The Prince



1 year, 1 month ago


You don't know exactly what happened. The last thing you remember is being sucked into an ocean of sand. Maybe you went through a portal, but most likely you arrived on Mitrah's planet, made entirely of water, and took a current that brought you here. The White Desert is infinite, but on the opposite side it has an infinite ocean too.

You open your eyes and look around you. You are soaking wet, in a damp place, breathing warm, thick steam, smelling of mold and verdigris. You hear dripping here and there, noises like rain or, perhaps, many showers running at the same time. You wait a few moments for your eyes to get used to the darkness. The floor is made of brick-colored tiles, very old.

You stand up, and start walking. You realize you are in some kind of bathroom with showers and a disproportionate number of cubicles with toilets, most of them broken... but at least they are clean. One of the cubicles is actually a corridor, so you go inside.

The place you arrive at is exactly the same as the previous one, and you also find a cubicle that, instead of a toilet, it has a corridor. You go inside.

The place you arrive at is exactly the same as the previous one, and you also find a cubicle that, instead of a toilet, it has a corridor. You go inside.

You lose count of how many times the exact same thing happens to you.

When you were about to reach your limit of patience, suddenly the place you arrive at this time is slightly different from the countless previous ones: it's a little darker, and the water is up to your ankles. Between each step you take, you notice an extra noise: footsteps splashing, not your own. Fear begins to rise up inside you almost as great as your curiosity, when you realize that what is splashing is coming towards you and, judging by the noise, it is extremely heavy.

By the time the creature is close enough for you to see what it is, it's too late to run away. It is a huge, blue colored minotaur. On its right shoulder is the Prince, who looks at you, haughty and arrogant, with his owlish eyes.

Congratulations! You found the Prince. You won the Hide and Seek game.

The Minotaur lifts you two meters off the ground, grabbing you by the head. He snorts on top of you and, quick as a breath and easy as if you were a sheet of paper, rips you in half. He treated you like a raw meat patty :/ I'm pretty sure you died, this time forever. May you rest in peace :)

El Príncipe y el Minotauro

The Prince

Inner child
Sand Castle
Depende de su humor.
More info
Puka Muriska

I bet you can't guess how old I really am. (ʘ ͟ʖ ʘ)

You have three tries. I like to play that game, because everybody looses.

I made a broken stars salad to celebrate your victory. I broke them myself, so I'm going to eat it by myself too. If you've never tasted it, all the better, I'll enjoy it more. I'm going to put chocolate sauce on it, and if it's really good I'm going to save half of it for Gabriel. I have a toad family to feed, they live in my belly. I need the peeping eyes to stop hurting my heart, because I like to run around loose and get full of fleas and mud, and the toads eat the peeping eyes. And the fleas. I'm going to eat the salad with juice squeezed from bubble light, but I'm going to invite you with it, and you'd better drink it all. It tastes like grape soap. As a reward for playing with me, I'll do your hair for free. I have a collection of bows that I'm bored with, so I'll give you one for your head. There, now you look less worse than before. (ʘ ͜ʖ ʘ)



I don't know why they always say that about me >:(


Everything is for me. Even when it's for someone else.


It's easier to do what I want to do when no one knows what I'm doing.

Main character

The only thing that really interests me is adventure.

I like

Rroller skating

It's almost like flying with my feet.

Investigate the paranormal

It is essential to have black clothes and to know how to fight. I never know what kind of monsters I will encounter.


I like to lie.

I hate

Loud noises

I can scream louder than the noises.

When the doggie dies in the movie



I don't like to drink hot bogs, I've seen what can come out of them.


Big and pink
Hair color
Black and/or pink
ouji, emo, circus
Black and pink
Loud and Chatty
Manners and Elegance

Piercings on his ears
Nails painted black
Black and white stripes

A Prince of a Sand Castle

I live on a vertical beach. I like to listen to the waves and collect shells. My castle is fine, but I want to live in a mermaids' nest. Maybe they will drown me in my sleep and sink me deeper into my dreams. They say I'm heavy, very, very heavy, and that's why they had to get me a giant friend to carry me around, a minotaur. Because cars and cranes can't stand me.


I don't like summer. I like to be awake while everybody else is sleeping. I have many spider friends, Natalia N°12 caught a bedbug two weeks ago and it's still in her web, I'm sure she doesn't want to eat it because it smells like ass. I have a plant that flowers fairy hats, and it comes out from under a rock. I don't know where it came from, but I'm sure it was planted by fairies who want hats....


Sometimes I am more place than person, and sometimes I am more animal than child. Sometimes I'm a Castle, sometimes I'm a unicorn named Konna. Sometimes I'm a teenager made of white sand, sometimes I laugh a lot at cream cheese, sometimes I bite because I don't like being in the waiting room. I don't like waiting. I don't like not being the priority. That's why I'm a Prince.

(_ _*) Z z z

Trophy Room

Thank you for playing with us :)

Game by: Muriska

Zine by: El Príncipe

Characters by: Puka Muriska

Music by: Spiral Blast