Teagan Sutton (3. Extra Info)




Due to the death of his father, Teagan is extremely uncomfortable in hospitals. He spent too much time in them and they signify death too much.

He fucking loves "trashy"/fast food. Adores french fries and burgers. Everytime he stops in America, he's gotta get him some Cinnabon.

Despite having a bad fear of hospitals, he has a routine of working himself hard until he falls sick, has to be hospitalized, then goes back and does it all over again.

He has a few tattoos. On his back is a tribal tattoo that goes over his shoulders and down his spine. On his right upper bicep is an oleander flower for his mom; on the left is a clock face for his father. Right by his heart is a wolf for Ryder.

He is officially a knight; he was knighted for the contributions that his business has made.

He is extremely petty despite being professional. If you hurt something he likes, then you can find yourself fired shortly after having a sit down meeting with him.
