


10 months, 22 days ago


dg6lbct-999d1e18-5ca2-4223-9bda-faf5a364 /
Resident Tragedy Enthusiast
bi + asexual

Soph is a clone of Sophocles, an Ancient Greek tragic playwright. They are a second generation clone. Like his clonefather, he takes an interest in tragedy. However he does not really make an effort to live up to him. Much unlike the original Sophocles, she much more prefers to be performing onstage rather than writing said performances. They still LOVE writing though! When she isn't acting she spends much of her time writing her various stories and fan-fictions, most if not all of which being chock-full of angst, which he specializes in.


Soph was fortunate enough to grow up in a very loving and supportive household. Raised by a single foster mother in an environment where the only rule is that you're free to express yourself however you wish. An environment where drawing on the walls is encouraged and not punishable. Getting to live free of judgement meant the world to Soph. At least this was the case at home. Unfortunately school was a different story.

He had always had trouble making friends. His mannerisms and social patterns coming off as simply too odd to her fellow peers. Their fate had been sealed as a "weird kid" before they even knew what the word meant. Of course he would have the occasional acquaintance or two, but never a real actual friend, no matter how hard they'd try. There wasn't a day he wouldn't come home and cling to his mother as he cried. The lonliness and overstimulation of the day having built up inside him, spilling out the second he entered the comfort of his home. Their mom would hold them tight, assure them that there was nothing wrong with them, but the constant judgement from her peers made it hard to believe.

One classmate in particular being the worst of them all. That classmate being Aeschylus. A fellow clone, and relatively popular at that, people claimed he knew what he was talking about. But Soph saw his true colors as a selfish, egotistical know-it-all. He would constantly put them down. Claiming their art wasn't good enough or that their behaviors were "too weird". It made them miserable beyond belief, and it didn't help that people were constantly comparing the two, even sometimes mixing them up.

Eventually he had enough of Aesch's ridicule and decided to distance themself from him the best they could. Dying their hair and changing their aesthetic to get rid of any resemblance they may have had to the other boy. And in doing so they found that they were much happier with their new look. It made her feel like her own person, and she felt a lot more confident and comfortable with herself. They began to engage more in their interests, even getting more involved in the theater department. Though making friends was still a struggle, they didn't want anything to do with other people. Nobody had ever been nice to them so was was the point? He tended to keep his distance from others. However the involvement in theater didn't come without its forced interactions, initially much to their dismay, but over time they became more comfortable, eventually even being able to say for the first time that they had real friends. While he is still relatively antisocial, he is much more talkative than before, especially around folks who share his interests.


Soph generally is very antisocial, only really interacting with others if their interests are the main topic of discussion or if they are forced to. He is not expressive in the slightest unless he's acting or around people he has a very close bond with. They do not like to take rumors or public opinion into account when meeting someone, preferring to get to know them himself and then forming his own opinion based on that. She will not be outright rude to a person unless they are rude to her first, though she does have some trouble differentiating constructive criticism and flat out insults, so she tends to get offended at any kind of criticism sent her way, whether it was made with in intent or not. He is very short-tempered, and has a tendency to lash out violently when provoked, though he never gets in trouble for it due to his foster mom being one of the staff members.

When left unprovoked Soph is actually a pretty sweet person, though many have trouble realizing it due to their unexpressiveness and their reputation in general. She is very supportive and protective of her friends and family, and will defend them with his life much like how he defends himself.


Soph wears a light grey striped hoodie with a black band t-shirt overtop of it, ripped, baggy blue jeans, and black combat boots. They also wear a light grey beanie. She has thick black eyeliner around the underside of her eyes, black lipstick, and a snakebite piercing. They have curly black hair which they wear in a low ponytail. This outfit is typically what they wear almost all of the time. However he will put more effort into his look in more formal settings, and tends to lean more feminine, often preferring long skirts and dresses to suits as she finds suits to be uncomfortable. Though she does wear them too from time to time. Occasionally will be seen wearing glasses due to her poor eyesight, but typically prefers to wear contact lenses instead, as they find them less embarrassing.

  • His voice claim is Angsty Teen from FNAF: Sister Location (Voiced by Jesse Adam).
  • She is on the autism spectrum!!
  • They are ambidextrous! Meaning they can write with both their left and right hands, though he is more dominant in his left.
  • Maroon is his favorite color and cats are his favorite animal.
  • She loves the winter and the snow. She says it's her favorite season because it's when most car accidents happen, but secretly she likes it because she finds it to be the most romantic.
  • They are naturally blonde! They started dying their hair so people would stop mistaking them for Aeschylus.
  • Extremely good with kids much to everyone's surprise (including their own). Has much more patience with them than she would with anyone her age or older.
  • Has a very long and ongoing warrior cats fanfiction. It is their greatest accomplishment and they talk about it any chance they get
  • EXTREMELY good at acting. Like, to an almost scary extent.
  • Very strange music taste. Will obviously listen to regular music but also has a few odd things sprinkled about her playlist (such as ultrasonic pest repellent and popcorn popping sound effects)
  • Loves to incorporate real life into her writing. Will occasionally ask people how sad something made them so she can accurately convey it in her story.
  • Secretly built underneath all of their baggy clothes. They need to be in order to win all the fights they get into.
  • Big fan of cheesy romance tropes and mindless romcom movies. Will deny this to no end but if you put a romcom on for him it's all he can focus on.
Ms. PeeblesFoster Mother

Soph and Peebles have a very close relationship. She had always been incredibly loving and supportive of him and he is so grateful to have her as his mother. They look up to her more than anyone else in the world. She's also one of the only people who gives him their full attention when talking about his interests, which means the entire world to him, as almost everyone else does not give him the time of day.

Soph met Johnny during unity week. He was the last person left without a partner so they were forced to partner up with him. Though initially unenthusiastic about engaging in a forced interaction with the boy, that very quickly changed as he found himself captivated by his generally pitiful nature. She did not actually realize her feelings for John were more than platonic until he confessed to her himself. It caught them by surprise at first, but after thinking on it they realized just how much they adored him. She tries to support him in any way she can defends him with their LIFE from anyone who dares to treat him poorly.

SapphoBest Friend / Eventual Foster Sister

Soph initially met Sappho through Johnny, and got to know her better through the school's Heather's production. They bonded over mutual interests. Eventually, Peebles had revealed to Soph that she had been seeing someone. Soph was intrigued, and even more shocked when he found out the guy his mother had referred to turned out the be Sappho's foster father. Soph was overjoyed, one because it meant Sappho would be getting away from her awful foster mother, but also because he would get to live with one of his best friends. The two are very protective and supportive of eachother.

EuripidesClose Friend

Soph and Euripides became friends initially due to Euripides's respect for Ms. Peebles. They are very supportive of eachother's interesta. Even though they don't completely understand eachother there is a strong mutual respect between them. Euripides is also one of the few people who actively defends Soph from Aeschylus, which Soph deeply appreciates.

Isadora DuncanBest Friend / Frenemy

Soph and Isadora befriended eachother through their involvement in theater. Though Isa was initially reluctant to engage with them due to their (former) association with Aeschylus, after she got to know him she realized that they weren't actually as bad as she initially thought. They are quite close now, and bond over their shared love of theater & writing as well as their hatred for Aesch. They will have the occasional argument but tend to forgive eachother pretty quickly after.

Met through Johnny and Sappho. Soph was a bit skeptical of Joan to begin with mostly out of protectiveness for Sappho, but after spending more time together they found they got along quite well! They bond over their similiar tastes in aesthetic, music, etc. Soph considers her family due to her relationship with Sappho.

They are in theater together! Soph likes to help out the best they can during her productions and Harriet is very supportive of his writing, even if she doesn't fully understand it. They also like to gossip together a lot, typically about people in the theater department who they share a dislike for.

Befriended eachother due to their foster parents also being good friends. Soph has a lot of respect for Che and his defiance of authority figures, as she often acts out as well. They don't hang out with eachother as much as they do with other people, but they get along well when they do!

Good friends through nepotism. They also bond over shared violent tendencies and general silliness. Her and Soph, along with Che, get into shenanigans together quite a bit. Without repercussion of course, having staff members as parents comes with its perks and they take advantage of this any chance they can get.

Met her through the school's Heather's production! They bond over shared interests and their mutual dislike for Aeschylus.

Sappho introduced them as the two were close friends. They ALSO share a dislike for Aeschylus and often plot ways to murder him together #friendshipgoals 🥰


Also met her through the schools Heather's production and got to know her better through her association with Johnny. Holds a lot of respect and admiration for her due to her strength, among other things. Also really enjoys acting with her!

Dag often gets on their nerves mainly due to their protectiveness of Aesch. She does find jest's antics to be entertaining from time to time, but due to their short temper unfortunately that enjoyment frequently turns into frustration very quickly.

Abraham LincolnMutual Dislike

Abe's aversiveness of Johnny gets on Soph's nerves. As she feels he does not give him enough of a chance. Abe is about as terrified of Soph as he is of John due to her aggressive nature, and dreads every time he has to interact with them.

Upton SinclairMutual Dislike

Soph finds Upton's constant spreading of rumors to be infuriating, as they are very often untrue. They have tried to get her in trouble for spreading such awful misinformation, but Upton simply retaliated by slandering them in the newspaper the week after, which enraged Soph even further.

Hates Topher. Everything about him. Just his general demeanor is enough to send them into a fit of rage whenever they have fhe displeasure of being around him. Also holds a grudge due to their own personal 'white leveraging' incident with the boy, which she refuses to get into.

Soph despises Aeschylus with his entire being. And why should he not? Aeschylus had always been awful to Soph. He constantly critiques them on their writing and berates them for not trying hard enough to live up to their clonefather. He does anything and everything he can to get in their head, and is the only one whose criticism really gets to her, as it is so constant. Almost all of their current fears and insecurities are a result of years of horrible treatment from him.

Credits & Help

Code by winston
- winston#0102