
9 months, 3 hours ago


01 — Profile

As the head of the Containment Division, Set can't stand inefficiency and disobedience -- in any form at all. It's hard for most people to approach her, given how intimidating she looks and how single-mindedly she acts. Once she's set herself to a goal, she'll stop at nothing to ensure that it gets done as perfectly and meticulously as possible.

Name Set ██████
Age 34
Pronouns She/It
Height 6'3”
Birthdate September 22 (Virgo-Libra)

Orientation Gay
Occupation Division Head Essence Specialist

Race Otherworlder
Element Pyro (heat)
Essence Non-esper, EQE
Alignment Virion Project
  • Shirt under coat is crossed from right to left.

  • Ears are usually turned downwards, but they can be upright whenever she's surprised or caught off-guard.

  • Tail is surprisingly prehensile; it moves with Set almost like a third arm. Extends from under her coat.

  • Can be drawn with or without black nail polish.

  • Cords are connected to an identical pin at the back of her coat collar.

  • Original Profile

02 — Personality

Blunt and concise, Set naturally has an intimidating aura around her that makes it difficult for people to talk to her -- not like she wants to talk to people, in the first place. She tends to be a bit of a loner, finding most people her age to be unproductive and seeing people younger than her as a bother to have to deal with. It's rare for people to actually approach Set, given how exhausted she tends to look and how her face naturally relaxes into a somewhat-angry looking expression. Whenever they do, Set responds with as few words as possible, hating how much small talk wastes her time. She gets unreasonably annoyed whenever people ask questions that have already been answered. While Set rarely starts conversations, she's more than happy to raise her voice to offer up acerbic comments or insults whenever she thinks somebody needs to be put in their place.

Incredibly single-minded, Set is highly determined, highly intelligent, and somewhat manic whenever she actually has something to work towards. She has the tendency to shut out the world around her whenever she's focused on a problem that she's been given, staying up for days on end just to make sure that whatever she needs to get done gets done, preferably as efficiently as possible. Set plans her schedules out by the hour. She'd do it by the minute, honestly, if it would save her time in the long run. While she inevitably burns herself out and crashes at the end of long projects, it's hard for her to stay idle for long, even under the guise of "recovery." She's always looking forward, seeking the next big deadline on the horizon.

Underneath her cold exterior, she has a bit of a tendency towards violence -- which, admittedly, rarely ever manifests. Set thinks that it's a waste of energy to use force except when it's strictly necessary. When a harsh scowl and a couple well-picked words can come to the same result, why bother with a physical threat? At the same time, though, it's easy for bits and pieces of Set's anger to slip through the cracks, especially if she's already irritated: she'll slam her hand on tables and walls, close doors a little too harshly, clench her hand around pens until they physically crack. She has the tendency to think that her plans are always the right ones to follow, and the more that people disobey her, the more furious she gets. The quieter her voice is, the angrier she is. When she's lost for words entirely -- well, that's when she'd be hard-pressed to hold herself back.

  • Black coffee and caffeine pills.

  • Coding and programming.

  • Blunt weaponry.

  • Marking off items on her to-do list.

  • Heavy bass music.

  • People who talk too much.

  • Oversleeping.

  • Having to redo any of her work.

03 — Background


The child of two government officials, Set was raised with the expectation of excellence. Both of her parents wanted her to eventually take on some kind of leadership role in a government agency, having her intern regularly in their offices while forcing her to spend the rest of her time either studying, doing classwork, or playing on her school's baseball team. Set's primary way to let off steam consisted of going to the gym and either sparring with others or using the punching bag for as long as she physically could -- never wanting to feel like she was "wasting time" and not improving herself in one way or another.

Even though she was incredibly skilled in her computer science and programming classes during high school, Set was made to apply as a political science major when she entered college. While she ultimately managed to convince her parents to let her minor in computer science, she was always discouraged from taking what her parents saw as a "common programming" or "common IT tech" job, given the road that she'd been set up to follow in her future. She was largely isolated during her college years, thinking mostly about what she could apply to that would allow her to divert her parents' attention for just long enough to worm her way out of taking a job in the field of political science -- with four years being more than enough to convince her that she'd hate doing the same work that her parents did for the rest of her life.

Set was nevertheless forced into a civil land development agency for close to five years, wanting to please her parents and "pay them back" for the costs she'd incurred during college, at the very least. Near the end of her fifth year there, three things happened, in very short succession:

Firstly, Set applied -- and was accepted -- to the Virion Project, a government-like organization that her parents begrudgingly accepted as a substitute for the bureaucratic work that she'd been doing ever since she'd graduated. Still incredibly skilled at fighting (again, having used martial arts and weapons training as her primary coping mechanism after work for five years straight), she'd expectedly been taken in as part of the Containment Division.

Secondly, her parents were convicted and imprisoned for having committed treason, having leaked government documents about EQE and viscerosis online using Set's own laptop and the programs that she'd coded herself. Set was extensively questioned about the incident, almost losing the Virion Project job that she'd just managed to land, before she managed to convince the detectives of her innocence.

Thirdly, shortly afterwards, Set -- in an act of treason on her own -- hacked through the security systems surrounding her hospital and her registration in Atriven City's logs, expunging her own last name from the records and changing her first name entirely in order to cut off whatever connection she had with her former family. She was perfectly satisfied just being called "Set," after all. It was a name short enough that it wouldn't waste her time to write down, all the time.

Virion Project

Even though Set was relatively new to the Virion Project, her obvious skill at fighting and the structured, regimented approach that she took to her training led her to become the head of the Containment Division, with Lucius as her co-head and Nikolai working under her command. The physical work of the Containment Division was a much better fit for her than the government work she'd previously done, forcing her to stay engaged with every fight she got into.

While Set initially planned on leaving as soon as her first employment term was over, she ended up staying -- initially by choice, and later out of a sense of responsibility for the Division that she was suddenly forced to take over. After the Outbreak Incident, which permanently damaged Set's right eye, Lucius was invited to move to the Investigation Division, taking Nikolai with him. Set, left as the sole head of the Containment Division, had several slots on his team to fill -- and a new generation of Containment members to train.

It's clear that Jaime, Celeuxe, and Yumeno, her new interns, have potential. It's clear, also, that the three of them are very much college-aged and act very much like they're college-aged, which infuriates Set to no end. While she's obliged to protect the three of them, keeping them away from any real danger (and even attending their concerts once in a while), she can't help but see that the Vessels they're fighting are far more dangerous than any of the ones that she's dealt with in the past. It makes her almost nervous to go on missions, now -- even though Set's not the type of person to ever feel any real anxiety. The idea of any of the interns suffering an injury like the kind that she did during the Outbreak is almost unimaginable.

Fighting Style

Set is very strong, having either been playing sports or training ever since she was in high school. While she doesn't know any official martial arts styles, she can still hold his own, playing "dirty" like she's in a rough street fight rather than in a formal setting -- which is why she tends to avoid sparring with the other interns, not wanting to actually hurt any of them. In reality, she can make anything she picks up off the ground into a weapon of some kind; she prefers bludgeoning weapons like her mace, above all else. Embedded with EQE technology, it acts as an "extension" of Set's own essence use, the end of it capable of being set alight by Set's Pyro essence.

She keeps her essence use under strict lock-and-key, not wanting to risk worsening or reactivating the infection that'd been contained to her right eye. Set primarily uses her Pyro essence to intimidate opponents, making the temperatures in her immediate area nearly-intolerable whenever she's fighting somebody in order to distract them and guarantee her a quicker victory. While she can use fire, she finds it to be somewhat too destructive -- given how imprecise she tends to be whenever she does, not being able to easily control whether or not her opponents actually live or die whenever she burns them. At least the heat from her mace automatically cauterizes whatever wound it comes into contact with (ignoring the fact that most of the injuries she inflicts consist of broken or shattered bones, of course).

04 — Trivia

  • She's, rather unwillingly, the manager for Celeuxe, Jaime, and Yumeno's band, Grimwreck. Set doesn't trust anybody else to take care of her interns the way that she would... even if most of her work consists of driving them to the venues that they're performing at, making sure nobody weird comes on backstage, and telling Celeuxe that whatever he's planning to post to advertise a concert is way too "aggressive and unprofessional" to actually use as an advertisement.

  • Even though she doesn't actually like heavy bass music, she listens to a lot of godawful hardbass and phonk whenever she needs to concentrate on getting something done -- forcing herself to get her work done so that she can stop listening.

  • Really hates cooking, seeing it as a waste of time. The employees at her local grocery store still recognize her, though: she takes the exact same route through the store every time, buys way too much cold brew for one person to drink, and checks out politely (but with the scariest expression any of the clerks have ever seen).

  • Very good at programming and coding. Computers just tend to... work, really, whenever they're in her presence. Has the magical ability to strip any computer free of viruses in thirty minutes, max, no matter how badly infected it might be.

  • Paints her nails as a way to relax after work. It's one of the few things she's willing to spend her free time on.

  • Rarely takes off her medical eyepatch, even when she's at home alone. It bothers her to know that she was ever hurt so badly due to viscerosis, something that she couldn't even physically fight.



05 — Relationships


"Lots to work on. She knows it too, which makes it okay. Needs more of a backbone. Feels a bit lost. Should've waited a few more years before joining."

Yumeno's inexperience shines through in her behavior towards Set. While most people would find her clear idolization flattering, Set finds it to be somewhat of a bother; she's already responsible for all three of the interns, and having one of them cling to her like a younger sibling is a bit more responsibility than she's willing to take on.

She wishes that Yumeno would take on a few more risks in order to improve faster and meet the standards of the other members of the Containment Division just that more quickly, even if she understands why Yumeno's too shy to do so. At least she does what she's explicitly ordered to do.


"He's strong. He thinks too much of himself. Doesn't take orders easily. He always wants me to fight him at my full power. I don't think he thinks through what he's saying."

Celeuxe exasperates Set, most of the time. While she can appreciate the fact that Celeuxe clearly is a good fighter-- and clearly wants to be here, given how hard that he trains every time he checks into work -- Set can't understand how Celeuxe expects to ever improve if he refuses to take any advice or any orders from people who obviously have more knowledge and experience than he does.

It's not like she doesn't want to see Celeuxe improve; hell, if she didn't, she would've fired him already. She just wishes that Celeuxe was easier to deal with, rather than constantly talking back and yelling at her every time she offers fair critique about his performance.


"Excitable, happy, and a strong fighter. She's perceptive. But she doesn't realize it. She's also persistent. I'm twelve years older than her. I'm not going to the club with her."

To be honest, Set is a bit bewildered by how Jaime acts towards her. Having either been treated with deference or respect her entire life, Jaime -- who doesn't seem to realize that Set's an actual authority figure, and even if she does realize, she doesn't seem to care -- constantly making small talk with her and inviting her out to "hang out" and even convincing her to manage the revenue streams from Jaime's band is... bemusing, at the very best.

Set's honestly not sure how to talk or react to somebody who seems to have so much natural energy in her. She's glad that Jaime is so enthusiastic about being a member of the Containment Division, at least.
