Liquero Twizzloom



7 months, 10 days ago


Full Name: Liquero Twizzloom
Nickname: none

Title: The Twisted Licorice Liar

Gender: Male

Liquero Twizzloom is not one to mess with, for while initaly he's quiet and jumpy, once you get to know him better, you'll learn that he's actually energetic, mischievous and childish, not to mention he's quite a liar, and will enjoy confusing others with whether or not he's telling the truth or lying. Ironically, he doesn't like it when other racers are lying.

Likes: Sudoku, Solving mysteries, Red twizzlers
Dislikes: Small spaces, Liars, Lemons

Liquero has pale skin with rosy cheeks, red eyes, and moderately long, wavey black hair with maroon highlights. He wears a red scarf with a stripe pattern, a black jacket with red licorice trim on top of a white and red checkered shirt, black pants with red licorice cuffs, and black shoes with dark red soles.

His helmet is black with a red stripe at the bottom, and red licorice stripes at the top. It has a red visor held up by licorice candy, and black curves with maroon tips sticking outwards, meant to replicate his hairstyle.

Racer Info:

Theme: Licorice

Fans: Anthropomorphic licorice candy assortment

Kart: Lico-rider

Power-Up: Twisted Twizzlers (His kart fires a string of incredibly long red twizzlers, which wrap around an opponent and stun them momentarily)


- Speed: 85%
- Handling: 95%
- Sugar Coating: 50%
- Sweetness: 70%

Catchphrase: "Get twisted!"


Candlehead: Liquero's soulmate. As much as he likes to tease her about her ditziness, he gets awkward when he's with her alone. Since he isn't used to physical affection from her, it's easy to make him flustered over a gesture even as small as a hug. Although he won't admit it, he secretly treasures all the time he spends with her.

Vanellope Von Schweetz: They share a very close, almost sibling-like friendship with one another. He likes to make her laugh and have her let out her more playful side as a way to relieve her from stress. However, recently he's getting a bit more cautious around her, and it's thanks to a certain jealous racer...

Gloyd Orangeboar: Liquero holds nothing against Gloyd, but it's his jealousy over his and Vanellope's friendship that makes him dislike the prankster. He usually tries to laugh it off as rivalry, but deep down, he feels like he wants to grab Gloyd by his neck and spell it out to him, word by word, that she's only a friend to him.

Cloud Snowmallow: To him, Cloud is a very close friend, though he might consider best friend, too. They both share a love of solving mysteries, and roasting other racers behind their backs. As much as he likes to poke fun at him, there are times when he shows his more vulnerable to him, which shows that he trusts him.

C4N-D1: The two racers have a sort of love-hate relationship. He isn't cruel to her, and actually thinks she's cool, but he will often poke fun at her for not being human. But there are times, however, when he'll put that aside and help her as a friend. He loves confusing her about whether or not he's a friend or foe.

Kumagaru: They have a very close brotherly friendship. More often than not, Liquero will drag Kumagaru into whatever he's up to, and he knows how to persuade the boy, promising that it'll involve a bit of cosplaying. They share the same struggle of having zero experiences with relationships.


  • Liquero's design is a clear inspiration from Kokichi Ouma, a character from Danganronpa.
  • Before the update, he was a crossover event racer, playable for a limited time.
  • He is very claustrophobic.
  • Whenever he blushes, the tips of his ears also flush red.
  • Liquero is one of the only 2 racers in the new roster that can use fake-out moves during a race.
  • He's 156cm tall. As a chibi, he's as tall as every other racer.