


1 year, 5 months ago


Warning: This character contains sensitive content.
Lab experiments, Abuse, Animal abuse, Death, Torture and others.
"This place needs more.. Chaos!"




Sylvester was born in a testing lab in Canada with his mother. The lab would merge one animal to another animal's DNA and create hybrids. The reason they did this was because people would pay millions for each test subject. It was a successful business and hasn’t been caught by law enforcement because most of its marketing took place in underground bases or black markets. One day a scientist walked towards Sylvester’s home, also known as the cage he spent his whole life in. They opened the door and dragged his mother out of the cages, Taking her into the lab’s testing room. Sylvester screams for his mother and tries going after her, but another scientist closes the cage door, and as they do that they shock Sylvester with one of their tasers in their other hand, Forcing him to stop fighting and fall down to the ground. Sylvester cries and begs for his mother to come back, But there's no answer, Just the feel of emptiness in his cage without his sweet mother. Weeks pass, And Sylvester is locked up in his cage, wondering when he will see his mother again. He felt like he could have done something, saved her, fought, done anything to save her, But he didn’t. As experiments continued and Sylvester would be tortured, He saw the evil smiles on the scientist's faces. His suffering brings them joy. Sylvester never really smiled, But whenever he saw that smile, He tried mimicking it. Almost all his time in that cage, He would mimic the smiles he saw until he kept on smiling. Sylvester heard how smiling brings people joy despite his doubts and guilt. His mother was depressed, but kept a smile on for Sylvester. Sylvester stayed positive and kept on smiling. Smiling and looking on the bright side was the only way he stayed sane and stopped himself from crying. Despite his prison life, His empty cage and his mothers is not there for him. He kept on smiling so he didn’t cry. Weeks go by, Sylvester is curled up in his cage, the normal feeling of emptiness and loneliness clouding his mind. Suddenly a scientist walks to his cage and drags him out to the lab testing area. Terrified, Sylvester struggles and tries everything to get free, But he gets electrocuted and is forced to obey. He’s led to a room and before he could do anything, The scientist walks out and a giant metal door shuts off the exit. The room is all metal and just a few windows scientists can watch from and another locked gate that seemed to be containing another animal inside, But before he could make it what it was. The gate opens and Sylvester eyes are filled with terror. It’s his mother, But she’s a monster hybrid now. He could tell from the familiar patterns, But Sylvester could barely recognize her anymore. She was a hybrid, a mix of a cat, Bear, and scorpion. A giant feline figure with bear paws and a snout and a giant scorpion tail. Sylvester was horrified, He could barely look at her. Despite the panic and him being terrified, He kept on smiling. But it hurt so much, They tortured his mother. They ripped her away from his life and completely torture and changed her completely. But he had to smile, It was all he had left. There was nothing left, They took everything from him. He had no hope. Nothing, But to smile and laugh. Sylvester knew what they wanted. The scientist wanted Sylvester to be torn apart so they could turn him into a hybrid, And they knew he wouldn't struggle or fight his own mom. Sylvester knew their plan, They knew they did this for him to suffer and lose his spirit to fight. He had no idea what to do. He was trying to smile and hold back his tears. But even with his smile, he couldn’t hold back those tears of pain and suffering. The scientists were expecting Sylvester to scream in fear and beg for his life, But they are instead met with a shocking sight. Sylvester suddenly just starts manically laughing as his tears roll. Scientists are watching the scene in shock and confusion. He doesn’t fight, Run or beg for help. He just laughs as tears of pain roll down his face. His laughing didn’t stop his mother. She clawed at the small kitten and slowly started tearing him apart. But no matter how much pain he was in, Even being torn apart alive, He still kept on laughing until he fell unconscious. His body is completely torn apart now. His tail and right eye were completely gone, His back was torn apart beyond recovery. Perfect for scientists to experiment on now. The scientist dragged him out of the testing lab and took Sylvester to another testing lab where he would be experimented on and turned into a hybrid. The animals that were chosen were an owl and a lemur. The scientist sowed owl wings onto Sylvester's back and gave him the DNA of night vision and being nocturnal like an owl. They also replaced his tail with a lemur’s tail and gave him the ability to climb like a lemur. As for his eye, There wasn’t much they could do but wrap a bandage around it. Sylvester was awake for all the suffering of changing into a hybrid, Even though the pain was unbearable. He was still able to keep a wide smile. To the point where scientists were uncomfortable even looking at him. Months of hell and experiments, Sylvester’s experimentation was completed, But it wasn’t a success. Sylvester’s appearance looked like a clown or a silly jester. Scientists weren’t pleased. He looked like a joke, And was never really ever taken seriously. How could they make the big cash and sell when this animal looked like he belonged to a circus. Sylvester could hear their insults and constant laughter. It made him look down on himself then he already did. He was just a joke no one took seriously and laughed at. Did that mean his suffering was a joke as well? One day while Sylvester was curled up and sleeping in his cage. A scientist took his cage out of the experiment lab and walked outside of the facility. Sylvester's eyes lit up with curiosity. He never saw the sunlight or sky before, He only imagined it from stories his mother told him. It was a beautiful sight and for the first time he felt sunlight warm his gray fur. The scientist sets the cage in the trunk of a car and drives off from the facility. This gave Sylvester an unnerving feeling. Where was he going? Is he going to die? Is he going to suffer and be tortured more? Thoughts cloud Sylvester’s mind until they come to a stop. The scientist takes the cage out of the trunk, And throws it at a garbage dump. At that moment, Sylvester realizes what's happening now. They didn’t want him, They don’t think he’s worth anything. He’s just a joke everyone laughs at. Sylvester steps out of his cage and watches as the scientist drives off from the scene. Sylvester looks down and feels the dirt in his paws for the first time, and starts breaking down crying. What's wrong with him? He should be happy, He’s free. That's what he thought. But the fact he was just a worthless joke and without his mother, It didn’t feel like freedom. It felt like he was just punished for being worthless. Sylvester tried smiling, He wanted to smile. Smiling through the suffering was the only thing that kept him going. But it never gets better no matter how hard he tries. People always look down at him and abuse him. He’s not strong, He’s a weak hybrid who was thrown away because he’s worthless. Sylvester for the first time in many months, Stops smiling. He couldn’t smile anymore. It was too much pain to bear. Sylvester just broke down crying. He wanted his mother with him, and he knew he wasn’t getting that back. As weeks turn to months, Sylvester survived off of leftover food near trash and stealing from other stray dogs. Once and a while he tried making friends. But no matter how friendly he was, Other stray dogs and cats just laughed at him for looking so ridiculous. Some strays would play dirty pranks on him and others would throw leftover food at him and tell him to get lost. At first it hurt alot, But as time went on. Sylvester became numb to the pain, It didn’t matter anymore. As long as he survives. Sylvester stopped opening up to others and just stayed quiet and looked down at himself. He really was just a joke everyone laughs at. Why would anyone care or be friends with him? One day while searching for food. Sylvester walked a bit too far from the garbage cans he sleeps at and happened to be seen by other humans. People screamed in fear, Some others laughed at the sight of him. Sylvester didn’t know how to feel. He was numb to being mistreated at this point, He didn’t care anymore. But some people reported the mysterious cat with wings and animal control hunted for Sylvester. Sylvester was eventually caught but he didn’t even put up a fight. He’s been through so much suffering, He didn’t expect anything to change. After all, He was just a laughing stock. Animal control was shocked about the animal, Never seeing anything like him. That's when they heard about a circus in town that had unique animals and took good care of them. They knew what they had to do. Sylvester was sold to the circus that carried unique animals. When the ringmaster first saw him, He thought he looked ridiculous and decided Sylvester would be trained to be a clown. Sylvester hated the idea, But there was nothing he could really do. Living in the circus, Sylvester met Regina, Michio, Ava and her older brother Kai. These four become Sylvester’s only friends. When they first met him, He felt empty and didn’t smile. But as time went on, They were the only ones that treated him like an equal and didn’t think he looked weird. Sylvester started smiling again, But this time it wasn’t forced. It was a genuine smile of happiness. Yes, Happiness. Being with the four circus animals was the first time Sylvester felt joy in his life and he loved the feeling. Despite him finally having a family. Living in the circus wasn’t at all what people thought. The ringmaster was abusive and cruel and would punish any animal that didn’t listen to him. His abuse was worse to Sylvester and Regina. Regina was seen as a curse and a monster because of her red eyes when in reality she was a shy and quiet sweetheart. Sylvester was seen as nothing but a joke and something that couldn’t feel any emotional or physical pain. Despite these two enduring the most abuse, Ava made sure that they stayed positive and kept their spirits high. Sylvester hated the abuse especially when it was towards his friends, But he stayed positive and kept a big wide smile. When it came to Sylvester’s performances, It was one other of the only things that made him happy. People would laugh at Sylvester. One, Because of how he looked, But also because he was genuinely funny whenever he did tricks. He wasn’t good at any tricks a normal jester does, Juggling, Balancing on things, Blowing bubbles or on purposely breaking things. People would laugh at Sylvester for doing any trick wrong. Dropping and falling down, Messing up and accidentally breaking something from doing any trick. You would think that would ruin the show and people would be upset, But nope. The fact that his mistakes bring people genuine joy, Made Sylvester smile. Making others laugh and feel good made Sylvester’s day. They weren’t laughing at him because he was worthless, They were laughing because he brought them joy and made them smile. That's when Sylvester started loving his job of being the circus jester. He made it his goal to make people laugh. Even if others saw him as a joke, If his tricks brought joy and happiness. It was enough for him. Sylvester also loved children, They laughed way more than the adults did. And they loved Sylvester. A lot of the kids went in the back of the circus to play with Sylvester and give him company. Despite the messed up abuse he and his friends went through, It was all worth it to make people smile. Sylvester’s bright smile brought joy to his friends as well, Giving them hope that in the end it was going to be okay. But one day, Sylvester is practicing tricks when he sees a kid that isn’t with any adult. Sylvester remembers the rule that all children should be with their parents and goes to help the child. Sylvester then notices the kid must have tripped and fell down as she had a bruise on her elbow and was on the ground. Sylvester decided to help the poor girl and bring her back to her parents. But when he says hi, The child screams in fear and runs off. Confused and worried the child might get hurt. He flies after the child. Sylvester shouts for him to wait. But the child runs to a crowd of adults and starts crying. The crowd of adults glare at Sylvester. But Sylvester is confused as to why she was scared. But that's when he looks down at a puddle of himself. It was his smile and bandage on his eye from when his mother attacked him. He did look a bit scary. Sylvester tries reaching for the child, But the child screams and hugs her mother. The adults suddenly shout and yell at Sylvester. Despite Sylvester trying to explain himself, No one listened. They assumed the child’s bruise was from Sylester and that's why she’s crying in fear. Sylvester tries protesting his innocence. But no one believes him. One of the adults reports to the ringmaster and Sylvester is punished by starvation. He tries telling everyone he didn’t hurt anyone and wanted to help, But the adults already took the child home before she could be questioned. Besides, No one was going to believe a complete joke. Sylvester was forced to stop performing, One of the only things that brought him joy. Was now gone. All because of a kid being scared of him. Sylvester was hurt inside and didn’t know what to do. He didn’t want to cry and for his friends to see him, So instead. He kept smiling. The abuse became worse and Sylvester was starved for everyone thinking he hurt a child, But he kept on smiling and laughed maniacally to cover the tears. Soon, All the employees and kids ended up seeing his scary side. He suddenly didn’t look like a joke anymore. He looked like an insane clown. The non stop laughing and smiling, His bandages covering his blind eye. No matter how much abuse he went through, He kept on smiling. Ava had enough of the abuse, She couldn’t see her friends suffer anymore. She gathers her four friends, Sylvester, Michio, Kai and Regina and tells them all an escape plan. Ava wanted everyone to be free, Not prisoners to this never ending abuse. Sylvester realized this was his chance to finally live a normal life and escape with his friends. He imagined hiding away in the forest and living with his friends so he wasn’t lonely. They all seem to agree, Everyone except for Kai. Ava and Kai ended up getting into a big fight and it caused the two to go their separate ways. Regina and Sylvester tried convincing Kai to please come with them, But Kai was too terrified for his friends and him to get punished. It caused Sylvester great pain that his friend Kai wouldn’t be coming. But again, he couldn't change his mind. The day the escape plan was starting, Everyone expected to sneak off and be free. But that didn’t happen. Ava was nowhere to be seen, And as Michio, Sylvester and Regina were waiting. A fire started and lit the circus on fire. Sylvester panics while Regina runs to look for Ava and maybe save her. Sylvester begged her not to go, But Regina was best friends with Ava. If there was a chance she was in trouble, Regina had to save her. She runs back into the fire, despite Sylvester pleading. And she never came back out. As Michio is about to run in to look for Regina and Ava, Sylvester pulls him back. Judging by the fire and all the exit blocks, It was clear. Ava, Regina, and Kai were gone. Sylvester knew there was no way they could escape, But he couldn’t tell that to michio. He was the youngest and the most emotional of the group, He couldn’t watch him break down and cry more. Sylvester was sobbing inside but he didn’t show that to Michio. Despite Michio’s crying and struggle, Sylvester drags him off to the forest. Michio begs for Sylvester to go back, But he couldn’t lose Michio too. He’s lost so much. Sylvester and Michio start living in the forest, The only problem was they couldn’t find any food. Because of Sylvester’s punishment of starvation, He didn’t have much longer to the point where he could barely stand. Michio was stronger than him and decided to hunt for Sylvester. Sylvester begs for him to please stay as he didn’t want to lose Michio too, But just like Regina, He doesn’t listen and walks in the forest hoping to find some food. Sylvester cries and begs for him to stay but Michio has to find some food for him to survive and still ignores him. But Michio never came back and Sylvester's fear was only correct. He was gone, And Sylvester couldn’t move. Sylvester dies alone in that forest. Still smiling and laughing with his laugh breath to comfort himself, There was no one there for his death, He thought all his friends were gone. He was alone when he took his final breath. Sylvester suddenly woke up. He was confused, He was dead. But his body was still moving, He could breathe. But he wasn’t alive. Sylvester didn’t understand. It took him a while to realize that he was now a spirit that didn’t make it to heaven or hell. He could still breathe, Feel. But he wasn’t alive. He didn’t need to eat, He could take body parts off, Teleport, and do any magic he wanted. Ever since that day. Sylvester never stopped smiling. No matter what happened, He would smile. No matter what happens to him, He’s going to smile through it all. Sylvester roamed around the forest and tried looking for his friends. He searched everywhere, Every village, Wondering where they could be. That's when Sylvester made the horrible mistake of making deals with high ranked leader criminals and villains. Why did he do this? Because no matter how hard he tried, He couldn’t seem to find any information on his friends. All he did find was a newspaper of the burned circus and it’s now shut down. But that's about it. Criminals would manipulate him into making deals with them and joining them, and in return he would find his friends. Sylvester was gullible, He was so desperate to do anything to find his friends he accepted. He joined and worked for many criminals, And once he found out he was being manipulated he would betray them. And with joining so many criminal gangs comes a lot of debt. Sylvester started getting hunted down for betraying each criminal leader and owning so much debt. Even if he was dead, They were aware he could still feel pain and could just regrow each part back which was perfect for punishment and torture. For years, This routine continued. Being hunted down, Owning debt, Being tortured. Sylvester couldn’t take it anymore and just abandoned every deal he made. After all that work, He could never find his friends. He didn’t want to, He wanted to keep on going. But he couldn’t. He was tired, He just finally wanted to rest in peace. That's when Sylvester found sakura. A land full of magic and mystery and home to the species, Rapterians. Sylvester found this as a perfect opportunity to hide away since Sakura had a border that hid itself away from the rest of the world. Sylvester makes his way home in Sakura. Living in Sakura, Sylvester found the joy he didn’t have in a very long time. He would prank other rapterians, Play tricks on villages, And scare everyone with his made up stories about curses and such. Some would consider it to be a jerk and a bully, But it was the only thing that made Sylvester truly happy. Playing tricks on others. That's when rapterians feared him. Sylvester was known to Sakura, As the spirit of tricks and mischief. Sylvester became feared and knew no one could stop him because he could get hurt, But if he ever lost a limb it would be grown back. He could almost get away with anything he wanted. Sylvester was actually the first one to ever stand up to the spirit of corruption, Aurora. One day while Sylvester was causing mischief with another village, Vester ended up wandering into a cave. This cave contained lost spirit souls. Sylvester thought to play a funny trick and take the souls and trap them for himself, But is instead left with a shocking discovery now. He bumps into Michio. It’s his friend but he’s now a spirit? Sylvester stays frozen in fear, It’s his friend. He spent so many years looking for him, He went through so much stress and suffering just to find him, And he finally did. Michio's eyes widened in shock and Sylvestr and Michio both ran to each other and hugged each other tighter than they ever did before. Turns out when Michio was looking for food, He wandered into a cave and rocks fell and covered the cave’s exit, Trapping Michio. He had no way to leave, and ended up starving and died there alone. Sylvester and Michio both stayed in the cave and lived together along with a cave monster named Night. Sylvester ended up making very close friends while traveling as well, Vortex and a killer robot named Cypress. One day when he felt lonely, Sylvester got a piece of cotton from a stuffed animal and turned into a spirit hybrid fox and mouse named Cotton. She’s Sylvester's trusted friend and pet companion. Sylvester cares for them with all of his heart and would do anything to keep him safe as much as he is an idiot. As for his other friends, Sylvester did find out that they never died in the fire. Kai joined an outlaw gang and now lives on the western side, Ava lives in a small fox burrow and Regina is an evil ruler. But now that he knew where they were, Sylvester never went back to say hi to them. Sylvester changed. He was different when he was at the circus. And he was now a feared spirit that tricks others. He didn’t want that confrontation or for them to judge him, He hopes maybe one day he can go back to see them again, But right now he doesn’t look forward to it. Sylvester overheard about the eclipse device Aurora was hunting and decided to hunt it as well. Why? Not really a reason, He just wants to annoy his enemy and use the device for more trickery. This story is about Sylvester the mischievous anti hero trickster spirit.

[ Personality ]


  • April fools day
  • Causing chaos
  • Practicing tricks


  • Scorpions(fear)
  • Anything touching his wings
  • People taking his jokes seriously


Sylvester loves to create the fun. He finds it hard to just sit around and do nothing all day, so he creates chaos of his own. He's very chaotic which makes him do very stupid things just for his own fun. However Sylvester can be very clingy and finds it hard to just be by himself. Because of the curse he was born with. He bottles up his feelings and will never really say what's wrong with him unless he was forced to. He's not that smart, but a fun person to be around.

[ Basics ]

AGE 19
SPECIES Hybrid lemur cat(lab experiment)
RESIDENCE Cave in sakura

[ Story & Trivia ]

When Sylvester heard Alex was being hunted for the murder of Willow and for stealing the ecipse device. He saw this as the perfect plan to create his own fun and to steal the eclipse device. Why? For his own fun and chaotic needs. Now Sylvester is following Violet and Alex, waiting for his perfect chance to snatch the eclipse device. However, he enjoys watching the chaos of the other villains trying to steal it as well.

  • Sylvester hates scorpions. They scare him and remind him of his mother.
  • Sylvester is a inspiration off of the Chesire cat from alice and wonderland and Micheal keaton's beetlejuice.
  • Sylvester has made it to where rapterians hate april fools days. All because it's the day he plays pranks on everyone for the fun of it.

[ Relationships ]

Best friend


Even though Vortex acts like he hates Sylvester guts. He bares him being annoying and lets him hang around. Sylvester is ussually trying to make Vortex laugh with his terrible puns(Which never works) and tries to convinve Vortex to get in trouble with him. Vortex is however more intelligent then Sylvester and will usually just snap at him, However it never works. Sylvester considers Vortex his best friend even though he will never admit it. Enough said, they are a chaotic duel.



Sylvester is one of the only friends who actually refers to Puppeteer as "Penny." Puppeteer is ussually silent and calm around Sylvester while he blabbers on about his adventures and jokes to her. She doesn't really mind him being annoying him and enjoys his company at times



Sylvester and Jacklyn are a daredevil chaotic duel. Sylvester loves hanging out with her because she's just as crazy as him. They cause chaos all around for the fun of it and are also very supportive of each other.