


lighthearted // wry // clever

Story: Catband
Setting: New York City, 2007
Created: 2018


Full Name Jennifer Collier Age 42 Species Human
Nicknames Jenny (by most people), The Eggbeater (???) Birthday June 5, 1964 Gender Female
Prefers Jenny Zodiac Gemini Pronouns She/Her
Character Group Other friends/family Religion ??? Sexuality Lesbian
Group Role Kaji's friend Background American Relationship Status ???
Day Job Eggbeater Birthplace St. Louis, MO Living Situation ???
  • Jenny's an actress and dancer who plays an eggbeater in a Disney musical on Broadway. you probably know the one
  • was it her life's dream to be an eggbeater? probably not but she loves it and has a lot of fun in the show
  • speaking of beating she'll def beat yo ass in her softball league so watch out for cy-nthia young over here
  • actually kind of indifferent on the subject of eggs though. not an omelette gal
  • cross-stitches on the subway; they're usually funny, often feminist and/or queer, and not necessarily family-friendly
  • likes keeping succulents and gives them all individual names
  • if you're her friend you're def getting various baby succulents pawned off on you
  • Kaji's best friend, so rip him

Height: 5'7"/170cm Build: Athletic
Eyes: Blue Hair: Deep red (natural but currently dyed), wavy
Handedness: Right Style: Classic

Jenny has the body of a dancer: she's fit and athletic, with long, wavy deep red hair and a pretty face.

She dresses nicely when she's not on the job, typically in blouses and slacks or dresses. She has pierced ears.

Coding by hedgemaze, lowkeywicked, & WeltDerAthanasie // See gallery for image credits