worldbuilding info (Terminology)




Number Term Origin Description
#1 Last Artifacts Aestas Magi Project Sealing weapons created by Fafnir in order to provide Magical Girls a way to seal the Gods should they start to deteriorate and possibly destroy life in the crossfire. They are spread across Druehiri so the wrong person cannot get all of them.
#2 Lords of Resplendence Delightful Witch The legendary Witches and Mages who stepped up during the Witch Defense War that are now regarded as the forefront of offense for all of the Witches Depths. They are the golden standard for magical potential and are looked up upon. The original three consisted of the Lord of War Anise, the Lord of Nature Lemleth, and Rugi, Lord of Song. The group eventually expanded to more members due to their upbringings and relationship with their powers.
#3 Forest of Thaumaturgy Her Tengu Girl The Forest of Thaumaturgy is located in Druehiri, and is a giant landmass/continent separated with some rivers and seas of its own, consisting of mostly nothing but forestry with sporadic technology. Many mythical creatures live here, and boasts the highest number of monsters in one place out of all planets. However, the difference between these monsters is that they are not naturally born, and instead came from a wish made by Letty.
#4 The Cracked Fountain Her Tengu Girl The fountain Letty cried into, which activated the fountain's dormant sentience and ability to grant wishes. Letty uses a wish to create a companion so she won't be alone to defend herself during the uncertainty of a naval battle. Eventually, it turned into her wishing for more monsters to make a complete society.
#5 Parasite Void Dreamless Memory theres a whole page on this
#6 Millepertuis Doomsday Rebellion Girls Occurred on November 12th, 2122. Professors against Ida's creations launch a cyberwarfare attack in order to kickstart a coup due to her being a focal point of several accused conspiracies. This caused many of her robots to take orders under their new authority and caused apocalyptic damage to Millepertuis, with the only thing making it habitable being the atmosphere. Many humans have taken refuge on other planets if they are not dead. Robots are either roaming around searching for the ones responsible and to recover their memories, or stay out of commission entirely, left to become overgrown fodder.
#7 Hero Club Dreamless Memory Consists of Hotaru, Kirai, Mogu, and Chieri, whom made a club in school dedicated to helping others. Cerise, Kumako and Shion are also included in this group.
#8 Regretful Countryside Corneria The main area of the Underworld. It is usually nighttime here and vaguely cloudy and windy. Blades of grass blowing and many puddles and ponds are the main views here. This countryside instills a desire to reflect on oneself.
#9 Fireplace of Love Corneria The structure that the Midwife left behind. The Little Chateau needs to obtain a star shining of dreams, a fortune as honest as a being, love as beautiful as a heart, a spark of hope, a sturdy soul that triumphed, and a flame burning of passion in order to start the fireplace.
#10 AngeDeve Management Offices General The operating offices where Angels and Devils analyze and enroll new spirits and archive every smidgen of everyone's life. They also divide and approve community advancements and projects appropriately, much like an economics and marketing office job.
#11 Pinkish Express Corneria The main area of the Overworld. It has a sunset pinkish hue throughout the city and has a single train that make stops almost everywhere in the Overworld, namely residential areas. Tiamat is also there for transportation most of the time whenever the train gets filled to its absolute. It has an emphasis on city elements with some blissful countryside areas. It tends to be vaguely cold despite being somewhat bright from the sun.
#12 Fortune Walk Corneria An obscure path taken in the Overworld to see Perspicuous Fortune. Though the walk is a beautiful experience, Fortune is less than savory to talk to.
#13 Overworld Institute Corneria An esteemed building hidden in a megalith sized structure that investigates separation cases, provides paperwork for Underworld spirits to appeal into the Overworld if redemption is deemed worthy, and provides plethora of knowledge of the Dead's fate and explanation for how to get around the Overworld. The sole owner looks like a dishelved detective.
#14 Floating Chateau Corneria The Little Chateau (and Midwife's) home base. Corneria and Chateau often come back here to allocate collected items somewhere safe and to recuperate.
#15 River Styx Corneria Literally the River Styx, and just as terrifying as it is in real mythology. Though there are skeletons and eyes staring upon the boat, nothing in the River Styx will attempt harm on others.
#16 Blossoming Mahoroba MahoroBloom Freebie
#17 Parasitism MahoroBloom Freebie
#18 Affinity/Nature Affinity Delightful Witch Freebie
#19 Chrysanthemum Barrier Delightful Witch Freebie
#20 Witch Defense War Delightful Witch Freebie
#21 Otherworld/Overworld/Underworld Delightful Witch/Corneria Freebie
#22 The Basement Aestas Magi Project Freebie
#23 Hanging Gardens Aestas Magi Project Freebie
#24 Resting Valley of the Dragons Swiss Maid Strudel Freebie
#25 Turtledove Archipelago Suze Freebie
#26 Saviorbots Rebellion Girls Freebie
#27 Gully Pirates Suze Freebie
#28 Communes Her Tengu Girl Freebie
#29 Yamagata Biker QUEENS International Gal Freebie
#30 Parapara Bar International Gal Freebie
#31 Achromatic Castle MahoroBloom Freebie
#32 Hobby Fair International Gal Freebie
#33 AIU Festival International Gal a real club that exists
#34 AIU Happy People International Gal a real club that exists
#35 Lunatic Masquerade Pretty Neapolis: Nostalgic Audition Monster themed future-core group.
#36 LADY'S DAY Pretty Neapolis: Nostalgic Audition R&B and ballad all girls group.
#37 Mellow 𝄞ymphony Pretty Neapolis: Nostalgic Audition Band instrument based group with a focus on jazz and classical.
#38 D.D.D. Pretty Neapolis: Nostalgic Audition Rock group. Yeah that's all I got boss
#39 Summer Sweet Naughty Pretty Neapolis: Nostalgic Audition [Electro] Pop centered group. Their theme is to embrace a "nostalgic and distant femme fatale."
#40 Noir meets DJ DEKADEKA Pretty Neapolis: Nostalgic Audition Hardcore EDM group. Already was a commodity in doujinshi circles before becoming part of an actual label.
#41 XXXSTYLE Pretty Neapolis: Nostalgic Audition Speedcore group.
#42 ONETIME Nostalgic Audition Girl group that does an arrangement of genres, but mostly pop (because that's profitable.) Their concept focuses on "the individuality and stories of each member."
#43 Arctic Contract International/Strudel/Miru Freebie
#43 Lab Committee Dreamless Memory Freebie
Code by Aurorean