Tiriki Mocha




Full Name: Tiriki Mocha
Nickname: none

Title: The Sweet Latte From Afar

Gender: Female

Tiriki Mocha is a kind and caring girl from a distant land where coffee themed racers like her reside, as well as a little strict, but very selfless nontheless. She enjoys Japanese culture and drinking latte, saying that it really calms her down from stress. It's rare for her to shout, and she prefers peace and quiet. She stresses out from loud noises and doesn't like getting too bitter.

Likes: Latte, Japanese culture, Cream roses
Dislikes: Loud noises, Bitter coffee, Filth

Tiriki has light brown skin with maroon cheeks, brown eyes, and mocha brown hair tied into a bun, decorated with chocolate sticks and cream roses on her head. She wears a light brown kimono with white under layers, brown leggings, white leg warmers, and brown shoes.

Her helmet is light brown like her kimono, with a brown stripe on each side. It has a brown visor held up by cream roses, the center has cream patterns, and each side has 2 chocolate sticks and 3 cream roses.

Racer Info

Theme: Mocha latte

Fans: Anthropomorphic cream roses

Kart: Mocha Speedster

Power-Up: Latte Blow (Her kart fires 3 chocolate sticks, which leave a hard blow on racers, and knocking them down.)


- Speed: 80%
- Handling: 85%
- Sugar Coating: 45%
- Sweetness: 70%
- Bitterness: 65%

Catchphrase: "Let's get it warm!"


Cloud Snowmallow: The two racers are childhood friends, having known each other for years. They first met in a forest, and since then, they still stay in contact, even when she's back in her homeland. Occasionally, they lightly flirt with each other, but brush it off as something they do as friends.

Adorabeezle Winterpop: They share a close friendship, which occurred naturally due to them being the mom friends of the roster. They help each other out in their tasks, from looking after other racers, to collecting ingredients. They both share the same exhaustion of keeping an eye out on the more immature racers.

Taffyta Muttonfudge: She wouldn't really consider Taffyta a friend, but one thing she's sure of is that they share mutual respect. She loves telling Taffyta about the racing system in her homeland, while also learning about the system she currently partakes in. They will also occasionally gossip with one another about other racers.

Corrina Milkery: Corrina and Tiriki are more or less opposites, and yet, they've grown really close as friends. As much as she can't tolerate Corrina's loud and impulsive nature, she's somehow able to keep her in check. She isn't sure how, but she's glad that it makes things a bit easier with her.

Ochaujo Mochiyama and Minty Sakura: At first, she felt pity for the two girls when they first met. She could understand the sruggles of being foreign. Nowadays, they're really close friends, and often hang out doing hobbies they like. Some could say that they form a trio of "Kimono Girls".


  • Tiriki is the only coffee themed racer of the new roster.
  • She comes from a coffee themed land called Kohi.
  • Tiriki's kart has an additional stat called "Bitterness", which determines a kart's bulk against sweet attacks.
  • She is one of few racers part of the LGBT, being bisexual.
  • Tiriki is one of the only girls part of the new roster. Likely to balance the gender ratio.
  • She's 178cm tall. As a chibi, she's as tall as every other racer.