Steph Gutierrez



1 year, 4 days ago


TW: Steph's backstory briefly mentions homophobia, outing, and bullying
Steph Gutierrez


Name Stephanie Gutierrez
Nicknames Steph
Birthday March 8 (Pisces)
Age ~25
Gender Nonbinary (she/they)
Sexuality Bisexual
Occupation Makeup Artist
Race Mexican


  • bashful but extroverted
  • artsy
  • sympathetic
  • Xx_cr1ng3_fr33_xX (´,,•ω•,,)♡



  • raves! PLUR
  • fun makeup looks
  • bright colors


  • when ur beaded bracelets break and the beads flied everywhere (╥﹏╥)
  • different foods touching on the plate
  • drama


Steph works as a makeup artist at a store in the mall and loves to play with people's looks. In their free time they love to go to dance clubs and raves. She is artsy and loves to make beaded bracelets to trade with people she meets. While she likes going out and meeting people she can get self conscious and overthink her actions. She tries to be brave and get back out there when she has had a moment. Good thing she's got friends who can boost her up and make sure she's doing okay.


Steph has warm toned light brown skin and big brown eyes. She is short and fat. Their hair is teased up in the back with raccoon tail clip-ins in the front. It is two-toned light red and warm black. She has stretched ears and sometimes wears normal earrings in the tunnels. They always have some winged eyeliner on, the favorite look is little blue wings. Wears alot of accessories such as bracelets and hairclips.



has an older half brother, Felipe. They share the same dad and he had some custody over Felipe but it never really felt like he and Steph were truly siblings. With him coming and going so often, to Steph he felt like a weird cousin or something. They got along anyway despite the situation but Steph did feel a little guilty for having her dad the whole time and he didn't get to.


Steph's family went to church because of her mom, when her parents got married her dad got more invovled in religion. So when Steph was old enough it seemed natural to sign her up for youth group. Steph thought it was okay but some of the other girls in the group would tease her. It wasn't all the time but enough to build up a little discomfort in going. Steph would be too shy to speak up about it.
Luckily one day a new family moved in and their daughter Izabel joined the youth group. Iz and Steph hit it off, they had similar interests and Iz seemed sincerely nice and Steph felt at ease with her. The mean girls seemed to ease up on Steph but unfortunately, it was revealed that their attentions were set upon new target Iz. The girls ganged up on Iz and outed her to the rest of the group and in turn got her in trouble with the church. Steph was horrified that they would do this to her friend and that was the push she needed to say enough was enough and she doesn't want to have anything to do with the group anymore. She took her stand at Iz's side. Steph's family luckily understood the harm and discomfort caused by all of this and wouldn't make Steph go to the group anymore. Steph's mom would argue with the church to protect ALL the children under their roof, and in the end she parted from the church as well.


Nowadays Steph spends her time having fun with her best friends and meeting new people.
Her bestie Iz joined a band and Steph is so excited to hear new mewsic from them, and to be so close to the band as well! ♪♬((d⌒ω⌒b))♬♪
She recently discovered her own queer identity, and while at a pride parade she met a good new friend and even shared a first kiss together (//ω//) it's been nice learning more about herself and while she is a little bashful about exploring new things she's trying her best.



Friendly Rude
Affectionate Standoffish
Clever Foolish
Funny Serious
Careful Reckless
Optimistic Pessimistic
  • uses kaomoji frequently in her texts ヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ)
  • Sammy was her first kiss...
  • collects beaded bracelets and silly bandz, always has so many on her wrists
  • she loves to party but for her it's all about the music and dancing, oh yeah you can meet people to date there huh? interesting
  • Steph tries to be optimistic but sometimes... its hard :(



Iz   [ best friend ]


Friends since forever, Steph and Iz have been together through thick and thin. They support each other in all that they do and go shopping together, watching movies alternating between who hosts, and the like. Steph is especially excited and proud of Iz for forming a band and finding a cool new application for her music knowlege!


Eve   [ friend ]


They met at a club and Eve helped Steph out of an uncomfy situation with some randos. They spent the rest of the night dancing freely and having a good time! Steph thinks Eve is so cool and is glad that they met (=`ω´=) Steph is a little oblivious of Eve's feelings towards her but maybe she'll figure something out. It's also a crazy coincedence that she also is in the band that Iz started, how cool!!!


Sammy   [ friend ]


Steph and Sammy meet at Steph's first pride parade since coming out! They shared a kiss and Steph was very giddy about it. They didn't exchange numbers though so Steph thought it'd just be one of those things.. but it turns out that, crazy coincedence, Sammy is the other person forming the band with her bestie IZ???? ∑(o_O;) it just felt like fate...!!! she gets to spend more time with Sammy and eventually figures out that, hmm, maybe i just like him as a friend. but she is thankful for the experience anyway! uwu


Felipe   [ half brother ]


doesn't exactly see him as a brother so much, he was gone half the time when they were growing up, but they did have fun times together when he would visit! They got along well and was very nice to her when all the drama with the church went down. Now as adults their friend group is starting to blend together so they actually get to hang out and its neat to see him as a "real person". Which is fun but sometimes you don't wanna hang out with your brother, actually.