worldbuilding info (Planets)




Cassiopeia is a planet that formed naturally, not created by any God. It is much like our own Earth, with its formation following a strikingly similar pattern. It is an advanced planet with all 4 seasons, boasting the largest population of human life and many monsters. Cassiopeia is also enjoyed by many foreigners from other planets moving there for a wider horizon, mostly coming from Druehiri and Millepertuis. The ecosystem is incredibly robust and has even been subjected to anthropomorphic evolution. There are 200 countries, with Cassiopeia's Antarctica being separated into 5 of them. Monsters (and insane people) that thrive in polar climate occupy these five countries, but must abide by a contract to preserve the environment while peacefully living there. Cassiopeia is also known for its handmade sweets, considered to be the best out of all the planets.

  • Population ~9B
  • Countries ~200
  • Climate polar, temperate, subtropical, tropical
  • Language melting pot
bg by unsplash stamp by name header by unsplash
...pale purple aristocrat
A 600 year old vampire hailing from Switzerland. A stoic misanthrope who has been alone in his mansion for an amount of time that only God could know. He is stern in his commands and desires, and saw humans as nothing but food or blood servants, but his new maid has seemed to open up his heart. no see its a placeholder so using vlov is okay here

...ready-made maid
A ditzy but extremely dedicated maid from the countryside of Switzerland. She is always focused on doing her best for Bremegarten, and loves to invite unwanted guests into the mansion to make it feel lived in. While the way she "does her best" is confusing, she truly has heart. She is rather secretive about her past life.

...buzzing gyaru
A girl from Idaho, USA who loves gyaru fashion. She often likes to take pictures of herself and is quite the fashionista. Despite her love for this, she feels her life is rather aimless, so she totally goes abroad to college so she can, like, really expand her horizons and stuff! Her darkest secret is that she participates in power-scaling debates.

...maryland's sexiest
A 50 year old woman from Maryland that works at a Joann. She likes to have fun and do anything that makes her feel free and young, but she is also the victim of her own middle aged crisis and internalized ageism.

...lone yankī
A college student born and raised in Obanazawa, Yamagata who likes to dress as a yanki. She is a lone wolf that desires a pack to call her home. She tends to let her actions and skills do the talking for her, but her mannerisms are rather intimidating when she does. Despite liking to make her exterior rough, she's actually rather protective towards girls and awkward. She plays baseball and is extremely competitive and evil when it comes to the sport, but has okay sportsmanship.

Akita International University
...Akita Prefecture, Japan
While this area does scroll, I recommend only writing a sentence or two. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse at efficitur leo, malesuada sodales velit. Suspendisse lacinia lacus in quam suscipit porttitor. Aenean sit amet mi ut augue feugiat maximus a quis neque. Nam dictum felis at leo malesuada, ullamcorper egestas nulla accumsan.

Bremegarten Mansion
...Bremgarten bei Bern, Switzerland
While this area does scroll, I recommend only writing a sentence or two. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse at efficitur leo, malesuada sodales velit. Suspendisse lacinia lacus in quam suscipit porttitor. Aenean sit amet mi ut augue feugiat maximus a quis neque. Nam dictum felis at leo malesuada, ullamcorper egestas nulla accumsan.

Inner Harbor
...Baltimore, Maryland
While this area does scroll, I recommend only writing a sentence or two. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse at efficitur leo, malesuada sodales velit. Suspendisse lacinia lacus in quam suscipit porttitor. Aenean sit amet mi ut augue feugiat maximus a quis neque. Nam dictum felis at leo malesuada, ullamcorper egestas nulla accumsan.

Marie Byrd District
One of the five countries of Antarctica. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse at efficitur leo, malesuada sodales velit. Suspendisse lacinia lacus in quam suscipit porttitor. Aenean sit amet mi ut augue feugiat maximus a quis neque. Nam dictum felis at leo malesuada, ullamcorper egestas nulla accumsan.

Maison Blanche Patisserie
...Côtes-d'Armor, Brittany, France & Bremgarten bei Bern, Switzerland
While this area does scroll, I recommend only writing a sentence or two. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse at efficitur leo, malesuada sodales velit. Suspendisse lacinia lacus in quam suscipit porttitor. Aenean sit amet mi ut augue feugiat maximus a quis neque. Nam dictum felis at leo malesuada, ullamcorper egestas nulla accumsan.