John Wilkes Booth



10 months, 16 days ago


John Wilkes Booth
Sad-Faced Boy
bi + asexual

John is the clone of John Wilkes Booth, an American stage actor better known for assassinating Abraham Lincoln. He is a 1st gen clone. Given the infamous legacy his clone father left, Johnny is the biggest outcast in school. Practically everyone is terrified of him, as they believe he is the same violent man as the original Booth. They couldn't be more wrong, though. John has a good heart, only wanting to make friends. He tries his best to distance himself from his clone father. Johnny despises violence and chooses to be pacifistic, not that anyone cares to know this. His mere precense sends everyone running for the hills.

Johnny doesn't let this get to him, as he's accepted his fate as an outcast a LONG time ago. Only really trying to win the friendship of a certain clone of a president...

Unlike his clone father, Johnny doesn't care for stage theater. Instead, he is a MAJOR film geek. John makes his own experimental movies in his spare time, hoping that someday someone will take an interest in them.


Even before leaving his tube, John was destined for a life of ridicule and misery. Unlike the other students who were cloned for a special purpose, Johnny was cloned for one sole reason. Scudworth thought it would a humorous science experiment to see how a clone of John Wilkes Booth would interact with a clone of Abraham Lincoln. The principal was curious to know if he would share his father's deep disdain and bloodlust for the other. Lucky for the other clone, Johnny actually likes Abe quite a lot! He's the only one John makes a constant effort in trying to befriend.

Despite his social life at school being pitifully lonely, John has a place of comfort at home. Johnny was adopted into an incredibly loving and supportive foster family of funeral directors. Even with the constant reminder of death around him, John grew into a sweet boy who wants to prove to the world that he's nothing like the man he was cloned from.

Being frozen and plunged twenty years into the future was certainly a strange thing for him to cope with. He has trouble adjusting to 2023 after being unfrozen. Johnny’s always stuck to himself, but now he REALLY doesn’t understand any trends or references people make. He can barely even navigate school, let alone the new concept of social media! Thankfully, he has a certain guide to help him out...


Johnny has plenty of compassion in his heart, even if it's rare of others to return it. He doesn't hold anyone's contempt for him against them, as he understands completely why people percieve him in a negative light. John is VERY non-confrontational. He usually lets people get away with anything they say about him because he doesn’t want to feed into anyone’s ideas of him being violent.

It's extremely rare for Johnny to show any signs of irritation, let alone fully blow up on someone. He chooses to be the bigger person and sees any negativity as punishment for his clone father's crimes. Deep down, though, he holds resentment for why he has to put up with this JUST because of who he shares DNA with.

In the rare instance that someone gives him the time of day, John is quite the conversationalist. He will blabber on about just anything if given the chance. He can get excitable and giddy when it comes to his topics of interest, usually catching himself and getting embarrassed about it.


Johnny's usual choice of style is pretty plain, going for a lowkey emo look. He has curly brown hair, some mustache stubble and some ever-present eyebags. Johnny constantly has sad, puppy dog eyes. The state of his eyes could just be due to the lack of sleep he gets, or maybe it's from all the crying he tends to do? It's unusual for anyone to get up close and personal to even get a good look at them, so he isn't questioned about them. For his clothing, he wears a dark salmon turtleneck and muted brown pants. He adorns a deep wine purple trenchcoat and combat boots. As well as some ear gauges.

His gloomy outward appearance certainly doesn't do the boy any favors regarding his reputation. He knows this, but doesn't care to switch it up. He finds bright colors and a more carefree aesthetic does not fit him AT ALL, so why change?

  • Voice claim is Mike Faist (Think Connor Murphy from Dear Evan Hansen)
  • Autistic, his special interest is cinema
  • Holds DEEP hatred for his clone father. He despises the fact that he's a copy of him and wishes he were anyone else
  • Has reoccuring nightmares and intrusive thoughts about becoming like his clone father and hurting others, specifically Abe. These terrify him because he's secretly worried that these are his deep desires
  • Even though John doesn't like stage theater, he has a talent for acting. Has starred in a couple productions due to pressure and involvement of the few friends he has
  • A running gag is that John accidentally injures Abe everytime he tries to do something nice for him. IE: He gives Abe a bouquet but then it gets revealed to be full of bees. Johnny did NOT put them there, they just appeared to make him look bad
  • Despite his cluelessness to 2023, Johnny ABSOLUTELY LOVES the advances in technology in the cases of computers, editing and filmmaking
  • Doesn't know how to handle firearms. He has never touched a gun in his life and does not want to
  • Has AWFUL friend making skills. He tries opening lines like "Allow me to blow your mind! WAIT NO SHIT COME BACK-" but the other person is already running for the hills...
  • Scrawny underneath his layers, how anyone is genuinely afraid of him is a shocker. He gets blown away by slight breezes on a daily basis
  • Jewish on his foster dad's side. No one in school came to his bar mitzvah
Abe LincolnOne-Sided Friends

Johnny is DEADSET on befriending Abe. He believes that in making amends with the boy, he'll wipe away the past of what his clone father did to his. As well as prove to everyone else that he's not a danger. He's constantly going out of his way to preform nice acts for the other, such as giving him gifts, compliments, offering to do things for him and showering him in praise. Unfortunately for John, Abe is absolutely terrified of him. He wants nothing more than for Johnny to leave him alone and stop trying to be friends. John is too stubborn to realize the boy's clear discomfort, believing that he just needs to try harder to win him over. Will it ever work? Highly unlikely!

SophoclesSignificant Other

During Unity Week, Johnny was left without a partner and was forced to partner up with Soph. He was nervous, yet excited to make a fresh new start with one of the new clones. Soph's cold demeanor as he told him about his troubles was offputting. Johnny's fears were put to rest as Soph began hanging out with him afterwards, taking inspiration from his life for their writing. John was thrilled to make friends with them, and overtime realized that he had fallen utterly in love with Soph. After weeks of helpless pining and nearly throwing up at every turn, Johnny confessed to him. To his shock, Soph felt the same way. John thinks he's the luckiest man alive, never shying away from letting her know how much he adores them.

Greg and AnitaFoster Parents

From the moment John left his tube, he was surrounded by the warmth of love of his foster parents. The two absolutely ADORE their son, wanting the best for him and making sure to constantly remind him of his worth. They hate how miserable he is at school, wishing they could do more to raise his spirits. Johnny getting frozen hit them hard, neither being able to cope with the sudden loss of their child. They waited everyday for the return of their foster son. When Johnny was finally unfrozen after 20 years, they were ecstatic to have the light in their lives back. Though they now are a smidge overprotective... Needing to constantly know the whereabouts of the boy. Johnny loves them immensely and understands their sudden overprotectiveness, but wants to live his life as a normal teenager.

Mary ToddFoster Sister

Johnny had expected to return home to a single child household. What he would discover, instead, is that his foster parents had a daughter while he was frozen. The sudden inclusion of a sibling was a major adjustment for John, but he doesn't hold any resentment for Mary. She welcomed him with open arms due to how highly their parents spoke of him. So he gives her that same respect. Aside from the usual sibling bickering, Johnny has grown a close relationship with his sister in the short time he's known her. He's comfortable enough to talk to her about his issues and seek her advice on social endeavors, even if she doesn't ask for it...

If anyone can make Johnny want to go back on his swearing off violence rule, it's Aesch. John cannot STAND him, hating how he's constantly putting down Soph and making her feel lesser about herself and her writing. It takes all of Johnny's restraint not to punch him across the jaw whenever he sees him. For now, he's reserved to glares and verbal fights.


The two saddest boys in school. On John's quest for friends, he noted that Beeth was someone who seemed just as lonely as him. He made it his goal to befriend the boy. Despite the two both being socially awkward outcasts, they get along well! So well, in fact, that they decided to try their hand at a romantic relationship. It didn't... go too well, eventually breaking up after they got unfrozen and took an interest in other people. Nevertheless, Beeth is still someone Johnny appreciates and cares about.

Joan of ArcEventual Friend

Just like most of the clones, it didn't come as a shock to Johnny that Joan avoided him like the plague. He'd always admired the girl, thinking they would make great friends due to their shared love of experimental movies. However, Abe always came between them. Joan didn't associate with him due to her worry that John would harm Abe. Post-frozen, they began talking and formed a friendship!


Back in 2003, no one really gave him the time of day at all. Everyone avoided him, except Sappho. Johnny was surprised when his brooding was interrupted by her sitting down and beginning a conversation with him. He appreciated her kindness immensely, having never received anything less than judgement from his peers.


Both being clones of famed assassins with a disdain for their clone fathers, Johnny immediately felt a connection to Brutus. After a few failed conversation attempts from Johnny over how his clone father idolized hers, they finally got somewhere when the two starred in the Heathers production together. After confiding in her about how people hate him, he grew closer with her and they formed a friendship. He admires Brute! She inspires him to be more confident despite his reputation.

Isadora DuncanAcquaintance

The two's relationship got off to a bit of a rocky start. His first interaction with the girl being her asking if he'd want to play JD in Heathers. He found the typecasting insulting, but complied because the social interactions would do him good. After the two had a talk regarding the role, Isa apologized for her insensitive choice and John forgave her. They aren't exactly friends, but they get along. Johnny even stars in any productions if Isa is in need of a male role that hasn't been filled.

Once Johnny started dating Soph, it was a given that he'd become acquainted with their foster mom. He was nervous about how she would perceive him, yet was pleasently surprised when she welcomed him into the family with open arms. John doesn't mind her eccentricites, as he feels comfort when she's around.

Alfie YankovicAcquaintance

The two properly met when they were cast as leads in the school production of Heathers. Despite the awkwardness between them at first, they worked well together. They don't really hang out outside of the production, but an occassional wave in the hallway and small talk is normal between them.

Topher BusReluctant Friends

Topher was one of the first clones Johnny talked to after being unfrozen that didn't avoid him like the plague. Instead, the two formed a bond over their shared disdain for their clone fathers. John doesn't agree with how much white leveraging and toxicity Topher spreads, but he can't be pick and choosy when it comes to friends!

Upton SinclairMutual Dislike

Usually Johnny has no ill-will towards others perception of him, but he finds the girl's constant false rumors to be damaging and hurtful to his already horrific reputation. He's tried to speak with her 1v1 to get her to stop, but is only met with even worse scathing articles in the next week. So he doesn't bother and lives with it.

GandhiOne-Sided Enemy

Johnny holds no negative feelings towards the shorter boy, but unfortunately Gandhi cannot STAND John. Being Abe's best friend, Gandhi is incredibly protective of Abe, acting as a bodyguard everytime they're in the same proximity as Johnny. If Gandhi is around, John is not getting within 6 feet of Abe.

Credits & Help

Code by winston
- winston#0102