Corrina Milkery




Full Name: Corrina Milkery
Nickname: Corri

Title: The Loud Milky Cream Surfer

Gender: Female

Corrina Milkery is a boisterous tomboy who loves competing and fun, but is very impulsive and often acts before thinking, as she'll always seek a fun adventure or accept any challenge of a race. Nothing can stop this confident girl, but maybe sweet cream can. She's well known among other racers with her bursts of energy and loud voice.

Likes:  Sports, Racing, Competitions
Dislikes: Gossip, Soured milk, Anything girly

Corrina has fair skin with rosy cheeks, sky blue eyes and short white hair. She has a black headband on her head, adorned with white chocolate chip horns. She wears a dark teal jacket on top of a white shirt with a black splotchy pattern, a sky blue skirt, white leggings with a gray splotchy pattern, and black cowboy boots with dark teal soles.

Her helmet is pale blue with a splotchy pattern of a darker shade. It has a blue visor held up by white chocolate chips, a long black line, and on it, white chocolate chip horns, bigger than the horns on her headband.

Racer Info

Theme: Milk

Fans: Anthropomorphic cream coated chocolate chips

Kart: Lactose Launcher

Power-Up: Slippery Cream (A puddle of milk spills out from behind her kart, leaving racers to temporarily spin when driving through it)


- Speed: 90%
- Handling: 60%
- Sugar Coating: 40%
- Sweetness: 55%

Catchphrase: "Let's roll!"


Cinder Cotton: They are known far and wide among the roster as the pair of platonic besties. Wherever Corrina goes to cause trouble, Cinder is sure to follow. They love cracking jokes, sometimes laughing at the stupidest puns. Some say that when these two are together, they become the definition of "sharing 2 brain cells".

Cindy Cotton: With how close she is to Cinder, naturally she'd grow close to his twin sister, too. However, the two girls often don't see eye to eye, considering that Corrina doesn't like anything girly, and to her, Cindy is the girliest friend she has so far. Somehow, she's able to find ways to get her mischievous side out of her.

Danikle Sodonut: She and Danikle are friendly rivals. They always compete against each other, and bicker quite often. She finds his clumsiness amusing, and will often tease him for that. She also denies that they'll ever be more than rivals, or even more than friends, as much as other racers tease her about.

Cloud Snowmallow: Corrina loves to poke fun at Cloud, and yet despite that, she sees him as an older brother. They bicker a lot like siblings, and more often than not, she annoys him with her impulsive nature. Sometimes, she enlists Cinder's help in trying to force a reaction out of him.

Tiriki Mocha: Corrina and Tiriki are more or less opposites, and yet, they've grown really close as friends. As much as Corrina can't tolerate her calm and mature nature, she feels like there's something about Tiriki that makes her calm down and be more level-headed. She also likes to tease her about her and Cloud's relationship.


  • Corrina is one of the first 3 avatars to debut in the story "Project: Sugar Rush Ultimate".
  • When nervous, she chews on her headband's chocolate chip horns.
  • It is possible that Corrina has a connection with cream cows, due to the horns and splotchy pattern.
  • Corrina is one of the only girls part of the new roster. Likely to balance the gender ratio.
  • She's 175cm tall. As a chibi, she's as tall as every other racer.