Beasts, Gods, and Snow (Comet)



  • NICKNAMES 7T7C, Comet
  • PRONOUNS She/They
  • SPECIES Iterator
  • CAN STATUS Collapsed
  • UNIVERSE Rain World


Proposed solution to the Great Problem: Severing the umbilical cord, losing their sense of being.
Kind, reserved, helpful, curious, a dreamer. She’s long accepted her kind’s struggle with escaping the Cycle and her creators leaving them behind. Instead, she decided to focus on the small things and goals, observing and befriending local wildlife. She’s friendly with Pine and Hint, seeing them as great friends, and tries to keep in touch with them through Slugcat messengers, as the direct connection is broken. She’s content with the life she had, and only has two wishes left: to see the night sky with her own eyes, and to have her puppet cut off from the mainframe, hopefully serving as either a Triple Affirmative or a way to lessen the pain of half-cut wires and connections from her umbilical.


Can: The Ancients built her can the smallest out of all three local Iterators, desperate in looking for a way out of the Great Cycle. With the rest of the world drained of resources and filled by enormous superstructures, corners were cut when building hers. Her can was set to be built near the base of the mountain range, which a few dozen years before canon events caused a rocky avalanche, damaging one of the superstructure’s legs and sending the complex tumbling. That, with the added decay from harsh winds, resulted in a broken can filled with massive holes, electrical problems, and plant overgrowth. The inner mechanisms are running only the most essential functions, with sparse sections of loose electrical circuits and mostly normal gravity. Despite all this, a lot of Overseers observe the area around her can. There are very few Neuron Flies and Inspectors in the actual can.

Chamber: A standard cubic Iterator room, with Comet sitting on the ground covered in a badly-made blanket, her umbilical cord broken both due to the can’s fall and personal attempts of cutting it. Many pearls are scattered around on the floor, oftentimes playing soft music. A dozen or so Neuron Flies gently float in the air. The chamber’s walls are shoddily painted in purple and blue paint, paw prints visibly smudged in most sections. Spots of white paint greyed with age are present. The entire scene presents a vision of a night sky lit by stars and comets. On the floor there are patches of dried branches, leaves and pine needles, likely brought as gifts by previous generations of Slugcats.

Code by Aurorean