Dr. Laurier



1 year, 4 months ago


Dr. Laurier
Team Xen Scientist
Why is it that you believe I am doing the "wrong" thing?
Enzo Laurier

Male, He/Him
January 18th

6'1/185 cm
160 lbs
Team Xen Scientist

Dr. Laurier is an enigma of a man. He doesn't ever speak much unless directly prompted to - or if you ask him a scientific-related question, of course. He takes great pride in his (frankly, unethical) work and revolves his entire life around it; more specifically, genetics are his forte. When faced with criticism regarding it, he often responds in an eerily calm manner on how his current stance, whatever it may be, will not change. After all, he's worked far too hard to get to where he is now - and won't budge, silently viewing most others' opinions as lesser than his. Sometimes, he even subtly writes them off as being "less intelligent" than he is.

His past is greatly shrouded in mystery, as he doesn't seem to care much for talking about it. If anything, he'd much rather focus on both the present... and what lies ahead for the future. More specifically, the future of Team Xen and its lab division. It's really the only thing he seems to care about, given that emotionless and apathetic exterior of his; others around him have theorized that this is likely how he was able to become so high-ranked in the first place.

  • The concept/study of genetics & heredity
  • Documentation and organization
  • Conducting experiments he believes are "unique"
  • Crowded or messy spaces
  • Religion
  • Unproductivity/being stagnant
Openness [ 25% ]
Conscientiousness [ 100% ]
Extraversion [ 15% ]
Agreeableness [ 30% ]
Neuroticism [ 15% ]

  • His Pokemon team consists of Malamar, Gothitelle, Espeon, Metagross, Musharna, and Drapion. He also has a Zweilous, but it's never used for battle.
  • Malamar is his ace.
  • His favorite Pokemon type is psychic, and he takes a great fascination with Solosis and Mewtwo in particular.
  • He has all of his work and research backed up into several different places. Just in case.
  • His headcanon voice is Professor Venomous from OK K.O.
design by endervention
Design Notes

  • He usually is always seen carrying his clipboard around - in his eyes, it's very important for him to be able to take notes at any given moment.
  • Yes, his outfit being slightly similar to Zetta's current one is on purpose.
  • He ties his hair into a ponytail for convenience's sake. That way, it doesn't get in the way of his work.
  • Slight eyebags. He definitely doesn't get enough sleep on a daily basis.
  • He's near-sighted, hence the glasses..

Oliver Dislike

While he can appreciate all of the work and effort that Oliver puts into the project, he wouldn't ever want to talk to him off the job. Something about him simply irritates him to no end -- and it goes beyond just the nervous demeanor, and his tendency to talk his ear off at any given moment. He doesn't think too much of it, though; as he has more important things to focus on.

Aspen Neutral

He's able to tolerate her a little more than he is with Oliver, but there's still a glaring set of flaws that are impossible for him to ignore. For one, he doesn't enjoy seeing her freeze up on the job. For two, it's difficult to keep track of what makes her tick and what doesn't. For three, she's only good in one department of the deep labs -- which isn't all bad considering she's phenomenal at what she does, but it still gets on his nerves. His apathetic nature doesn't go well with her anxious one.

Acarine Like

On days where he's especially irritated with the team he manages, at least he can always disregard the possibility of Acarine messing something up or making progress slower than it should be. Out of many others, he views their work and consistent diligence as something to be respected -- and once in a blue moon, will even voice that respect. So long as they keep up the good work, they're sure to live another day.