


5 years, 11 months ago


  • Nugget

  • Age Kitten
  • Gender Female
  • Species Pixie ShortLoong
  • Role ?
  • Alignment Chaotic Neutral

*high pitched dolphin noises*

A chaotic child. Her aura is mainly made of chaotic energy, and hence she is impulsive, energetic and candid.

Points of Note

It's a Child
Nugget's true power is locked behind her immaturity and lack of experience. She is technically capable of extremely powerful magic, but she does not know how to command or control her powers. As such, her power activation happens when everyone least expects it.

Baby Boss
Nugget is rebellious towards her elders and bossy towards kittens who are her age or younger. She tends to be physically rough her peers up from time to time, especially if things don't go her way.

Me, Myself and I
Due to Nugget's young age, she is very self-centered and has trouble empathizing with others. However, she has an innocent heart, so with the right guidance she can grow into a loving individual.

Ba Ba Babbling
Nugget is very expressive and enjoys talking with people, regardless of whether they are strangers or not. Her favorite question to ask is "Why?".


DoB: Jan 1
Origin: ???
Height: very smol
Build: Chubby and fluffy
Demeanor: Naughty, unruly
  • Chicken Nuggets
  • Chocolate Milk
  • Sweets
  • Concentrating
  • Books
  • Bell Peppers




Resistance and Stamina


Cacao Precipitation Special

Nugget summons chocolate rain. It makes everything sticky and it stains fabric.

Exploding Kitten Special

Nugget has the ability to conjure one explosive flaming pearl at a time, but it takes a lot of concentration and effort. If she later improves on this ability, she will be able to conjure many pearls in succession.

Space Manipulation Special

Nugget is theoretically able to bend and distort space. However, due to her age and inexperience, Nugget does not have control over this ability.

Gnaw Physical

Tiny fangs are used to inflict a shallow bite on the opponent. Not very effective.

Canon History

In the main storyline, Nugget accidentally teleports herself to the main canon universe because she sneezes too hard. After she teleports, she immediately meets Cremeudi, Sundae, Coco, Marshmallow, and etc. and starts to live in their town. Nugget's "ultimate" form is some sort of noodle dragon.


25227142_xR4Q8NQDVAoaDHR.png Nugget accidentally teleported and ripped the fabric of time. Her aura is mainly made of chaotic energy and hence she is impulsive, energetic and candid. In the main storyline, Nugget accidentally teleports herself to the main canon universe because she sneezes too hard. After she teleports, she immediately meets Cremeudi, Sundae, Coco, Marshmallow, and etc. and starts to live in their town. The residents don't know what to do with her -- they all sort of feed her/take care of her and hope that someone comes back to claim her lol
Nugget tends to avoid getting caught by flying out of reach. Usually Hot Chocolate or Marshmallow takes care of her because none of the other residents know how to fly.

Character Trivia

  • Nugget will actively try to get into trouble "because it’s fun". Everybody knows Nugget gets into trouble, but they generally try to tolerate it because Nugget is cute.
  • Nugget does not like to stay still for more than a few minutes.
  • Nugget, despite having crazy amount of energy, will take a nap whenever possible.
  • She can fly (her wings don't flap). It's mainly up to the other winged characters to keep her from causing havoc. Those that can't fly can't reach or keep up with her.
  • Her whisker things are actually stretchy because they are taffy. She uses her whiskers to explore different surface textures. Nugget hates it when people pulls on her whiskers or pinches her cheeks. If you cut her whiskers off, she loses her sense of balance (but her whiskers can grow back after a certain period of time).
  • Likes to squeeze herself in tight spaces. Like boxes and tubes. Sometimes gets stuck.
  • Semi lactose-intolerant where she gets an upset stomach when she drinks pure milk but she can eat milk products without a problem. However, she drinks milk anyways because it tastes good

Known Alternate Forms

- Ultra Nugget (Canon) - [still needs to be designed - will resemble a noodle dragon]

Artist's Notes

Nugget is small, round, and squishy kitten. Her tail is about the same length as the rest of her body. A tiny pink sprout grows out of the top of her head - it's unclear what kind of plant it is. Additionally, her eyelashes are ridiculously large in comparison to the rest of her body. When Nugget is aware that she's being watched, she tries to look as cute and innocent as possible, but when she thinks no one is looking she tends to look like she's scheming something. Unfortunately for Nugget, she is not good at hiding her intensions, so you can usually get a general sense of what's going on in her head just by looking at her face. 15103383_Ei86r5czbIuflqy.png

Design Trivia

- The term "loong" is actually another name for Chinese dragons.
- Both Nugget and Minute have the potential to be some of the most powerful characters in my universe -- If their powers are combined together, they can create a wormhole (which is basically a rip in space-time). Unfortunately, they are limited by their age; as kittens, they don't have control over their own abilities and are usually unable to access them.



[ Best Friend Forever! ] Nugget considers Minute to be her closest friend. Their friendship dynamic mostly consists of Nugget bossing Minute around, but although Nugget tends to treat Minute rather roughly, Nugget deeply cares for Minute's wellbeing.



[ Friend ] Nugget and Shabu-Shabu get along mostly due to the fact that they are similar in age, but they have also discovered that they both share a love for sweets (to be fair, Shabu-Shabu just likes food in general). When Nugget rough-houses with Shabu-Shabu, Shabu-Shabu will fight back.


Sparkle Poof

[ Friend ] Sparkle Poof is often the one who is responsible for enabling Nugget's sugar rush episodes, since Sparkle tends to give candy to Nugget when no one else is looking. This makes Sparkle one of Nugget's favorite people.


Ninja Kiwi

[ Stranger ] Nugget is afraid of Ninja Kiwi. Ninja Kiwi doesn't smile at her.



[ Stand-in Uncle ] Cremeudi entertains Nugget by answering all of her nonsensical questions as earnestly as he can. Sometimes, Cremeudi also indulges Nugget by playing with her and Minute. Even though Cremeudi is very self-centered, he's surprisingly good with kids!



[ Stand-in Aunt? ] Nugget only really knows Sundae through Cremeudi. Sundae seems nice enough and is approachable.



[ Parental Figure ] Marshmallow acts somewhat as a dad to Nugget. However, their relationship is still in a learning process - Marshmallow feels and acts awkwardly when interacting with Nugget. Nugget does her best to respectfully listen to Marshmallow because she feels responsible for creating a rift between Marshmallow and Hot Chocolate.


Hot Chocolate

[ Parental Figure ] Hot Chocolate acts like a mom to Nugget. She's the one who disciplines Nugget and sets rules that Nugget is required to follow. In comparison to Marshmallow, Hot Chocolate is more attached to Nugget than he is.



[ Babysitter ] Initially, Nugget was very very afraid of Primrose because she thought that Primrose was a vampire who would drink her blood. Primrose eventually was able to communicate with Nugget that Hot Chocolate trusted Primrose to take care of her, and Primrose also learned how to take care of kids by taking care of Nugget. Primrose uses her magic vine powers to keep Nugget in check.



[ Acquaintance ] Nugget knows Wyck mostly through Primrose. Sometimes, Wyck drops by to get orders from Primrose when Nugget is with Primrose.
