Fulvius ( Harlequin Coral) (Isaac Schmidt)



1 year, 25 days ago



Isaac was born with two heads ( a birth defect known as Bicephaly), the heads are attached at the jaw. Although each head has a slightly different personality, they both consider themselves to be Issac. Isaac is one of the many Corals that live in the Coral estate with his main job there is to entertain the other Corals. He sets up performances and helps other Corals gain jobs in the entertainment industry. Although he will never admit to any of the other Corals, he is rather fond of one of the estate's workers, Chaco. He will bend backward to help her out whenever he can.


From birth everyone around Isaac wanted him to be around them. It is well known that Serpentes born with Bicephaly often don't live long, but while they are alive they are thought to bring good luck and spread blessings where ever they go. Because of this, his parents sold him to an eccentric millionaire claiming that they wanted him to spend his short life in the hands of someone who could give him everything he would want. It didn't hurt of course, that they made a sizable fortune from it as well.

His life with this eccentric Animalian wasn't bad. Isaac spent most his days at his 'adoptive' father's side and was instructed to stay quiet unless spoken to. However, when his opinion on something was asked for those around him took it as gospel. As he grew up and learned more from tutors and teachers that his 'father' hired for him, he started to realize how much power his words had against those around him.

Before long, he was able to manipulate others to get everything he could ever dream for. Others were afraid to question him as his doubleheader nature meant that he was blessed and must know everything. As a young Serpentes, he took full advantage of this. He started to boss others around and put himself above them as he was 'more special'.

he does a thing and gets his 'dad' kick out of a thing or something and everything crumbles

gets kicked out

has to entertain others on the street to survive as most believe he was the cause for the downfall

coral estate entertainer finds him and tells him to come with them

trains them to take their place

trainer retires leaving it to Isaac.



Main outfit| Issacs main outfit consists of a light tan vest with a ruffled white undershirt. He has a rich blue jacket that goes over the vest and the jacket has golden stripes down each side as well as two ribbons that hold the top of the jacket together. Where the ribbons attach are two rivets that hold them on. He often wears a light red cravat that is ruffled. His golden tophat has a light red ribbon around it that has the coral estate symbol pinned to it. The top hat sits on the head of whatever head has decided to take the lead that day, although it can switch if situations demand it.

He is a Fulvius has dark brown moderneyes. Basic species reference sheet can be found here. Please look at this for common errors people make when drawing this species.


Ideas for what you could draw him doing:

-moving his hat from one head to the other
-presenting the start of a play (i.e. standing in front of a stage)
-subtlely flirting with Chaco
-signing a lot of papers with a bored expression
-putting together a play
-telling jokes
-wearing a happy/ sad mask on either of his faces (similar to the icon here)
-putting on his jacket to get ready for a show
-pretending to see into the future


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_hFR54R19U&ab_channel=disneysoundtrack89 - a song that he sings to Chaco about how she can live a good life even if she isn't a coral as she has skill. is sung with his other head