🎱 Ristol 🎱



1 year, 5 months ago


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Coding by AvalonCat

Additional coding help by Captn_hawk


Gadonian Gallade/Hoenn Gardevoir
Chaotic Neutral


"I won't rest until she's behind bars, or dead."

A Gadonian Gallade/Hoenn Gardevoir fusion that has come from the mainland of Gado. He was originally made artificially as a fusion for battling. Now being free on Dezole Isle, he works as a detective for Sage. He is quite calm, even with interrogations. Surprisingly, he doesn't sound sophisticated at all, talking and mumbling casually. Which makes whoever is being questioned even more uneasy somehow.

He is quite known in the city of the Isle, being seen mostly at Peregrine's cafe; the most popular cafe. He is one of the top regulars, often seen working with a cup of coffee. Although he doesn't like being disturbed. Despite being the detective, he is not the leader of his team. He is in an exploration team with Kalei and Lirio, Kalei being the leader. Sometimes the three of them are seen at the cafe, either working or just talking as close friends.


  • QUIET: Ristol is socially awkward and very quiet. He often mumbles his words, due to anxiety, but doesn't mind to repeat himself. He gets quieter if you start small talking with him.
  • GLOOMY: He suffers from depression, leaving him gloomy. He is often pessimistic, which doesn't help his monotone sounding voice.
  • COMPASSIONATE: Ever since Viola, he has become more compassionate towards others. Taking up a detective job at Sage's clan to help others. He will even stop what hes doing to help someone.
  • DETERMINED: He is exceptionally determined in his work. Especially knowing that doing so will make a better future for Esther.
  • STOLID: Ristol is generally calm and apathetic. He'll try not to show himself sad or angry in front of anyone.


  • Solitude
  • Rain
  • Reading
  • Spending tine with Esther
  • Deep conversations


  • Small talk
  • Arguing
  • Yelling
  • Fire




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"I'll sleep when I know that everyone I love is safe."


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer finibus bibendum turpis, sit amet tempor purus placerat in. Mauris tempus sodales orci, nec aliquam quam tincidunt eu. Aenean lacinia venenatis eros. Integer feugiat efficitur nibh non finibus. Praesent quis nisl auctor, lobortis diam vel, interdum lorem. Aenean dui elit, iaculis vel finibus a, semper non augue.

continue reading

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer finibus bibendum turpis, sit amet tempor purus placerat in. Mauris tempus sodales orci, nec aliquam quam tincidunt eu. Aenean lacinia venenatis eros. Integer feugiat efficitur nibh non finibus. Praesent quis nisl auctor, lobortis diam vel, interdum lorem. Aenean dui elit, iaculis vel finibus a, semper non augue. Nulla est libero, ornare at felis eget, egestas ullamcorper metus. Vestibulum lacinia erat ante, vitae lacinia orci feugiat in.

Quisque pretium augue a justo auctor, quis consequat lectus blandit. Donec ante lorem, viverra quis lorem laoreet, consectetur interdum leo. Etiam diam quam, commodo id tellus eu, varius fringilla nisi. Maecenas id maximus purus. Suspendisse pretium maximus orci, eu facilisis massa. Praesent at dui urna. Quisque tristique odio a venenatis sollicitudin. Quisque risus arcu, iaculis ac ullamcorper ac, fermentum ut dui. Nullam mollis, ipsum sed tempus ultricies, enim justo pharetra lorem, sit amet tristique risus purus at enim. Integer sit amet odio tristique, facilisis lacus ut, vestibulum leo.

- • • -

No one talks about the war, it broke everyone.


Quisque pretium augue a justo auctor, quis consequat lectus blandit. Donec ante lorem, viverra quis lorem laoreet, consectetur interdum leo. Etiam diam quam, commodo id tellus eu, varius fringilla nisi. Maecenas id maximus purus. Suspendisse pretium maximus orci, eu facilisis massa. Praesent at dui urna. Quisque tristique odio a venenatis sollicitudin. Quisque risus arcu, iaculis ac ullamcorper ac, fermentum ut dui. Nullam mollis, ipsum sed tempus ultricies, enim justo pharetra lorem, sit amet tristique risus purus at enim. Integer sit amet odio tristique, facilisis lacus ut, vestibulum leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer finibus bibendum turpis, sit amet tempor purus placerat in. Mauris tempus sodales orci, nec aliquam quam tincidunt eu. Aenean lacinia venenatis eros. Integer feugiat efficitur nibh non finibus. Praesent quis nisl auctor, lobortis diam vel, interdum lorem. Aenean dui elit, iaculis vel finibus a, semper non augue. Nulla est libero, ornare at felis eget, egestas ullamcorper metus. Vestibulum lacinia erat ante, vitae lacinia orci feugiat in.

- • • -


Quisque pretium augue a justo auctor, quis consequat lectus blandit. Donec ante lorem, viverra quis lorem laoreet, consectetur interdum leo. Etiam diam quam, commodo id tellus eu, varius fringilla nisi. Maecenas id maximus purus. Suspendisse pretium maximus orci, eu facilisis massa. Praesent at dui urna. Quisque tristique odio a venenatis sollicitudin. Quisque risus arcu, iaculis ac ullamcorper ac, fermentum ut dui. Nullam mollis, ipsum sed tempus ultricies, enim justo pharetra lorem, sit amet tristique risus purus at enim. Integer sit amet odio tristique, facilisis lacus ut, vestibulum leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer finibus bibendum turpis, sit amet tempor purus placerat in. Mauris tempus sodales orci, nec aliquam quam tincidunt eu. Aenean lacinia venenatis eros. Integer feugiat efficitur nibh non finibus. Praesent quis nisl auctor, lobortis diam vel, interdum lorem. Aenean dui elit, iaculis vel finibus a, semper non augue. Nulla est libero, ornare at felis eget, egestas ullamcorper metus. Vestibulum lacinia erat ante, vitae lacinia orci feugiat in.


  • Ristol smokes, but is considerate enough to smoke away from his non-smoking friends.
  • He does have a mega forme, there is not an exact way to transform into it though.
  • His Hoenn Gardevoir side is very subtle.
  • Compared to normal Gadonian Gallades, his: Ears aren't as curled, He does not have a chestplate or shoulderpads, horn is shorter, flowers are missing, cape splits into two halves, legs have less fur on them, and is missing the third ear.


Viola Ex-Wife, Hates

When him and Viola met, they did hit it off. They had a lot in common, and genuinely loved each other. But when Esther was born, Viola turned on both of them. Ristol started to see her true colours, and stopped loving her. He doesn't miss her at all.

Esther Daughter, Close

Despite being born unplanned and premature, Ristol loves Esther all the same. He wouldn't give her up for anything. He started to work at Sage's mostly to make the world a better place for Esther.

Sage Boss, Close

Ever since Sage saved Ristol and Esther from that one night of Viola's anger, he already liked Sage. He thought highly of her confindence and dedication to bring justice to him and Esther. He looked up to her, and still does. Especially now, that he's her detective of the clan.