


1 year, 5 months ago


Name Vortex
Age 22
Species Wolf
Gender Male
Status Alive
Basic Info

Card player. Criminal. Villain.
"Get out of my way.. Your presence annoys me."

Vortex is a criminal boss that owns a casino. His casino is filled with rapterian criminals and villains. It's basically a safe villain spot. As long as you don't cause trouble, He's fine with you there. He's feared for his ability to kill anything just from using his paws.

His right hand is his hat, Chester. He's a monster hat that watches everything in the casino and spies for Vortex. Vortex is also the best card player in sakura. No one has ever beat him before and he doesn't plan to do it soon.


  • He has never lost a card game in his life.
  • Vortex has nightmares about his mother a lot.
  • Vortex absolutely hates anything related to the cervidae family because of his past with Archer.
  • He can always tell if someone has cheated in a game.
  • Card games
  • Winning
  • Teasing others
  • Peace and quiet
  • Anything touching his cape
  • People
  • Cheaters
  • Being alone

Vortex had a rough life. Vortex grew up as an only child with his mother and father. His father was a circus ringmaster while his mother was a magician. When Vortex was born, His parents were happy and excited for their first child. But their expectations were crushed. Vortex was born a weak albino, Worse. Vortex’s ability was basically death. When his paws touched anything, It would slowly decay. Vortex’s mother was accepting of him despite the flaws, But his father was ashamed of Vortex and knew he was only a curse. This caused his parents to argue and fight a lot. Vortex’s mother was accepting of his abilities and was always close and supportive of her son. Vortex’s father however was ashamed to be around Vortex and didn’t even talk or interact with him. Despite this, Vortex stayed positive and happy because of his mother’s support. But even with his mother being the only accepting one, Vortex was pretty lonely. In his village everyone avoided Vortex because of his powers of decay. Whenever he tried interacting with any of the other kids, They would run away in fear or just not answer him. Vortex was able to make one friend though, Another albino named Celestial. She lived with her rich retired hero parents. Vortex had a crush on her and they would visit each other and play together often. But it was hard since Celestial’s parents hated Vortex and made it forbidden to have Celestial talk to him. Vortex stayed inside a lot due to no one wanting to be around him. Vortex looked up to his parents and wanted to be like them, A ringmaster and a master of magic. Vortex would play with his mother’s magic tools a lot and pretend to be a magician like her. When Vortex’s mother found out about this, she decided to give Vortex her old magic book. It contained all the lessons she learned and wrote down for her future student, and now it was passed down to Vortex. Vortex felt honored and was happy that his mother had so much faith in him and was very supportive of him. Everyday instead of playing outside, Vortex would play with his mother’s book and practice her magic. One day a magic trick failed, creating a small blast and it hit his mother’s old cape and hat, Turning them both into sentient beings. The cape never got a name and is just called cape but Vortex’s named the hat Chester and kept him as a small pet he wore on his head. Because of Vortex’s father neglecting him, It caused more arguments between him and his mother. Vortex was honored that his mother was defending him, but still hated every time they fought. Vortex would lock himself in his room whenever they fought and just try to distract himself by practicing magic. One day Vortex’s mother walked over to him while he was playing outside and said we needed to talk. A bit confused, Vortex nods and hears what she has to say. His mother explains that she has to go away for a while and she doesn’t know when she will be back. Vortex is terrified of this and begs for his mother to please stay with him. Seeing how terrified her son is, Vortex’s mother makes a promise that she will come back and will always be there for him. Vortex is more calm now because of her words but still begs her not to go. It doesn’t work and Vortex’s mother starts walking away. Vortex tries running after her to stop her, But is held back by his mother’s magic. By the time Vortex escapes, She’s already gone and Vortex can’t find her anywhere in the village. Vortex falls to the ground and starts sobbing, Begging for his mother to come back. But he’s just met with silence. The one person who supported him and loved him is now gone. Vortex is now truly alone. Everyday, Vortex would wait outside of his house for his mother to return. Even though she never did, Vortex always kept a little bit of hope and kept her book with him. Vortex’s father noticed Vortex waiting for his mother and then one day he suddenly snapped at him. He tells Vortex that there's no reason to wait for his mother because she will never return. The only reason she left was because of him being such a disappointment at birth. Vortex is enraged that his father could say such things and snaps back at him. But is only greeted by claws being slashed across his face. His father growls at him to never talk back to him again and walks off, Leaving Vortex with his face bleeding. Vortex did everything to try and gain his father’s love. He would even hurt himself to see if he would ever try and help heal his wounds. But he never did. Ever since that argument, Vortex didn’t feel safe at home anymore and spent most of his time near the village. After hearing a lot of gossip in the village, That’s where Vortex found the habit of pickpocketing and stealing from others. Everyone seemed to ignore Vortex so why would they notice him pickpocketing and stealing? As long as he was careful with his abilities, He would be okay right? When Vortex successfully pickpockets his first loot. He tells his father of his success. This was the first time his father was actually proud of him. His father praised him and was impressed how good he was at pickpocketing despite being an amateur. His father took the money and would invest it in his work. It was the first time Vortex felt something other than hate from his father and it made him want to steal more and more. Vortex uses scams with his mother’s magic, pickpockets and even small break ins at stores. He would give all the loot to his father and he would always praise him for his success. Vortex felt terrible for stealing but to him nothing else was worth his father’s love. Eventually his father got tired of the same loot Vortex would bring and went back to ignoring him and snapping at him again. Vortex is now terrified everything will turn the same and has to snatch better loot for his father’s praise, But how? That's where Vortex discovers card games. Vortex snuck into a hidden shed one day to find rapterians playing all sorts of gambling games. Vortex would watch them play and was surprised to see how much you could take from others and win. Ever since then, Vortex would practice and learn all sorts of card games and when he was ready. He challenges the other rapterians in the shed to a card game and the winner takes all the money. Everyone laughs at Vortex and accepts, thinking the small albino kid will lose in the next 5 seconds. But nope! Vortex wins the whole game and it shocks everyone, Some are enraged. When Vortex brings the loot to his father, He’s impressed and starts praising him again. Vortex was happy, But he wanted more of his father’s praise. He knew it was wrong but his father’s love mattered more. Everyday Vortex would sneak in the shed and beat everyone one at any card game, Mostly poker. He would win the stash for his father and let him take it for his own personal gain. Vortex should have been happy he was gaining more love from his father but it just felt so wrong he was taking it all for himself. One day the card players had enough and accused Vortex of cheating. Despite Vortex trying to explain, They chase after him and Vortex runs in fear. But while running away, Vortex bumps into a large rapterian deer named Archer. Vortex begs for the deer to help him hide him and the stash and Archer agrees. They hide up in a small cave and wait till the card players pass by. Vortex and Archer became very close friends and Vortex would share the loot with him. Vortex introduced his bad habit of stealing and crimes to Archer. Even though Archer knew it wasn’t right, He followed Vortex so he could protect him. When Vortex would tell Archer about his father stealing the money from him. Archer would tell Vortex he was just being used and shouldn’t stand for it. Vortex knew this and it made him more upset the more he thought about it. One day he decided to confront his father on the matter. Vortex told him he wouldn’t be stealing for him anymore. Enraged, His father claws Vortex’s leg before he can walk away and pins him down with his large paws. He snaps at Vortex that if he leaves no one would ever accept and love him, he would forever be an outcast and be alone. Before Vortex can answer, His father starts strangling him with his large paw holding him down. Vortex tries to push him off and ends up touching his father with his paws. The decay spreads on his father and he falls onto the ground. Dead. Vortex is terrified and backs away in fear. He never meant for this to happen. He didn’t want to kill him. What would everyone think now? He would go to prison or be killed for this. Vortex looks at his paws and runs off to his room to pack everything. He grabs his mother’s book, The cape and Chester and runs away from the crime scene. He had no idea what to do or where to go. There was only one person he could trust now. The first person he runs to is Archer. He explains to Archer in a panic everything that happened. He cries in fear how he will be killed for this but Archer assures him he will never let that happen and will always be there to protect him. That night, Archer and Vortex planned on leaving the village and starting anew somewhere else. But before they can leave, Vortex remembers Celestial. He couldn’t imagine leaving her behind, Especially knowing her terrible home life. Vortex loved her despite her parents hating him and being nothing but cruel to him. He didn’t know if Celestial would feel the same way or would want to come. But he had to try before he just left her without saying anything. Vortex and Archer make it to Celestial’s house and explain to her everything that happened. Celestial agrees to join the two, not wanting anything to do with her parents anymore. The three head out and leave the village. Over the years the trio stuck together. Vortex still had feelings for Celestial but was always too shy to confess them. So he made a plan to finally confess. While Celestial was sitting near the campfire. Vortex walked over to her and finally confessed his feelings towards her. Celestial happily accepted and expressed how she felt the same way for him. Vortex thought his plans would have failed, But for once they didn’t. He grew up thinking no one would love him for being born weak and dangerous, But maybe his life with Archer and Celestial could change and help him really start anew. But because of the group traveling so much they started running low on money and trading materials. It was to the point where they couldn’t even afford food or basic supplies to survive. Archer and Vortex tried finding other ways to make money, but they were always rejected and pushed to the side. Because of their lack for basic needs of survival, Vortex got into the habit of cards again which at first was just a hobby he really liked doing but it slowly turned into an unhealthy obsession. The habits Vortex tried to get rid of came back and Vortex went back to gambling and stealing money from others. It was the only way they could afford anything. At first, Archer advised against this and knew it would get them both in trouble but eventually Vortex ended up getting Archer to help with his habits. They were able to justify their actions by convincing themselves that it was for their own good. Celestial never helped them steal but was still supportive of Vortex because she wanted him to be happy. Eventually their bad habits led to a sheriff named Thale finding out about their crimes. He was annoyed how much trouble they were causing and hunted these two trouble makers. When Vortex and Archer found out. Vortex worried that Thale would find out what he did to his father as a child. He expresses his fears to Archer and Celestial but they promised him they would be there for him and wouldn’t let Thale hurt him, and Vortex believed it. Vortex tried distracting himself from his fear by playing more and more card games. And it seemed to work for a bit. Vortex became a pro and expert at playing cards and it seemed as if no one could beat him. And even though his skills got his friend materials and money, Vortex also got into a lot of trouble. He was always accused of cheating in some way because no one could defeat, Even the so-called best players. Vortex was ambushed and beat up a lot because of him being physically weak and him never using any magic or his decay ability. He avoided using any magic or power so no one could recognize him as the kid who killed his own father. So, He did nothing to fight back. Archer would usually find him in bad shape and would have to be the one to defend him. Although Vortex appreciated the support, He hated the fact he was so weak and couldn’t do anything. Vortex hated his fur color and his lack of strength. He was never so fond of himself and wished he could just change. One day when Vortex won another gambling game, The players were upset and again accused him of cheating. Vortex tried to explain but was again beaten up and left alone in an alleyway. Only this time, Vortex is too injured to get up. Everytime he moved it felt like a bunch of knives stabbing into him. The only thing he can do is wait for Archer and Celestial to find him again. But suddenly, a dark figure walks towards Vortex. Before he can bark at them to leave him alone, the figure lifts their paw on Vortex’s arm and all his pain suddenly goes away. Surprised and confused, Vortex looks up at the dark figure who introduces herself as Aurora. Aurora tells Vortex she understands his problems and has a way to help him. Aurora promises that she can help Vortex become way stronger and more feared so no one would ever bother him again. Despite Vortex being a bit suspicious and confused, All he wanted was to have a bit of respect and not to be viewed as weak. Vortex accepts her offer and Aurora tells him to take his hand. Vortex grabs her hand and his fur suddenly changes. Frome white and gray to dark and red. His eyes change to inverted red and black eyes and feels more stronger instead of his usual timid weak self. He was different and he didn’t feel like he was the same person but he felt more confident in himself for once. When Archer and Celestial find Vortex to see his new appearance. They are a bit confused and concerned for Vortex. But everytime they asked him what happened, Vortex would get annoyed and just tell them to leave him alone. Vortex was annoyed because he hated his old self and couldn’t understand why Archer and Celestial didn’t like his new fur and more confident self. Because of Vortex never answering their questions, Archer and Celestial kept quiet because they wanted him to be happy. Vortex continued his gambling habit and card play. He would sometimes even visit Aurora and she would teach him how to never lose a card game and thanks to Aurora’s teachings, He never did. However, now that Vortex was more confident in defending himself. He would cause more fights and problems in the western side. He eventually even started getting Archer involved in his crimes and problems. Again, This caught Thale’s attention only this time he was able to track them down. Thale was able to track down Archer and threatened him to help him capture Vortex. Afraid for Vortex’s safety, He agreed and this was the downfall of their long friendship. Archer one day asked Vortex to follow him, Which Vortex found a bit weird. But he trusted Archer so much he didn’t think it was that big of a deal. When Archer led Vortex away from Celestial, Thale ambushed Vortex and finally captured him, Or did he really? Vortex was confused but ended up putting all the pieces together, Now realizing his closest friend betrayed him. Vortex was heartbroken and didn’t understand why but he only showed his anger and rage. Thale and Archer never knew how powerful Vortex’s magic was since he never used it. But after all that learning from his mother’s book and training with Aurora, he was able to study all the shapeshifting spells. Vortex hides his pain and heartbreak and grabs his mother’s spell book and starts chanting. He turns into a giant snake creature and attacks Thale, planning to kill him. But before he can land a killing blow, Archer throws a knife into his neck. The pain triggers Vortex to turn normal but he quickly gets away. Vortex ends up using a stream in the cave to make his way out. When he swims out and makes his way back to Celestial. She’s understandably worried for Vortex but before she can do anything to help the bleeding on his neck. Vortex snaps at Celestial to stay away from him. Despite Celestial trying to help, Vortex keeps pushing her away until she gives up and walks away. Vortex is now shattered that his best friend since childhood has betrayed him. Out of everyone, Archer was the last person he expected to ever betray him. Not only did his relationship with Archer fall, his love for Celestial also was slowly falling apart. Whenever Celestial asked what happened to Archer or asked if he was okay, Vortex would snap at her and walk away. He became more distant and aggressive towards Celestial. Despite him treating her terribly, Celestial still wanted to help him. She still loved him even after how he treated her. One day Celestial and Vortex have an argument. Celestial begs Vortex to tell her what happened but Vortex still just snaps at her. Vortex ends up bringing up Celestial's horrible past with her parents and this stops Celestial from talking and just looks hurt and betrayed. Vortex realizes what he had done and tries to apologize to her. But when he gets close to her, His paws touch Celestial and part of her body turns black. Celestial falls to the ground in pain, but luckily the decay wasn’t enough to kill her. Vortex is now worried for Celestial and wants to help her.. But he can’t even touch her.. Vortex realizes how terrible he was to her and doesn’t know what to do anymore. He knows he’s the monster here and doesn’t even know how to help her. He never wanted to hurt her, He loved her and he never even showed it. There is one thing he can do though. Vortex grabs his mother’s book and reads a spell. The magic turns into a red light and blasts into the sky, Impersonating a flare. Celestial begs for Vortex’s to stay but Vortex knows as long as he’s around he would only hurt her. Vortex was cruel to her and now almost killed her. He knew Celestial deserved better and he would rather have Celestial be with someone who would treat her right then him, even though it would break him inside. Vortex leaves Celestial behind that day. He was now alone, the one thing he tried so hard to avoid. He knows it was mostly his fault and doesn’t know how to turn back. He didn’t want to think about the memories anymore because all it did was cause him great pain. Vortex focused all of his time into crime. Because of his magic, Everyone seemed to fear and avoid him. But he was fine with that. Vortex pretended that he didn’t care anymore. But he was still hurt from what Archer did, but luckily he was about to get his revenge. One day Vortex could hear some noise near the cliffs of the western side, Which was outside of the Sakura border. Curiosity got the better of him and he went to see what it was. To his shock, he finds Archer caught in a landslide of rocks, caught in the middle between two cliffs. Part of Vortex wanted to help him right away, but his anger got the better of him. When Archer sees Vortex and calls for his help, Vortex instead glares down at him with hatred. He then uses his decay abilities and touches onto the rocks and they all fall on Archer, knocking him unconscious.
He did it, He got his revenge but it didn’t feel like he did. He guessed the guilt took over his pride and that’s why he didn’t feel any victory. Vortex just wanted to forget everything now. He wanted everything he went through to be more than a dream, he knew it wasn’t. But it’s better to not think about and talk about it. Vortex turns all his focus into crime and card play. His skills eventually got him very rich to where Vortex took over his father’s old business turning it into his own crime business. Now being one of Kitsune’s and Archer’s enemies. Vortex usually doesn’t like getting his hands dirty and lets his robots and magic creatures do all the work for him. He’s now one of the greatest card and poker players, never once losing a game in his life. However, Despite Vortex sticking to his better off alone policy. The only two Vortexes that got close were Sylvester and Scarlet. Scarlet and Vortex work great as crime partners together and are always supportive of one another. However, Sylvester gets on Vortex’s nerves and pretends to hate him, but he still hangs out with him despite Sylvester being the most annoying animal on the planet. Vortex does miss Celestial and his old life where it was just him and his two friends, But he tries to not think about his past because it’s too painful and there's too much guilt to think about.

Former best friend/Enemy
Vortex looked up to Archer. Even with his quiet demeanor, Archer was strong and terrifying just for being himself. They did everything together, even if it was Vortex the one dragging him into trouble. They were very close, which is why it hurt so much when Archer turned on him. He still misses him, but can't bear to look at him without feeling the pain and betrayal anymore.
Best friend
There was one person in Vortex's childhood that didn't leave him or betray him. Scarlet. They were chaotic childhood friends who liked to cause trouble, but after the death of her parents. Scarlet left Vortex and it was a while before they ever saw each other again. When they met again, they both caught up on their life and related to each other. Scarlet is always willing to help and support Vortex and they do a lot of crime together. Vortex even has a solid relationship with her children.
When they were young, Celestial and Vortex were as cute as any loving teenage couple. Vortex was willing to do anything to keep her safe, even if that meant sacrificing his happiness. After Archer betrayed Vortex, the only thing keeping him sane was Celestial. but from all the pent up anger he had, he became emotionally abusive to Celestial and would push her away. However, she was all he had, he still needed her. However, After a argument. Vortex snapped and it ended up almost killing Celestial. Vortex realized how terrible he really was to her. He realized he was so afraid of losing her, he ended up hurting her. Vortex left Celestial in pain to prevent her from hurting more. They are now enemies as one is a hero and one is a villain. Vortex still feels terrible for how he treated her and knows nothing can justify the way he treated her.