


10 months, 10 days ago


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Public Enemy #1

Clone of Aeschylus, an Ancient Greek tragic playwright, also widely known as the "father of tragedy". He is a second generation clone. Aesch takes living up to his clonefather INCREDIBLY seriously, and he holds a firm belief that others should as well. He is very critical of people who A: try to distance themselves from their cloneparents, B: people who do not prioritize it, or C: people he believes aren't trying hard enough. So basically everyone. However he is still convinced he is the greatest and most beloved student at clone high, and that he is doing people good by offering his (often unwanted) criticism.


Growing up, Aesch was raised by some...less than desirable foster parents. His mother never felt the need to teach him anything, believing he would simply learn everything he needed to know in school, and his father was an incredibly arrogant man, who had convinced himself he was a world famous actor and should be treated as such, despite only having ever been in a few small films. Aesch, of course, having been a naive child at the time, believed his father's exaggerations, and brought them to school with him, demanding respect from his peers due to his foster dad's imaginary reputation. Many of his peers found him to be a bit of a know-it-all, but he was none the wiser. After years of completely idolizing his foster dad, the truth hit him hard in the face at the age of 11. It was like his entire world came crashing down. How could the man he had looked up to so much turn out to be a complete fraud? He felt hurt and deceieved, vowing that he would never again show respect for such a pitiful man, and tried to distance himself as much as he could. Though distancing himself from the behaviors and habits he picked up as a child would prove to be more of a challenge.

With the newfound lack of a respectable father figure in his life, Aesch turned to his clonefather. A well respected man who he knew for a fact would never let him down, given he had been dead for two and a half millenia and all. Everything he did was an effort to live up to him. He threw himself into writing and theater, eventually convincing himself he was the best at it, and that he was free to criticize whoever he pleased, his foster father's influence stil holding a firm grip on his life, unbeknownst to him. Convinced he held an incredible natural talent for writing, he figured his peers also held the talents of their cloneparents. And why would his fellow clones HAVE these talents if they weren't meant to utilize them? He decided he could not stand idly by and watch his fellow students waste their potential. Now, on top of criticizing people for their general skill level, he also began to criticize them for "not trying hard enough" to live up to their cloneparents, thus solidifying his status as a public nuisance.


Aesch is an incredibly pretentious person. He believes that he is the greatest at what he does, and that everyone else needs some serious criticism to ever get close to being on his level. He loves to make everything about himself when he can, in fact almost all of his writing is either loosely based on him and his life or just outright about him. He absolutely HATES sharing his space and his belongings, though at the same time he believes he is entitled to everything in the world. He is easily jealous, if he believes someone is better or more successful than him, or at least has the potential to be, he is much much harder on them than he would be with anyone else, in an attempt to prevent them from surpassing him any further.

He does not have much patience with other people, he strongly dislikes communicating with people he feels are below him and only continues because he feels like it's his duty to help his peers "properly" live their lives. He tends to be less rude with people who he finds he can relate to, or people that he is getting something out of, however. He hasn't experienced a lot of genuine kindness from other people, so he gets very confused and flustered on the rare occasion that he does. The only time he's prompted to let down his guard is when he's treated nicely. Though again, this rarely happens because everyone hates him.


Aesch wears a deep violet turtleneck, which he tucks into a pair of white jeans. He also wears black dress shoes. He has short curly blonde hair and save for the small goatee and some slight stubble on his chin he is relatively clean-shaven. He also wears a pair of small, round, tinted glasses.

He prefers to keep his appearance very neat and simple. Not liking to go too detailed with his looks in an attempt to give the impression of a humble person who does not want to draw attention to himself, despite making it very clear that attention is all he wants. Though he will occasionally go more detailed with his outfits in more formal settings. Much of his formalwear can be best described as "supervillain clothes" which is quite fitting for him given his personality.

  • His voice claim is Clotted Cream Cookie from Cookie Run: Kingdom (Voiced by Aaron Dismuke)
  • Absolutely TERRIFIED of all animals, but especially birds and tortoises, which specifically stems from his clonefather's death
  • He was kicked out of the theater department sophomore year by unanimous vote. He is still very bitter about this and has made several futile attempts to claw his way back in.
  • Sometimes puts on his own shows in an attempt to upstage the theater department, but they are very often poorly made as nobody wants to work with him. The turnout also tends to be poor, it's usually just one person who comes to watch and they almost never stay the whole time.
  • Uses super long and complicated words in an attempt to sound smarter than he actually is.
  • A very popular rumor going around school is that he is secretly bald. This isn't true in the slightest, but everyone insists upon it due to their shared hatred for him, much to his dismay.
  • Banned from taking any of the art classes, mainly due to personal issues with one of the teachers.
  • Not much more popular amongst the staff than he is with the students. He has attempted to take over teaching classes numerous amounts of times.
  • His magnum opus is his 12 hour original production that he forces his peers to sit through any chance he gets
  • Was originally meant to be cloned back in 1987 but scudworth dropped and broke the tube his original self was cloned in. RIP Aesch 1.0
  • Told everyone he got into a fight when he lost his first tooth in elementary school when in actuality he faceplanted getting off the school bus
  • REFUSES to dress up for Halloween. He thinks he's too old for it
  • Has a severe airborne peanut allergy, has nearly died several times because of it.
EuripidesFoster Brother

Aesch cannot STAND Euripides. He holds a strong resentment for the other boy for walking in one day, taking over half of his bedroom and immediately becoming the biggest annoyance in his life. Their personalities clash in almost every way. While Aesch is a very uptight and tidy person, Euripides is more laid-back and messy. While Aesch cares deeply about living up to his clonefather, Euripides didn't care enough to even LEARN what his clonefather was known for. Eurip's friendliness towards him despite his rudeness gets on his nerves as well. He is completely unfazed by Aesch's criticisms and it drives Aesch up the wall knowing that his words don't effect the boy in the slightest.

Aesch has been criticizing Soph since elementary school. Of course back then he didn't know any better. He didn't form any ACTUAL resentment towards them until finding out their clonefather had been more successful than his during his extensive amount of research. Only then did his behavior become genuinely malicious, though he continued to play it off as if they were friends up until Soph made it clear how much they despised him. From then on Aesch felt no need to show any false politeness, so his criticisms became even MORE harsh. He is incredibly jealous of Soph and her life and takes that out on them any chance he can get. There's no doubt that out of all the people who face harsh words from him, Soph gets it the worst.

Very rarely does Aesch find any likeminded individuals in a school he believes is full of nothing but degenerates. So when he met Leo there was no question as to why he found himself drawn to the boy. Their personalities were just so similar! For the first time ever Aesch felt like he had someone he could relate to. He was sure they'd make an incredible pair, and fortunately for him, Leo felt the same way. While much of their "flirting" consists of harsh insults, the occasional compliment will be tossed out in an attempt to throw the other off his guard. While he would never admit this out loud, Aesch does care for and deeply value Leo as the only person he seems to be able to get along with.

Isadora DuncanFamily Friend/Enemy

Due to their foster parents' connection, Aesch and Isa spent a lot of time together, however neither of them can STAND eachother. When their parents' backs are turned, the two are at eachother's throats. They have never been able to cooperate on anything. Aesch also holds a strong grudge toward her because he believes that him getting kicked out of the theater department was all her doing. Why else would people vote him to leave lest Isa manipulated them with her evil mind powers...or whatever.

ErinnaAnnoyance/Reluctant Friends

The two only really spend time together due to a mutual connection to Leo. However they very rarely get along, often butting heads over which one of them is truly the greatest and most beloved student at clone high, or something else ridiculous like that. They will occaisionally be able to make pleasant conversation, but it's usually about the people they hate. There isn't really much else they agree on.

Aesch is terrified of Wesley. On top of her connection with Soph, and her seemingly harboring the same violent tendencies as the other. Her being an anthropomorphic animal freaks him out immensely. If one thing scares him more than animals, it's animals that have the same brain capacity as humans. The fact that she also very clearly does not like him does little to soothe his worries.

What's scarier than an anthropomorphic animal? An anthropomorphic animal that makes him talk about his feelings. He never goes within six feet of the counselor's office out of fear of getting dragged in against his will and being forced to be vulnerable. A scenario which he has had several night terrors about.

Ever since Johnny got unfrozen Aesch couldn't stand the boy. He made it very clear immediately that he wanted nothing to do with his clonefather and that irritated Aesch beyond belief. Sure, the original Booth may have been a murderer but that wasn't the only thing the guy was known for. On top of that, despite Aesch's several attempts to warn the other about Soph and how uncooperative and irrational they are, John still stuck around her, completely ignoring Aesch's warnings, which frustrated him even further. To Aesch, anyone who's willing to defend his mortal enemy is just as terrible.

Theodore RooseveltReluctant Friends

After finding out Teddy was willing to defend the likes of Erinna and Upton Sinclair, whom were terrible human beings in his eyes, Aesch decided he would seek out Theodore's protection as well. He assumed Teddy would jump to defend him, no payment necessary, as he is obviously such a saint that anyone should want to protect. However he was taken by surprise when finding out the other's bodyguard services came with a price. He has made several false promises of eventual compensation for the other's work, but he never ends up actually paying him, lest it be in exposure to his 3 entire FlipFlop followers.

Sister Rosetta TharpeOne-Sided Friends

Aesch holds some more respect for Rosie than he would for most others due to her consistent efforts to be like her clonemother. Of course this does not make her free of criticism from him, she just gets less of it than others. Lucky for him Rosie has a lot of patience, but she truly wants nothing more than for him to leave her be. Never really making an effort to pursue any kind of friendship with him.

Having been responsible for the infamous "bald rumor", Aesch absolutely DESPISES Upton. Every attempt he has made to confront her about her outlandish stories have resulted in more rumors beinf spread about him in the school paper the next day. Unfortunately he has to be around her quite often due to her connection with Teddy, but he makes sure to loudly complain about her being around whenever he needs to be guarded.

Ms. PeeblesDiscomfort

Aesch is terrified of Ms. Peebles. He knows full well how strongly she dislikes him for being so judgemental in art class (while he was still allowed to be there) as well as his treatment of Soph. Being on the bad side of someone who has allegedly committed so many crimes without repurcussion is never good, and unfortunately Aesch simply just has to watch his back when she's nearby.

Topher BusMutual Dislike

Aesch strongly dislikes Topher, as he is very open about wanting to distance himself from his clonefather. He feels that a fear of getting cancelled is a completely ridiculous reason to not want to follow in your clone parent's legacy. Unfortunately Aesch is currently being white-levraged, and is unable to confront Topher about it, lest everyone at school find out the way his clonefather died. Unbeknownst to either if them, however, everyone already knows and several plans have been made to drop a tortoise on his head.

Candide SampsonOne-Sided Discomfort

Aesch does not like to be around Candide simply due to the everpresent reptile that hangs around her shoulders. Candide however, commends Aesch for pushing people to live up to their cloneparents' legacies, frequently encouraging him to "keep up the good work", much to Aesch's dismay, as this means he has to be within 6 feet of whatever creature the woman is carrying around at the moment.

Avoids Carver at all costs due to his peanut allergy Nearly ended up hospitalized the first time they met because of the sheer amount of peanut fumes in the air.

Credits & Help

Code by winston
- winston#0102