Cinder Cotton



7 months, 19 days ago


Full Name: Cinder Cotton
Nickname: none

Title: The Cool Candy Cloud

Gender: Male

Cinder Cotton is one of two cotton candy twins filled with curiosity and mischief. He's the older twin, and along with that, he's cool, reserved and laid-back, as well as a snarky guy. He's very approachable with his attitude. He likes to cause mischief with his friends, and often sticks together with either his sister or his best friend.

Likes: Action games, Snarky humor, His sister
Dislikes: Messy rooms, Complicated tasks, Rude awakening

Cinder has sienna skin with red cheeks, purple eyes, and pink hair tied into a small bun with the sides shaved. He wears a purple jacket on top of a shirt with pastel purple pattern, dark fuchsia pants with a stripe of a lighter shade on each side, pale purple leg warmers, and black shoes with dark blue soles.

His helmet is white with pastel purple stripes, along with purple cotton at the bottom. It has a purple visor held up by purple cotton candy balls. It is decorated with a blue cotton candy stick, and 2 cotton candy balls, partly to replicate his hairstyle.

Racer Info:

Theme: Cotton Candy

Fans: Anthropomorphic cotton candies

Kart: Cotton Rollout

Power-Up: Heating Bullseye (His kart fires 3 heating cotton candies at his target, which knocks down the opponent and melts across the kart to slow them down)


- Speed: 95%
- Handling: 70%
- Sugar Coating: 100%
- Sweetness: 75%

Catchphrase: "Cloudy cool!"


Cindy Cotton: Cinder's twin sister. They're both practically inseparable, more often than not sticking together. Cinder is the cool brother of this duo, and is usually the more talkative twin. They both love each other, and are often there for one another. Though there are times one stands back and watches the other struggle.

Corrina Milkery: They are known far and wide among the roster as the pair of platonic besties. Wherever Corrina goes to cause trouble, Cinder is sure to follow. They love cracking jokes, sometimes laughing at the stupidest puns. Some say that when these two are together, they become the definition of "sharing 2 brain cells".

Cloud Snowmallow: Cinder likes to poke fun at Cloud's stoic expressions, being the one to call him "Iron Mask" the most. He doesn't really get why Cloud hides his emotions, and will sometimes try and force an emotion out of him, which usually results with an angry marshmallow racer.

C4N-D1: Cinder considers Candi a close friend, often hanging out with her in either a library or a cafe. He likes to teach her about things Darkogi hasn't taught her yet, like video games. Whenever she asks about the taste of food, he usually explains by having her imagine that as feelings.

Swizzle "The Swizz" Malarkey: He and Swizzle have beef with one another. While Cinder usually tries to play it cool and be more reasonable, he believes that it's Swizzle's hot-headedness that causes the quarrel between them, not admitting that he's also at fault, what with his constant smugness against the daredevil.

Citrusella Flugpucker: They have quite an interesting friendly rivalry going on between the two. With how sassy Citrusella can get, Cinder can't help but sass her back, resulting in a back-and-forth of snarky comments, which often ends with a fit of chuckles. He's cool with her character, even admitting that he finds her kinda cute.


  • Cinder is one of the first 3 avatars to debut in the story "Project: Sugar Rush Ultimate".
  • Cinder shares his candy theme with Cindy, who is his twin sister.
  • His haircut is inspired from the one my IRL brother had.
  • He's 171cm tall. As a chibi, he's as tall as every other racer.