Fulvius ( Harlequin Coral) (Imitarus Elaps)



2 months, 4 days ago



A quite Fulvius, Imitarus rarely talks to others willingly preferring to sit off by himself and if you attempt to sit next to him, he will give you a strange look and say something negative before moving somewhere else. He tends to stutter when he talks and when he messes up his words rather then continue talking he will just be quite letting the sentence end there. If you ask him to finish his sentence he will ask you what you are talking about before throwing the conversation back your way, insisting the whole time he didn't say anything and has no idea what you are talking about. Because of this he tries to keep speaking to a minimum. Most people find him creepy and unsettling to be around. If you ask anyone if he has any friends they will state that him and his younger twin brother Mimiko are close and do everything together.


Born the older twin to Mimiko Imitarus had always been a quite soul. As a kid he never really wanted for everything and was allowed to go off and do things on his own. He spent many hours of his his childhood just sitting out in the sun, looking up at the sky and day dreaming. He wasn't ever really sad but didn't feel it necessary to smile around everyone to show his contentment like his younger twin.

When he and his brother became old enough to help out with their family business he was a bit apprehensive. His family business consisted of them being MC's for entertainment venues. They would introduce performers or stage plays getting the crowd excited for the next act. However, Imitarus didn't really enjoy being in front of a crowd. He was always worried about disappointing them and messing up. However with a bit of persuasion from those around him, he eventually gave in and gave being a MC a shot. He wasn't as charismatic as his younger brother Mimiko, but he could get the job done. His reserved nature often lead him to be the backup if other MC's weren't able to make it or were late and that was just fine with him.

After one performance where he had substituted for Mimiko because he had been feeling unwell, Mimiko pulled him aside and told Imitarus that he had failed his job that night. That the crowd had hated his act and that he wasn't cut out for being an MC. Imitarus tried to brush it off, but the words his twin had said to him started to get at him.

Anytime he tried to speak to others his mind would run wild with thoughts that he was messing up and these thoughts were fed by Mimiko who constantly joked about Imitarus's small size and performing capabilities. Imitarus started to become more and more quite as that seemed like the best way to avoid messing up. He really only spoke when he had to MC for someone who couldn't make it.

One day he had to perform with his younger brother in an act where the two of them played comedy and tragedy for an MC bit and the crowd loved it. They went wild for the twins act with Mimiko being happy and joking at Imitarus's expense with Imitarus making negative and depressing comments with a stutter as if the part was made for the two of them. After the show the theater quickly asked them if they would do it again and pretty soon the act that was meant to be a one time thing was their main act.

At first Imitarus was OK with this as he didn't have to be on stage smiling and happy all the time, but it quickly turned into a nightmare. Both on and off stage his younger twin would point out all his flaws and make fun off him. When they were by themselves Mimiko would make sure that Imitarus knew that when the audience was laughing it wasn't with him, it was at him because he was such a mess of a Fulvius. Imitarus tried to leave the act, but Imitarus wouldn't have it claiming that he should be honored to have the position and to walk away from it would be bringing dishonor to their family and insulting to the audience that wanted to see the act.

So he stayed.  His life on stage started to become it off it as well as Animalian found that his moody and depressing attitude funny because they thought he was just leaning into her persona rather then it being his actual thoughts. As his self worth decreased his stutter increased as well as his younger twins control over him. Imitarus didn't want to mess things up and it seemed that his twin knew how to do things right so whatever Mimiko said to do, Imitarus would do, rarely if ever second guessing the command.

As the years past Mimiko's hostility towards Imitartus became stronger and when they were alone Mimiko would shout at Imitarus telling him that he was lucky to have his spot and if Mimiko could take his spot he would. At first it seemed like an empty threat, but as the years pass the threat of replacement has grown to the point where Imitarus believes that his younger twin would kill him in order to take his place and his name if Imitarus ever did something that Mimiko didn't like. Mimiko claimed that no one would notice and Mimiko would be able to so much more with Imitarus's life then Imitarus could ever do with it.

The two are often expected to be with each other but every moment with Mimiko terrifies Imitarus as he knows that if he says something wrong then Mimiko could flip out and take him out. So he stays quite most days and only talks when needed. When around those who arn't Mimiko he will often say offhanded comments as he is trying to make sure that he gets the first jab at others before they can attack him with their words, this leads most to thinking that he is a jerk and Animalian are happy to leave him alone.

When on his own Imitarus likes to read in a dark place curled up under a warm blanket. He likes happy books that let him be someone else for a bit and have a happy ending rather then living in constant fear. When not on stage it is likely this is where he can be found.

He has an act that he often does with his brother where the two are attached by the tail where they wear comedy and tragedy masks and pretend to be two half's of someones thoughts. After these performances his twin will make sure that he knows that all the applause was for his comedic jokes and not Imitarus's performance.

call to adventure

1) if a pc wants to play as Imitarus he could run away from his home in search of a life like the stories he reads. He would struggle to be brave and do anything that requires psychical work but eventually he may start to become his own self rather then a pessimistic Serpents who is afraid to speak out.

2) alternatively his brother could kill him and so the player actually plays as his younger twin pretending to be him who has run away. This could lead players to try to figure out his inconsistency and find out his past.

if no call to adventure is headed then after a rather poor performance where he and his twin are booed off the stage he will get attacked by Mimiko. Despite his best efforts he is to weak and will have his head cut off by his younger twin and die. His body will be placed under the stage where it isn't found for about a month when it starts to smell.


He wears a light gray suit coat with two tail coats that have bronze buttons on the ends of them. He also has a dark gray suit shirt with a high collar and white bow tie. He has a white Cummerbund and a bronze chain that attaches both sides of his suit coat in the front. His mask is mostly black with a white stripe down the middle and two 'sad' eye slits on either side.


-insulting someone
-reading a book under a blanket
-acting as tragedy on a stage with a white mask or white face paint (could be with Mimiko on the other side as comedy)
-having Mimiko's negative comments or joking insults flying around his head
-listening to Mimiko berating him
-sitting on a grassy hill looking up at the sky in deep contemplation
-his twin looking over his shoulder or him chained symbolically to his brother
-hooked to his twin brother by the tail with face masks on (possibly being dragged around)
-contemplating on how Mimiko would kill him

