placed the flower on her ear. Thinking it might bring good luck for her since it did save her life. Penny eventually finds her way home into the village. She expects to see someone run to her for aid and be relieved that she’s okay. But her expectations again were shattered to see the only one who was worried and did run to her was Vallen. Vallen informed Penny that no one seemed to care when she disappeared. Not even her parents went out to look for her. This broke Penny and despite Vallen trying to cheer her up. Penny just locked herself in her room and started crying for hours, which turned to days. Penny couldn’t believe no one cared she went missing, not even her parents. The three kids avoided Penny now and again, she was alone. One night, Penny cried so much that she had a mental breakdown. This triggered her new found abilities. Thanks to the flower, Penny was now able to have a connection with any string. Her mental breakdown levitated the strings from her plushies she collected and they went out for everyone in the village. By the time Penny stopped crying, she was shocked to find that everyone was now possessed and now in her control, Even her parents. The only one who wasn’t in her control was Vallen. They were both shocked to find everyone wrapped around in strings. Penny was now terrified, Knowing she would be sent to an asylum if they found out about her and the dark cherry blossom. Seeing his sister in distress, Vallen knew Penny would be taken away. He knew the abuse an asylum could do, and there was no way he would ever let them hurt his little sister. Vallen and Penny ran away that night and when Penny got far enough, Everyone was free from her control. The two siblings were stuck living in the woods for weeks. They were found by the national felonies unit and brought to an orphanage. The orphanage was slightly better then their home since there was no abuse and everyone was respectful and kind. But Penny was still paranoid and wasn’t used to others being so nice to her. So she was still distant and ignored all the other kids. While she was distant, Penny always loved dolls and plushies. While everyone went to sleep, Penny would collect plushies and practice her abilities on them. She became really good at puppeteering and she would set up little puppet plays for the other kids. They seem to enjoy her plays and it did make Penny happy for a little while. After months of living in the orphanage. A rapterian couple came to the orphanage. Penny showed them her little puppet acts and they enjoyed it. Penny and Vallen were adopted by the couple and they were the complete opposite of what their parents were. They took care of Penny and Vallen and treated them with a lot of love and care. Even though they were adopted, They cared for the two siblings like their actual children. They were aware of Penny’s disease and although they were protective. They still let her explore the village on her own sometimes, Which would turn out to be a mistake. Puppeteer ended up making best friends with two rapterians named Bellina and Emma. Bellina and Emma were part of the national felonies unit, But although they were usually busy, They were still close. Penny fell in love with one of the rapterians in her new village. He worked with Emma and Bellina, and was also part of the national felonies unit. She was shy at first, but when she finally confessed he expressed he felt the same way. But it was a lie. Vallen noticed how he was very emotionally abusive to Penny. He was able to convince Penny that no one would ever love her but him, Vallen and her adopted parents were just tricking her like how her fake friends tricked her and pushed her off a cliff. It angered Vallen, but Penny made him promise he wouldn’t do anything about it. Despite the abuse, Penny was still madly in love with him and because she was abused most of her life. She couldn’t tell the difference between love and toxic love. Vallen would watch this happen and get more upset everyday, and even though he wanted to help his sister, he kept his promise. But things got worse. One day, Emma informed Penny that Bellina was killed on one of their missions. The news broke Penny, and she just ran off crying. Instead of comforting her, her lover told her that it was somehow all her fault and brought up how she couldn’t even say goodbye to Bellina. It led to a huge argument and Penny ran off into the forest. Her lover went after her and Vallen happened to see the two. Worrying for his sister, he followed them. Penny ended up going to Bellina’s grave so she could say her last goodbyes. Vallen ended up making it to Penny first, but before he could say anything. He could see that Penny’s lover was sneaking up behind her. Vallen then knew exactly what was happening. The national felonies unit ordered him to kill Penny after the incident in their old village. Vallen wouldn’t let it happen. Just like with his parents, he snapped when his sister was in danger. Vallen attacked Penny’s “lover” before he could stab her. Vallen didn’t even think and by the time he calmed down. He realized that he snapped the rapterians neck and he died instantly. Penny was there to witness the whole thing. At that moment, she realized that she had been lied to again. She never blamed her brother for what happened. She knew that Vallen would always be there for her and could never hurt her. Penny and Vallen ran away, leaving a note for their adoptive parents. Vallen and Penny left Sakura and made their way to the city. Over the years of running away, Vallen ended up learning how to control his abilities and could fully turn into a corrupted monster when he learned full control. Penny mastered her abilities of string control and could fully control small dolls and plushies she collected. Penny found a small criminal gang to work at so they could make money to survive. However, Weeks of work were only more and more abuse for both Vallen and Penny. Penny hated it and she made a plan behind her brother's back. Penny challenged the gang leader to a fight and whoever won would lead the criminal gang. Vallen was terrified when he found out and everyone just laughed at Penny. But when the gang leader tried attacking Penny. What he didn’t know was Penny already planned everything. Penny controlled the dolls she would practice on, and at her will they all attacked the leader. The leader ended up dead from blood loss. Everyone was terrified and shocked, even Vallen. Penny took over the gang after that, and turned the small gang into a huge criminal organization that worked in the city. Most of the workers were replaced by dolls with only a few rapterian exceptions. She changed her name from Penny to Puppeteer. She always hated her name as it made everyones see her as someone who couldn’t look out for herself. Vallen is the only one that calls her that now. The organization would build weapons for C.H.A.I.N.S. and sell them for millions of money and Puppeteer was behind it all. Now she controls her enemies with her dolls and strings, and even gets help from her closest companion and the strongest doll, Ana. Puppeteer now had the fear and respect she always wanted. Which is why she was always annoyed when heroes such as the rogue heroes and Kitsune tried to take her down. To protect herself, Puppeteer uses holograms to protect her identity and only a few people that are close to her know what she looks like. Because of the abuse and manipulation she endured, she found it very hard to communicate or become social. She’s very shy and quiet towards everyone. The only one who is the closest to her and has never let her down is her older brother, Vallen.

[ Personality ]


  • Control
  • Her dolls
  • Puppet shows


  • Being seen as defenseless
  • Being touched
  • Fur getting messy


Puppeteer is a shy person at heart. From childhood to young adulthood. She has been the silent and quiet type. Even if she is a feared criminal, she still finds it hard to soicalize with anyone unless if it's with a close friend of hers or her brother Vallen. She seems cold and threatening, but to people who are close to her she's polite and kind. However, she can get very clingy and finds it hard to be away from her brother and her close friends. She can also be a wee bit immature. After all, this is the one villain that sleeps with plushies. This would explain her obbession with Kitsune.

[ Basics ]

AGE 18
SPECIES Rapterian
RESIDENCE The city of Sylvrina

[ Story & Trivia ]

KITSUNE'S STORYLINE VERSION: Puppeteer was running her busisness like usual, when she was requested by Lyra for a meeting. Lyra told Puppeteer about three heros interferring with their busisness, Fennaquit, Paint. and Kitsune. Puppeteer saw this as just some teenagers trying to save the day. Until she saw these three girls were ruining her plans. Thats when Puppeteer grew a obssesion with one of the heroes, Kitsune. She was shocked when she found out Kitsune also is a rapterian, but that wasn't why she grew such a obssesion with beating her. Puppeteer would sent out spies to watch Kitsune and her friends every move. Puppeteer realized how powerful she could be if her strings could take control of Kitsune. What if there was a chance if she drained Kitsune's energy, she wouldn't have to suffer with her disability? There was a chance, right? Few weeks later. Jacklyn, a close friend of Puppeteer's, busts in Puppeteer's office crying for help. Jacklyn asked Puppeteer if she will help her defeat Kitsune. Puppeteer saw this as a perfect opening to her plan, and she accepted. Now teamed up with all of Kitsune's rivals. Puppeteer has her wn plans for Kitsune's defeat

Eye Of The Eclipse version: Still working on where she will fit in this story, but she will be added!

  • Puppeteer's disability was inspired off of the movie Glass.
  • Although she's very weak. She has enough strength to walk around and to carry Anna on her shoulder.
  • Puppeteer has a rare crystal that allows her to turn into her human form so she can be in public with normal humans.

[ Relationships ]

Older brother


After all the abuse, betrayal, neglection, and pain she endured. There was one person who went through it all with her and has never left her side. Her older brother, Vallen. She loves him with all her heart, even if she seeems cruel at times. His bad mental state worries her and she wonders what she can do to help him. What she doesn't know is that the problem IS her.

Adoptive nephew figure


When Vallen first brought Milo to Puppeteer's hideout. Puppeteer was surporised and didn't know what to do with the child. All of her employees refused to take him in and obviously she couldn't raise a child. Vallen volunteered to take care of Milo, and Puppeteer agreed. At first, Puppeeer hated the idea of some kid running around her busisness. But once she saw that Milo was just as quiet and introverted as her, they bonded right away. Puppeteer loves hanging out with Milo and she's like the cool aunt to him.



Puppeteer and Jacklyn met when Puppeteer started making weapons for C.H.A.I.N.S. When they first met, they started talking until they went more personal and talked about their past. Seeing how much they related to eachother with abuse, they bonded right away. Which is ironic because Jacklyn is the exact oppsite of Puppeteer. She's hyper, energetic, and comlpletely insane while Puppeteer is a shy silent type. But somehow they get along and hang out with eachother all the time.
