

10 months, 27 days ago


Mental Illness + Self Harm
Childhood Trauma
Mentions of Childhood Abuse + Neglect
Alcohol + Drug Use
Death + Violence
Hospitals + Medical Settings
  • Palona Kahlo-Calderón Smith   "Are.. Are you that fucking stupid?"
  • age 17 years old
  • Pronouns She/Her
  • Gender Cisgender Female
  • Sexuality Omniromantic Greysexual
  • Race Egyptian/Mexican/Indigenous
  • "birth" date 9/15/2031
  • home Exclaimation!USA
  • theme

    Fifteen Minutes
    Mike Krol

The basics

  • Status Alive
  • School Clone High
  • Dominant Hand Right
  • Temperament Choleric
  • Tarot The Hanged Man + The Empress
  • Alignment Chaotic Netural
  • Virtue Authenticity

  • R. Status Taken
  • Grade Sophomore
  • Archetype The Outlaw
  • starsign Virgo
  • Religon "something is fucking out there"
  • Aesthetic Gay evil scientist
  • Vice Hypocrisy


  • Food Smoked Fish
  • Drink Rooibos Tea
  • Color All shades of green
  • Flower Oleanders/Peonies
  • Weather Rainy + Thunderstrom
  • Animal Canines in general
  • Holiday Halloween
  • Season Autumn
  • Activity Swimming
  • Song Chop Suey

Voice-Claim: Kristen Schaal

Low Pitch High Pitch

Smooth Scratchy

Soft Loud

Slow Fast

Describe the quality of your character's voice here. Do they have a pleasant voice, or is it more grating to the ears? Pronunciation and enunciation refer to how accurately and clearly, respectively, your character can speak. In other words, do they often mispronounce words? Can they speak clearly to get the specific sounds across so that others can understand them? Nam molestie dapibus cursus. Curabitur feugiat elementum ante, ut interdum eros dignissim eget. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

- Sarah Lynn, BoJack Horseman

- Sarah Lynn, BoJack Horseman

- Sarah Lynn, BoJack Horseman

- Sarah Lynn, BoJack Horseman


Reading Fluency

Writing Fluency

Conversational Fluency

Talk about your character's knowledge of the particular language here. Do note that there is a difference between reading, writing, and conversational fluency when it comes to languages. Using myself as an example, I am fully fluent in English. I can read, write, and converse comfortably in English, so my fluency in all three is high.

I also know Tagalog, but I'm more of a passive/ receptive speaker than anything else, meaning I can understand the language when it's being spoken to/ at me, but I cannot speak the language back. So in terms of conversational fluency, it's technically there, but it's not that high up. Similarly, I can read Tagalog, but it might take me a longer time to understand it than if being spoken (so it'd be lower than conversational fluency), but in terms of writing, I can only do very basic sentences, so my writing fluency is very low.

I'm also able to read, write, and speak French, but I'm not fully fluent in it. It's more conversational (i.e. being able to hold a light conversation/ read fairly basic/ simple books) than anything else though, so in terms of fluency, it'd be roughly in the middle.



Reading Fluency

Writing Fluency

Conversational Fluency

Talk about your character's knowledge of the particular language here. Do note that there is a difference between reading, writing, and conversational fluency when it comes to languages. Using myself as an example, I am fully fluent in English. I can read, write, and converse comfortably in English, so my fluency in all three is high.

I also know Tagalog, but I'm more of a passive/ receptive speaker than anything else, meaning I can understand the language when it's being spoken to/ at me, but I cannot speak the language back. So in terms of conversational fluency, it's technically there, but it's not that high up. Similarly, I can read Tagalog, but it might take me a longer time to understand it than if being spoken (so it'd be lower than conversational fluency), but in terms of writing, I can only do very basic sentences, so my writing fluency is very low.

I'm also able to read, write, and speak French, but I'm not fully fluent in it. It's more conversational (i.e. being able to hold a light conversation/ read fairly basic/ simple books) than anything else though, so in terms of fluency, it'd be roughly in the middle.



Reading Fluency

Writing Fluency

Conversational Fluency

Talk about your character's knowledge of the particular language here. Do note that there is a difference between reading, writing, and conversational fluency when it comes to languages. Using myself as an example, I am fully fluent in English. I can read, write, and converse comfortably in English, so my fluency in all three is high.

I also know Tagalog, but I'm more of a passive/ receptive speaker than anything else, meaning I can understand the language when it's being spoken to/ at me, but I cannot speak the language back. So in terms of conversational fluency, it's technically there, but it's not that high up. Similarly, I can read Tagalog, but it might take me a longer time to understand it than if being spoken (so it'd be lower than conversational fluency), but in terms of writing, I can only do very basic sentences, so my writing fluency is very low.

I'm also able to read, write, and speak French, but I'm not fully fluent in it. It's more conversational (i.e. being able to hold a light conversation/ read fairly basic/ simple books) than anything else though, so in terms of fluency, it'd be roughly in the middle.



Reading Fluency

Writing Fluency

Conversational Fluency

Talk about your character's knowledge of the particular language here. Do note that there is a difference between reading, writing, and conversational fluency when it comes to languages. Using myself as an example, I am fully fluent in English. I can read, write, and converse comfortably in English, so my fluency in all three is high.

I also know Tagalog, but I'm more of a passive/ receptive speaker than anything else, meaning I can understand the language when it's being spoken to/ at me, but I cannot speak the language back. So in terms of conversational fluency, it's technically there, but it's not that high up. Similarly, I can read Tagalog, but it might take me a longer time to understand it than if being spoken (so it'd be lower than conversational fluency), but in terms of writing, I can only do very basic sentences, so my writing fluency is very low.

I'm also able to read, write, and speak French, but I'm not fully fluent in it. It's more conversational (i.e. being able to hold a light conversation/ read fairly basic/ simple books) than anything else though, so in terms of fluency, it'd be roughly in the middle.


egyptian Arab

Reading Fluency

Writing Fluency

Conversational Fluency

Talk about your character's knowledge of the particular language here. Do note that there is a difference between reading, writing, and conversational fluency when it comes to languages. Using myself as an example, I am fully fluent in English. I can read, write, and converse comfortably in English, so my fluency in all three is high.

I also know Tagalog, but I'm more of a passive/ receptive speaker than anything else, meaning I can understand the language when it's being spoken to/ at me, but I cannot speak the language back. So in terms of conversational fluency, it's technically there, but it's not that high up. Similarly, I can read Tagalog, but it might take me a longer time to understand it than if being spoken (so it'd be lower than conversational fluency), but in terms of writing, I can only do very basic sentences, so my writing fluency is very low.

I'm also able to read, write, and speak French, but I'm not fully fluent in it. It's more conversational (i.e. being able to hold a light conversation/ read fairly basic/ simple books) than anything else though, so in terms of fluency, it'd be roughly in the middle.



  • loyal
  • Smart
  • Confident
  • responsible
  • resourceful


  • aloof
  • realistic
  • stubborn
  • sarcastic
  • observant


  • bossy
  • vulgar
  • impatient
  • obnoxious
  • unfriendly

Written summary


Palona is really a huge sweetheart! It’s under layers and layers of condescending and rude personality traits, but it’s there! I swear.

But otherwise Palona is very bitter, condescending, cold, and just outright nasty at times. She hates talking to others usually and isn’t afraid to let people KNOW. She is very smart, which makes her slightly cocky and even braggy. This makes it hard for her to find friends. But Pals likes that. She doesn’t need a million people liking her to make her happy. Sure, it would be nice…. But not needed.


Though, this is slightly an over exaggeration. Palona had horrible experiences with bullies in the past and just made it a habit to be as horrible as possible to keep people away.

Deep down is a considerate, kind, creative, and even loving person that also likes to commit crimes for the name of science. Palona is also very observant; noticing details on things that people usually don’t. But while her actual intelligence is incredibly high; her emotional intelligence leaves… room for improvement.


She can’t tell what or who people are from a first glance and has a hard time deciding on if they are friends or foes. But she is also a great listener; remembering tiny details that many people don’t remember at all.



  • • Taxidermy
  • • Bone Collecting
  • • Flower / Herb / Plant Collecting
  • • Collecting LEGO sets
  • • Collecting vintage / ancient things like bottles, devices, glasses, and other things
  • • Origami
  • • Sudoku / Crossword puzzles / Escape rooms
  • • Note taking, research, and journaling
  • • Video games
  • • Reading
  • • Crocheting / Needlepoint / Knitting
  • • Doing "science experenciments"
  • • Geocaching
  • • Water skiing / Surfing / Swimming / Kayaking
  • • Animal / Plant care


  • • bites, shakes hands, chews things, fidgets with hands/objects, finger-tapping, and walk around as a stim
  • • forgets her medication all the damn time and need to be reminded 24/7
  • • can be subconsciously overly sexual when completely comfortable (example; eating food sus, randomly taking off clothes, saying weird shit)
  • • makes random noises like squeaks, squeals, and grunts all the time (even while talking)
  • • becomes easily obsessed with things she likes
  • • gives bouquets with secert meanings behind them to people she cares and loves
  • • mumbles out loud when thinking


Gradute highschool w/ honors


Get into a good college and become a offical scientist


Move in and live with her current partner


To be enough


Loves astrology, despite knowing it has no science behind it


Loves knitting, crocheting, and needlepoint- but is very embarrassed about this fact


Terrified of losing her loved ones either to outside forces or her own personality


Likes to steal Val's hoodies and shirts because they smell like him


Pteromerhanophobia; Fear of flying


Failing in literally anything


Everyone hating her


Being intimate with anyone in any sense


Arrogant Humble

Petty Forgving

Cautious Reckless

Thinking Feeling

Honest Dishonest

Optimist Pessimist

Expressive Stotic

Cautious Reckless

Flaky Dependable

Patient Inpatient


  • Height 5’11 (180.34cm)
  • Weight 155lbs
  • Build Inverted Triangle
  • Visual age Older Teenager
  • Presentation Femme but also GNC
  • Clothing Style Loose, comfy, + breezy
  • other Thick glasses, mole on left side

  • Skintone Twine
  • Hair style Fuckass Bob
  • Hair colour Baltic Sea
  • Hair texture C2 (Coarse Wavy)
  • Eyes Color Olive Drab
  • EYEBROWS THICK and sqaure
  • accessories Earrings, gold bracelet

Physical Description

Palona is a tall and lanky girl- with little amount of meat on her bones. She has the balance of a baby giraffe, thanks to her long legs and arms. She stands at 5'11 ft- but has horrid positure; making her more at 5'9. Palona is also moderately furry. She has hair all over her legs, arms, chest, and face. The Kahlo gene is strong, what can i say...

Her eyebrows are in the baby stages of forming a unibrow that will be more noticable in her adult years. Atlas, they are still very big and thick.

Her hair is a short, wavy bobcut that she almost never brushes. Making it more of a rats nest then an actual hair style. She has very thick medicated glasses that help her glaucoma and astigmatism (and also makes her looks like a nerd). She inherted a mole on her left side from Cleo along with a nice big nose.

design notes

  • Eyes are little black dots when glasses are off
  • Loves wearing tacky science tee-shirts with horrible puns
  • Dresses like a butch lesbian
  • Earrings are always themed on her current hyperfixation. Which right now is Astronomy
  • Chewed, short painted nails are a must


  • Medication? Adderall, Sertraline
  • Alcohol? Occasionally
  • Tobacco? Occasionally

  • Cannabis? Often
  • Illicit substances? Never again
  • Other substances? No

From fetus to her emo teen years; Palona had disablities. Her parents noticed that as a baby, she had horrible eyesight that required stupid medicated baby glasses. They also noticed the fact that she took illness like a TRUCK.

She had to be hospitalized multiple times due to constracting pretty common diseases like the flu. They came to the conclusion that she was immunocomprised and had to be extra careful around sickness seasons.

As she grew, Pals developed chornic pains in her arms, legs, and joints. It goes from pretty unnoticable to having to having to stay home from school because it hurts so much. She takes pain meds and even madicated weed to lessen the blow.

She did developed the habit of binge eating; due to her putting all her attention into things like school work and refusing to eat until its done. Which can be dangerous since she does experince horrfic stomach pains and sometimes goes onto weeks without eating until she is done with something.

But she is trying to get better at eating more when in work mode.

Palona was diagnosed with ADD at age 7, and Autism only at 16. Her ADD makes it difficult for her to understand things in certian way but thankfully her hyperfixation is school related so she enjoys that aspect of it. She also has Rejection Sensitivity- taking criticism in anything very hard.

Unforanutely, she developed a social anxiety disorder during her younger years, thanks to classmates being ass and targeting her because she had a "funny reaction". Now she fears people in fear of them hurting her for laughs so she puts up a wall of angry and bitterness to make it harder for them to hurt her.

Because of this bullying, Palona also grew up with intense self image issues. She felt worthless in what she did or felt when it wasnt schoolwork or intellgance (aka the only thing she was confident in). So she often throws herself into work and nothing else. She may have grew a big head, but deep down is someone who despertely needs a hug and to be told she is enough the way she is. She also developed the habit of pushing people away when they seem like they don't like her anymore. This includes family and friends.

She often has panic attacks when overwhelmed which seems to happen a lot during school. But otherwise it doesnt bother her much (I am lying, she is just in denial).

A terrible outcome of these panic attacks is her tendency to self-harm. Pals use this as a coping mechanism when she gets too overwhelmed and needs to put all her emotions out there. She has scars on her belly and thighs because of this. She explains away her scars by her natural cluminess

Get the Smiths actual therapy please...

Physical Alliments

  • • Chornic Pains
  • • Glaucoma
  • • Astigmatism
  • • Binge Eating
  • • Immunocompromised

Mental alliments

  • • Autism + ADD
  • • Social Anxiety
  • • Self-Image Issues
  • • Unresloved Trauma
  • • Mental / Phyiscal Self Harm



On one cold, stromy, December night; Cinnamon J. Scudworth called a certian couple (cough cough, Cleo and Frida, cough cough) for their consent on a experiment he was going to do. It was obivous that he wasn't exatcly sober over the phone, often slurring his words and going off on random tangents. So the two got their things and drove all the way to his house. Just to make sure he doesnt accidentally hurt himself.

After drinking some water and sobering up- he was finally able to explain that he had taken their dna and planned to splice em up to create a completely new being! He wouldnt force them into taking care of the being if the experiment was successful), being more then happy to adopt another child.

Cleo was all for this, being interested in the science of it. But Frida was more skeptical, and uneasy at the thought. But she eventually agreed. The two planned to just- give their consent to have their genes used then get some updates on how the... thing was.

Atlas, as they got more and more updates, they got... attached. Well- Frida did. She really wanted to have kids so this shit really messed with her. After sharing her concerns with Cleo, they actually decieded they wanted to take care of the child. Frida would mainly take care of the child while Cleo went off to become the girlboss she was destianed to be...

And so, on September 15, 2031; Palona Kahlo-Calderón Smith was "born" and stole the hearts of her moms.



Frida made good of her promise; being the main caretaker of Palona. Young Pals grew up adoring her máma- who spent all her funds and enegry to make sure they had a nice fat happy baby along with paying bills. Almost all pf Frida's spare time was playing with Pals.

Pals didnt speak until age 6, where she shocked her mom by spouting off on some animal facts in fully formed sentences that she learnt by a old animal show Frida bought for her. She learnt to read very young and loved doing it- literally her fav past time back then was getting out a love-worn out book and reading it or going to the library to find something new. Its how she develope her love for science and the natural world.


Now, Frida was a very busy person. She was basically a single mom- with her gf so far away and only visiting a couple times a month. So it often needed help with raising Pals. This is where all the "relatives" come from.

Frida would hire their friends to babysit Pals while it was doing her job. Pals slowly grew a familal bond with them and they became her "uncles" and "aunts". Many of them returned the feelings (e.i: Che, Wesley, Maggie). She often had sleepovers at their houses, and loved every moment of it.


Going into elementary school

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Mauris non nibh quis magna placerat porttitor. Morbi ac enim at eros scelerisque pretium. Nam elit enim, fermentum et nunc ut, laoreet sollicitudin nibh. Nunc at sodales turpis. Quisque vulputate vel nisi eu condimentum. Sed ultrices velit a ante tristique aliquet. Maecenas nec volutpat leo, ac cursus dui. Sed malesuada ipsum sit amet odio tincidunt, vel congue enim sagittis. Cras venenatis ut tellus nec consectetur. Pellentesque pretium ex sit amet magna ultrices commodo.


Marriage and death

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Mauris non nibh quis magna placerat porttitor. Morbi ac enim at eros scelerisque pretium. Nam elit enim, fermentum et nunc ut, laoreet sollicitudin nibh. Nunc at sodales turpis. Quisque vulputate vel nisi eu condimentum. Sed ultrices velit a ante tristique aliquet. Maecenas nec volutpat leo, ac cursus dui. Sed malesuada ipsum sit amet odio tincidunt, vel congue enim sagittis. Cras venenatis ut tellus nec consectetur. Pellentesque pretium ex sit amet magna ultrices commodo.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Mauris non nibh quis magna placerat porttitor. Morbi ac enim at eros scelerisque pretium. Nam elit enim, fermentum et nunc ut, laoreet sollicitudin nibh. Nunc at sodales turpis. Quisque vulputate vel nisi eu condimentum. Sed ultrices velit a ante tristique aliquet. Maecenas nec volutpat leo, ac cursus dui. Sed malesuada ipsum sit amet odio tincidunt, vel congue enim sagittis. Cras venenatis ut tellus nec consectetur. Pellentesque pretium ex sit amet magna ultrices commodo.


meeting valentine

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Mauris non nibh quis magna placerat porttitor. Morbi ac enim at eros scelerisque pretium. Nam elit enim, fermentum et nunc ut, laoreet sollicitudin nibh. Nunc at sodales turpis. Quisque vulputate vel nisi eu condimentum. Sed ultrices velit a ante tristique aliquet. Maecenas nec volutpat leo, ac cursus dui. Sed malesuada ipsum sit amet odio tincidunt, vel congue enim sagittis. Cras venenatis ut tellus nec consectetur. Pellentesque pretium ex sit amet magna ultrices commodo.


The incident / aftermath

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Mauris non nibh quis magna placerat porttitor. Morbi ac enim at eros scelerisque pretium. Nam elit enim, fermentum et nunc ut, laoreet sollicitudin nibh. Nunc at sodales turpis. Quisque vulputate vel nisi eu condimentum. Sed ultrices velit a ante tristique aliquet. Maecenas nec volutpat leo, ac cursus dui. Sed malesuada ipsum sit amet odio tincidunt, vel congue enim sagittis. Cras venenatis ut tellus nec consectetur. Pellentesque pretium ex sit amet magna ultrices commodo.


aftermath part two: electric boogaloo

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Mauris non nibh quis magna placerat porttitor. Morbi ac enim at eros scelerisque pretium. Nam elit enim, fermentum et nunc ut, laoreet sollicitudin nibh. Nunc at sodales turpis. Quisque vulputate vel nisi eu condimentum. Sed ultrices velit a ante tristique aliquet. Maecenas nec volutpat leo, ac cursus dui. Sed malesuada ipsum sit amet odio tincidunt, vel congue enim sagittis. Cras venenatis ut tellus nec consectetur. Pellentesque pretium ex sit amet magna ultrices commodo.


College days

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Mauris non nibh quis magna placerat porttitor. Morbi ac enim at eros scelerisque pretium. Nam elit enim, fermentum et nunc ut, laoreet sollicitudin nibh. Nunc at sodales turpis. Quisque vulputate vel nisi eu condimentum. Sed ultrices velit a ante tristique aliquet. Maecenas nec volutpat leo, ac cursus dui. Sed malesuada ipsum sit amet odio tincidunt, vel congue enim sagittis. Cras venenatis ut tellus nec consectetur. Pellentesque pretium ex sit amet magna ultrices commodo.



Pal has a very strained relationship with her mother currently. They are very simaller in both the best and worst ways and often have fights. She is somewhat (rightfully) bitter about Cleo's neglect in the past, and felt like she has been wronged.

But, she loves Cleo, turly and deeply. Even if she tries to deny it. And Cleo loves her more then she has ever loved anything. They have good times but unfortunately both of their prides and insecures get in the way of them having a honest talk to make any real progress. One day they'll get it, but that day isnt today.

Pals main caretaker, and the mother who she is most connected with, emotionally. It spend all her time with Pals as a child and stills loves her more then life itself. Pals is much more vocal about her love for Frida but is still trying to be a emo teen and pretend like she doesnt love her as much.

She is lying.

Fri tries to keep the peace in the household, knowing what Cleo went through as a teen + young adult while trying to make Pals feel better. But it isnt their responsibility to do so. Get this family therapy PLEASEEEE


valentine raut

romantic partner

At first, Palona found Valentine... Annoying. They met for the first time as kids and hanged out a few times but werent.. CLOSE. Then Highschool rolled on by.

They reconnected when Pals joined a tutoring class for school. Val joined because she sucks at science. And Pal was stuck with him thanks to her science know-how.

But surprisingly... Valentine was a... cool person to hang out with? Yeah she was a dumb jock, but he was also.. really kind and emotianlly mature. Soon their "tutoring" sessions became hang outs. Val started making excuses on WHY they should tutor, but Pal always saw through them amd didnt care. She loved hanging out eith him.

Then one night, while getting wasted, Pal confessed she loved Val and wanted to be with her. They made out and their relationship completely changed. Now Val is a complete lovesick puppy amd Pal is the same (in her own monotone and Pal way).


arsione smith

enstranged aunt

Pals doesnt know Arisone very well, only meeting her after her grandmother's death at her funeral. There Arisone was cold and distant towards the young girl. She obisvously had some beef with her mothers and Pals was too young to understand why.

They barely interact; even after that. But Palona has a type of grudge towards her over the top coldness.

Like Arisone, Pals met Patra quite recently. But Patra had started to developed a relationship with Cleo, and then Pals after. Ey wanted to reconnect with her sister/her family after years of not talking. Which, yeah, took a few years but Palona completely considers Patra as her aunt now.

She spoiled the shit out of Pals as a kid and still does as a semi adult, but is still able to be the adult and call her out on her bullshit.

Since the day Pals was born; Maggie was obessesed with her. And the obession is very, very mutual. They literally were one of the only people (next to Frida) to put a baby Pals to sleep. She saw them as a thrid mom at first, which Maggie wasnt entire comforable with. But after a few years of developing an brain and a few reminders; they became the beloved Tía Maggie.

Which developed into "Abuela Maggie" as Pals grew. A inside joke between the two of them, since Maggie started to develop more and more grandparent like habits (like demanding a blanket because "their joints are chilly" despite being just 42). But Pals still loves them dearly, hoping to help them as much as she can for the Kahlo clone.

Relationship info here. This box will scroll.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris non nibh quis magna placerat porttitor. Morbi ac enim at eros scelerisque pretium. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris non nibh quis magna placerat porttitor.


"amy" amaesia sentia

aunt / patra's wife

The wife of Patra. Amy likes to incourage Pals reckless behavoiur, saying that it "builds character!" to the dismay of its wife and sister-in-law. But it has a backbone and like Patra; is able to tell Palona when she is wrong (if not in a much more aggressive way...).

Palona likes Amy! She thinks it's fun to be around, but isnt that emotional close to her. More of a "Fun Uncle" that is able to tell you you're wrong.


juno sentia

annoying cousin

The eldest child of Patra and Amy Sentia. And major annoyance of Palona. The two used to get along as kids, and still do! Sometimes. Barely. But as they grew, their personilties started to clashed with each other. Now they mostly bicker and fight with each other.

It only got worse once Pals started dating Valentine...


beatrice hollyhack smith

deceased grandmother

When Beatrice was diagnosed with Liver Cancer, she lived with Cleo. Before that- Pals had no idea she even had another grandmother. They had a pretty nice relationship. The most the two would interact was when the two would watch TV together but Beatrice would be surpisingly kind to the little girl.

She was upset when Beatrice passed, but now feels weirdly disconnect. She doesnt remember much of her grandmother, and what she does have has been filtered through rose-colored glasses. She feels... gross, honestly. Like she had been lied to about who she was.


Cinnamon .j scudworth

"grandfather"/ principal

Scud knew Palona from literal conception, being his first experincement of clone test-tube babies. He grew an familial attachment to her since day one- trying to be a good "grandfather". Pal, as a child, liked him a lot more. He was the fun granddad that let her do anything she wanted and even did some science stuff with her.

But she started to get more distant with him as she grew up, going to a completely different schools and all. Though he was delighted to let her in Clone High, to her annoyance.


lynn bultertron

Vice Principal/ Therapist/ "Grandfather"

Palona likes Lynn! He was alongside Scudworth during the entire conception process and acted as a robot granddad. He was much more cautious then Scud, taking on the role as caregiver when Pal came over

Once getting into teen years, Pals starting to tell him about her thoughts, her emotions, her issues. And he responded and gave her advice. So he is kind of like her robot therapist that is also her vice principal and kind of grandfather


Sir Wulfington Scudworth

Guidance Counselor/ "Grandfather"




Katalina Killjoy





HArriet tubman










Ynés Mexía





monty ezuma













Che Guevara







fidel castro

Annoying Cousin











  • sex female
  • age 4 years
  • ref boop!

Dutchess is a ex fighting dog. When she was saved from the fighting rink; she was 5 weeks pregnant and had multiple flesh wounds. After getting the medical care she needed; she was up for fostering. Then came along a freshly aged 17 year old Palona who was looking for a dog to adopt as a birthday gift. She saw Dutchess and even took her on a walk- immedately connecting with the old pup.

Dutchess was terrified of everything at first. She often would spend hours in her whelping box and barely stepped outside of her "safe space". The only person she would even let TOUCH her was Pals. But slowly yet surely- she started to get more and more brave. She would even start to bark at things and ask for attention from the Smiths.

Fav toy
Peanut butter kong
Fav treat
peanut butter

Miss Piggy
Staffy / Pitbull mix

  • sex female
  • age 1 year
  • ref boop!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Fav toy
her knotted lobster toy
Fav treat
raw meat bone

Laffy taffy

  • sex female
  • age 3 years
  • ref boop!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Fav toy
no toys- only love
Fav treat
dried bananas

Cotton Candy

  • sex female
  • age 1 year
  • ref boop!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Fav toy
Pyramid Treat Hanger
Fav treat
frozen peas


  • sex male
  • age 4 months
  • ref boop!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Fav toy
celebration cake
Fav treat
pizza crust

dilute calico kitten

  • sex female
  • age 3 months
  • ref boop!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Fav toy
catnip balls
Fav treat
chicken flavor meow-mix

bearded dragon

  • sex female
  • age 8 years
  • ref boop!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Fav toy
heating rock
Fav treat
meal worms

bearded dragon

  • sex female
  • age 7 years
  • ref boop!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Fav toy
water dish
Fav treat
meal worms



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Fav toy
Fav treat



• school • all types of science fields • resource management games • life simulator games • the smell of rain, cigarettes, and gas • her pets • animal bones and skulls • the feeling of rough paper • building legos • manga (her favs are either BEASTARS or any Junji Ito work) • anything water related


• bigotry • gym/any sports • loud and sharp noises • the feeling of wet food • being wrong • being told shes wrong • the asshole weather of Exclaimation!USA • rhythm games • interacting with unfamiliar people • anything too sour or too spicy • the taste of beer • taking her meds • bright and neon colours • coffee


  • • likes to keep her littler pets in her hair when she cant hold them in her hands
  • • an ambivert. her mood fully depends on if she wants people around her or not. Though lately she has been more introvert
  • • surprisingly catty??? The Cleo gene is strong....
  • • can come up with a good comeback in seconds if given the reason
  • • president of the Science Club at Clone High
  • • trust-fund baby
  • • is very heat sensitive, so she loves the chill weather
  • • despite not liking them that much, Pal is CRACKED at shooters and fight-em-ups
  • • she prefers offline games like Minecraft and Stardew
  • • God-tier Minecrafter
  • • is very very stressed around kids; her anti-social autism kicks in
  • • but likes them enough
  • • is weirded out by all imagery of her clone-grandmothers
  • • HUGE Bill Nye fan. is what inspired her love of science
  • • still loves the show and has a collection of ancient episodes
  • • will kill herself and everyone who ruined her collection

│ Palona's PLAYLIST
Soft Bitch
Rio Romeo

Love made me approachable
Love made me sweet
It's fucking miserable
But it can't be beat

Francis Forever

I don't need the world to see
That I've been the best I can be, but
I don't think I could stand to be
Where you don't see me

Mamma Mia

Rock some rocks (no, no, no)
Get what I want (no, no, no)
He say he love me (no, no, no)
I spend his money (slow down)

Ocean Breathes Salty
Modest Mouse

The ocean breathes salty, won't you carry it in?
In your head, in your mouth, in your soul
And maybe we'll get lucky and we'll both grow old
Well, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I hope so

Fashion Jackson

Can't you see that you're the only one
I just wanna be your only one
After everything you've said and done
And we both have no one

Another believer
Rufus Wainwright

So then, that is all for the moment
Until next time, until then, do not worry
And give me just one more chance, one more glance
And I will make of you, yeah, I'm gonna make of you another believer

Red Flags
Tom Cardy (ft Montaigne)

Why are you blinking so much?
I've got something in my eye
Here, let me get it out
No, thank you, I don't wanna die

Burn him down
Kitsch Club

Kids have given me lots of hugs
As I lead the charge against litter bugs
Now it's time to set fire to it all
Following forest service protocol!

Day gaunts
Days N' Daze

What do we do tomorrow?
Bugs in the kitchen and mold in the sink
Chuggin' down the whiskey and you'll never stop to think
What do we do tomorrow?