Basic Info










February 14th

Sexual Preference


Dominant Hand




Height: 5 Feet 4 Inches

Weight: 130lbs

Blood Type: A

Body Type:

Skin Color: Caucasian

Eye Colors: Hazel

Hair Color: Black

Tail Color: Pink


Skills and Personality

Skills: Mainly Household-related skills, Waitressing

Powers: Ice/Snow Magic (novice to intermediate)

Fighting Style: None ATM

Goal: Have a Happy Life

Personality: They’re usually quite happy on the outside while keeping their true emotions inside them. They often do not complain and focus more on the task in front of them, often leading to a more focused mind rather than drifting in thoughts. Their not a leader but more so a follower that likes to think of a way out rather than rushing into things. They are easy to fluster tho, as teases tend to make his mind race. 

Flaws: They tend to be a bit too shy sometimes, often hiding their face from others during intense situations. Drake has a habit of being so fearful of failure, making them often go the extreme route of whatever problem it may be. They also rarely stick up for themselves during any situation, even when being bullied, a habit his father infused them with.


Family and Love

Family members (Parents, siblings): Human Father, Aqua Florian (Mermaid Mother)

Family members (Non-Blood): Maria Hass (Best Friend), Kazuya Ishikawa (Boss/Uncle-Figure)

Family member (Others): None ATM

Status: Single (ATM)



Birthplace: West Coast City, ???, USA

Currently living: Hylaeus City, ???, USA

Wishing to go to: A place that accepts him

Working at: Pucelle Ciel maid cafe

Job: Waitress (Usually Day-shift)

Dream Job: None At The Moment


Likes and Dislikes

Loves: Lovely Gowns, Worries washing away

Likes: Feeling like they belong, bubble baths, exploring the ocean

Dislikes: People making fun of the fact they like to wear dresses and/or that they’re gay

Fears: Being alone because of their sexuality, their father returning to them


Fun Facts:

🎨Favorite Color(s): Pink

🐾Spirit Animal: Dog

💿Theme Song: Delicious by Monkey Majik

🍱Favorite Food: Cherry Starbursts

🍹Favorite Drink: Strawberry Hot chocolate

🥛Hated Drink: Fireball Cinnamon Whisky

🚮Hated Food: Seaweed




Drake Florian is a gay merman who currently lives in Hylaeus City by themselves. They used to live with an abusive father, trying to force them into something they weren’t, so they planned their time and money out so they would be able to leave and stay within the much more comforting city. they currently work at Pucelle Ceil, a Maid Cafe and Diner hybrid closer to the coast, as one of the waitresses there. On their days off, they sometimes like to see a nice rom-com or even go for a swim in their merform. they are also looking for a lover, with many trials and just as many errors, hoping to find loving happiness one day.


Born on the West Coast of the US, Drake was born with a human father and a mermaid mother. At first, everything seemed normal to him, oblivious to the shouting and yelling that accompanied their parents' conversations. It wasn’t until they were about 6 years old that their parents got a divorce, ending with their father getting custody of them due to the judge favoring the father for being human. This would prove to be hell for him, as while Drake was developing their mind and emotions, their father would often force them to Think, act, and even look differently; all in a way to make them tougher against what they saw as the harsh world. However, it ended up developing resentment towards him.

In their teenage years, Drake and their dad's personalities would often clash with each other until the father started hitting them to have ‘his point of view sink in,’ making Drake more terrified of even turning into their merform. The worst of it came at 14 years old, as Drake was struck badly while their dad was drunk on the back of his head, leaving a scar. After this, they began leaning on their friends more for emotional support, slowly developing into a more romantic feeling towards their male friends. they got their first kiss when they were 16 from a friendly dare, but it felt good to him; it felt like everything their father tried to force them to learn was a lie. While they would end up not seeing their friends again, after high school, they made their decision.

When Drake became 18 years old and after saving up a lot of money, they lied to their father about going to college and decided to go to Hylaeus City, while now using their mother’s last name instead of their father’s. It was rough in the beginning until they found a small apartment on the ground level and began job searching. Around the same time they ended up landing a job at the Maid Cafe/Diner Hybrid (Pucelle Ceil), and they ended up finding a winning lottery ticket. To him, this felt so relieving, and their worries about being forced to go home faded quickly. 

Now, they’re currently a waiter/waitress maid at Pucelle Ceil and working happily there. They’ve made new and more accepting friends while making sure to keep on top of everything. Their love life has been more of a struggle due to a fear of not being accepted clouding their judgment. They can freely be in their merform without anyone harassing them tho, though they can go to any shop without being scared of what he’s bringing home. They felt somewhat at peace while adjusting to their new life. While they did get a little curse from a piece of snow-themed jewelry (a story for another time), they feel like they can sleep more soundly at night