


1 year, 5 months ago


basic info
role in story
supporting character
border collie

Bella is always very energetic, playful, positive and doesn't beleive theres some things people can't do. She's very determined and it can sometimes make her stubborn. She's always got a positive playful personality and will chase the ball if you throw it. She loves and cares for the people around her. She hates seeing them upset and will do all it takes to make them feel better. Her dream is to be a pilot and life tries to tell her she can't be one. But knowing Bella, she doesn't believe theres such thing as "you can't." She's willing to do whatever it takes to follow her dream and reach the skies..

  • Pets
  • Outdoors
  • Watching pilot movies
  • Flying in Sally
  • Dog treats
  • Being discouraged
  • Being yelled at
  • Thunderstorms
  • water
  • any of her friends sad
  • Planes
  • The sky
  • Engineering
  • Chasing butterflies
  • Becoming a pilot
design notes

Bella is actually bigger then normal collie pups, but is still very small. She has fluffy, yet messy wavy fur. She wears a bandana with a black plane on it that was a gift from her owner, she never takes it off. She has brown fur mixed with cream and orange. Her eyes are beady and are amber.

  • Wears a bandana with a small plane on it(Right side)
  • Fluffy fur
  • Small but big for a collie pup
  • Brown and cream fur
  • Soft features
"Time is with people who have the courage to fly, not with the people who stand and watch the sky."

A pilot's journey

Bella was born in an animal shelter with her mother. It wasn’t too bad there. There was enough food and the employees made sure they felt comfortable in the dog's cages. Bella has a playful and happy so she usually plays with the other pups in the shelter. Bella did want to see what was outside of her home and explore more of the mysterious world out there. But she didn’t mind her home and was happy to be sheltered with her mother. That was until Bella’s mother was adopted. The day she was taken away, Bella cried and tried biting one of the workers, But they were just a little weirded out since Bella is never aggressive with anyone. Despite her efforts, Nothing worked and her mother was taken away. Ever since that day, Bella wasn’t the happy spirit everyone knew her as. Bella stopped smiling, She stopped playing around the cage. She stayed in a corner whenever a human wanted to look at a dog to adopt. Without her mother, Bella’s whole world is torn apart. Bella would spend everyday sleeping where her mother used to sleep, Still feeling her scent and warmth from when she used to sleep next to her. This terrified Bella, At first. She thought of how amazing it would be to have an owner and have more free will to explore. But now knowing it was humans who took her mother away, She never wanted to be adopted. She didn’t want to leave the only memory she had of her mother. She was terrified of humans and she was terrified of leaving. Bella never interacted with other humans and stayed in her little corner. When a human tried to pet her she would back away terrified, making the human uncomfortable and pulling their hand back. The animal shelter wasn’t the home she knew and loved anymore, but she wasn’t leaving the last memory of her mother. Months go by and the routine continues. One day, One of the humans checks out one of the dogs. They noticed Bella and tried petting her, But Bella acted the same as she did to any human. Bella thought he would just leave, But he instead talked to the other workers. Bella couldn’t make out what he was saying and was confused until one of the humans opened the door and picked up Bella. Bella then realizes what's happening. She’s being adopted. She couldn't forget the last thing she had of her mother, She couldn’t forget her. Bella is terrified and tries fighting, clawing, anything to get free but nothing helps and the human ignores her. Bella is set down in a crate and Bella is panicking and suddenly starts crying. The human who was talking to one of the workers takes Bella’s crate into his truck and drives off. Bella didn’t know what to expect. She didn’t know what having an owner was like, She always assumed the worst though as they took her away from her mother. But as the human is driving, He takes this as the time to bond with his new friend. The human introduces himself as Jason. Bella didn’t know how to react and just stayed in the corner of the crate, Still terrified. Jason stops at his small apartment and brings the crate inside. When he sets down the crate and opens it, Bella stays in the corner scared. She was terrified, But also upset. She wasn’t in the shelter anymore which meant she would never feel her mother’s scent again. That thought made Bella want to cry more than she already did. But as Bella is crying, Jason pets her head and assures her it’s okay. Bella freezes and looks up, Jason doesn't seem evil. He seems genuinely worried for Bella. So Bella being the gullible bean she is, She jumps into Jason’s arms and licks his face trying to show affection. Jason is a bit shocked but continues to pet her soft fur. Living with Jason wasn’t at all what Bella assumed it was. Jason was a good owner and cared for Bella as if she was his child then pet. Because of how playful Bella was. Jason always got pestered by her wanting him to throw a ball or such, But it never bothered him. And Bella ended up making friends with Jason’s sister’s pet. Alice. Alice and Bella became best friends. When Bella told her about her past, Alice had a relatable past. Knowing these two understand what they were going through made them really close. Whenever Alice’s owner, Vivian would visit Jason. Bella and Alice would spend their time together playing games and telling stories with each other. Jason’s job was being a pilot. And this had a huge impact on Bella’s life. Because Bella was kind of Jason’s only friend besides his two siblings, Evan and Vivian. Jason would tell stories about him flying across the world and helping fight monsters the government didn’t want anyone knowing about. All these stories inspired Bella, And because of this she wanted to be a pilot. Bella figured out somehow how to use the TV remote by herself and played a bunch of pilot films. Watching each one of them made Bella inspired and more motivated. Now, A small collie dog pup becoming a pilot might sound ridiculous, But Bella didn’t care. Even Jason thought it was just adorable for a pup to think that. Bella never knew he thought this though. Bella wanted to explore the world and tell the stories to others herself like Jason did for her. Because Jason knew how much Bella loved planes and pilots. Jason made a small light brown bandana with a black airplane on the side for her. When Jason gave it to her, Bella was honored and flattered and felt like an actual pilot wearing it. She hasn’t taken it off since. Yes, Bella missed her mother. But living with an owner was like recovering from that loss. Bella's life seemed to be great, Until Jason went missing. One day Jason left home for a secret pilot mission, but never came back. Bella just thought it was a long job of work, or at least she hoped. Bella waited at the front door expecting Jason to open the door and hug Bella. But he never came back. Bella starts getting worried and starts having a feeling she didn’t feel in a long time, Loneliness. The exact feeling she had when she lost her mother. What turns into hours turns into days, But Bella never gives up hope and still keeps waiting until Alice walks into Bella’s home through a window and tells Bella they need to leave. Bella is confused and asks why. Alice explains that Vivian went missing and she doesn’t think her or Jason are coming back. This news breaks Bella like shattered glass. She tries her best to protest against Alice. But Alice and Bella both knew that Vivian and Jason would never leave them for a few days without saying anything. No police, No news reports, No one came to see if they were okay. Bella tries her best to disagree with Bella, Until Bella just starts breaking down crying. Alice tries comforting Bella but her support doesn’t work. She didn’t want to lose Jason, She just got a family after losing her mother. And once again, Her family is taken from her again. Bella doesn’t want to leave in case anyone comes back. But Alice tries her best to convince her they need to leave. Bella hesitates, But eventually gives up and agrees with Alice. Together the two leave the homes they once loved and cared about. If they stayed any longer, They could have starved to death or worse without any care for them. The two make it on their own. It was tiring to hunt for small rodents and make it out on their own. But they were barely able to make it, Barely. Until one day while the two were traveling together. Queen Media found the two. Bella and Alice are confused and a bit frightened seeing a giant figure like Queen Media. Queen Media can see the condition the two children are in, and decided to take them both into Sakura so they could be safer. Bella and Alice are amazed by Sakura, There's more animals like them, Jobs for them, and the sight was beautiful. Living in sakura and having better opportunities, Bella and Alice end up making a family in sakura, Meeting new friends, Some enemies. It healed a bit of the wound that Vivian and Jason left when they went missing. Bella knew maybe this was her chance to be a pilot. And it was always Alice’s dream to stop criminals and help others. But their two dreams caused this friendship to be torn apart. Alice ended up being mentored by Queen Media so she could train to be a bounty hunter. But Bella on the other hand. Couldn’t seem to find anything to progress her dream, Everyone thought her dreams were stupid. And there were no planes or any vehicle like that in sakura. All of this discouraged Bella, But despite everyone telling her she would never complete her dream, she still kept trying. Bella ended up finding broken plane parts near the snowy mountains of sakura, She never figured out how they got there though. Bella might be gullible and have a silly dream, But she’s not at all dumb. She’s smart when it comes to building and engineering. She got her experiences from watching Jason work on planes all the time. Months go by, And Bella finally ends up making a plane of her own. Well, More like a cheap rip off version of an actual plane. The wings usually broke off and the plane had a rusty old engine. Probably dangerous for anyone flying. Bella knows this but believes one day she will make an actual plane. Despite the plane being terrible, she still loves it and even named it Sally. She’s pretty proud of herself for actually making one. But whenever Bella tried telling Alice what she had accomplished. Alice kind of avoided her and said she was too busy. Bella tried spending more time with Alice but Alice always got more annoyed and avoided Bella. This hurt Bella the more she did this. Alice was her best friend, And now she was treating her like a stranger. It made Bella uncomfortable and decided to confront Alice about it. Bella waits for when Alice isn’t working and finally goes to talk to her. But Alice just snaps at her and says Bella is getting in her way and she doesn’t have time for any distractions. Bella is more hurt hearing this, But still tries talking to her. Obviously something happened that Alice wasn’t saying. But Alice ignores Bella and walks off. This completely breaks Bella. Why was she treating her like this? She was her best friend and Best friends never leave each other, Right? But that's when Bella realizes why she’s acting like this. It was because Alice was already an official bounty hunter and already completed her dream. While Bella never did, and was still in the dark struggling to find hers. Alice saw her as a distraction now and she needed to focus on her job. Bella tears up and runs off, She didn’t know where she was going. But she didn’t care. Bella felt like she lost her best friend, And it was her fault. She should have tried harder, She should have done something to help Alice or become a pilot already. Then maybe she wouldn’t just be a distraction. Bella ends up accidentally running into the winter kingdom, But she doesn’t notice despite the snow around her. Bella then sees Queen Regina. Bella only heard Regina from stories, And most of those weren’t good. Regina smiles and is kind to Bella, Regina asks Bella what’s troubling her and Bella being gullible, She tells Regina everything that happened. Regina pretends to understand Bella’s pain, But it’s really just manipulation. Regina offers Bella a job, to help her and her team work on a project which involves Bella’s talented engineering. And in return Regina will help her become an actual pilot. Despite Bella being gullible, she had her doubts and wondered if this was a good idea. But she wanted to set things right with Alice, and she wanted to complete her dream and be a pilot. Maybe Regina was the only way of helping her since she has more power over sakura, Being a queen and all. Bella accepts and Regina leads her to her new job. But this was the last time Bella was seen and she went missing. When Alice heard about the news. Guilt filled her heart, and ever since then she made it her mission to find her best friend and fix the damage she has done.

Alice : Best friend

Bella and Alice met by their owners being siblings and living right next door. They would play for hours and would talk about their own interests, there was many things they could relate to and because of this they became best friends.

However, their friendship grew apart when Alice followed her dream of becoming a bounty hunter, while Bella was left behind still trying to be a pilot. The two strayed apart and Bella would try to get her attention, but Alice was always focused on her job. It was until then her and Alice got into a argument and it caused Bella to run away. Because of this, Bella went missing and now it's up to Alice to fix her mistakes.

Roy : Cousin

Roy is Bella's cousin who she is very close to. They are very protective of eachother and have similar personalities of being outgoing and soical.

Queen Regina : Rival/Abuser

Queen Regina found Bella when she was running away after a argument Alice and her had. She found Bella's skills of engineering to be useful, and saw her as a perfect pawn in her plan.

She pretended to understand Bella and be her friend and hired her to work for her castle without anyone telling anyone. When everyone knew Bella was missing, Regina never told Bella this and didn't let her leave the castle. Bella is upset she did this to her, but still believes she isn't all evil.