Ùisdean "Wrench" Byer's Literatures

4 months, 26 days ago

The shrill ring of Ùisdean's phone echoed through the small and baren flat in Edinburgh, instantly shattering the quiet evening the Boisbéni had settled into. He fumbled to answer, heart pounding with adrenaline as he saw his Captain's name and photo on the screen.

"Magnar? What's going on?"

Convincing Wrench to wear pants on a normal day is rough enough, but snow pants? He'd rather freeze his tail off. Unfortunately for him, his friends don't give him much choice. - (Bundle That Beni event - 2023)

9 months, 18 days ago
9 months, 18 days ago
2 2040

Receiving a shimmering invitation to the Grand Dragon Palace. Wrench finally invites his partner Magnar into his home, through the gates that held their two universes apart. But when the time comes for them to attend the ball, Wrench's fear of water stops him dead on the dark, gravel shores. -- (Sunken Palace Event, 2023)

1 year, 18 days ago

Wrench was determined to win the caber toss at least once this summer at one of the many highland events he planned to attend in the summer. His partner Brick, was happy to just stand and watch. - Shitpost thing I wrote in like 10 minutes-