Nadir Lain



1 year, 8 months ago


"Quote here"

Half-kelpie (Human/Kelpie), Male, Straight, 6'1"
DOB: 1830, February 1


☀️Appearance ☀️

Missing one of his bottom left teeth

Slight scaring on face and hands

Dark hair that is fairly wavy, beard and moustache 



Calm and level. Even tempered. 

Comes off as mildly unfriendly, as if you're bothering him but he's trying to be polite about it.

Puts self first, works well with others solely because he knows it's hard to strike out solo. Safety in numbers.

Prefers diplomacy over violence, but sometimes you need to kill a man to get things done

Humble even with things he knows he's capable with, brushes off compliments, underlays abilities 



Born during the boom of naming your kids after things. Has a twin brother named Zenith. Thinks the joke/assumption that his brother must be the 'good twin' is wildly unfunny. They're both assholes. Zenith is just quiet about it.

From the largest island off the northeast coast of Isador

Knows his parents favour his brother. Used to be mad about it, but now doesn't really give a damn. His brother got to be a stoneworker, he was sent to be a fisherman. 

Worked as a sailor for a while before falling into crime. 



Cecil Stone - Associate - His typical partner in crime. He loves that Cecil is a hardworking man who doesn't dally and is good to have in a pinch. That being said he wants to put him through a wall. The insufferable little bastard.
