


10 months, 22 days ago


Current Value: $50

Kova is...well, you know how Max from Sam and Max isn't described as a rabbit, but rather a "hyperkinetic rabbity thing?" Well, Kova is basically a "hyperkinetic cow-y thing." Always perky, cheerful, and full of pep, they can often be found bounding around the wilderness, eager to offer any travellers their special, never-ending supply of milk.


...From their bottle. Get your mind out of the gutter, dang it.

Yes, Kova can produce any kind of milk from their enchanted bottle, any flavor, and even give them enchantments that can revitalize someone if needed, heal ailments, whatever is needed...and occasionally deliver a humorous side effect. But yes, they're kind of like a somewhat aggressive, freelance milk mascot, encouraging folks to drink up whenever they can, and can whip up a lot of milk-related recipes. They also tend to get a lot of looks for...well, more obvious reasons (*cough*). Kova is completely oblivious to their body and clothing, though. They just prefer whatever makes them feel comfortable, and believes the same should apply to everyone. They're also friends with Bey & Maki, somewhat unsurprisingly.