Zyra Slash (Hunter!Zyra)



5 years, 2 months ago


An AU of the character Zyra Slash based on a scenario where he is abducted by Visitors after his birth and trained as a bounty hunter.

  • Name: AS-0424
  • Race: Icien Djragoni
  • Age: Adolescent
  • Gender: N/A
  • Birthday: Unknown
  • AU: Bounty Hunter

In the vanilla story, the tribe Zyra is given to is run by a leader very strictly against outsiders because of Visitors making them paranoid. Luckily his current mom and dad fight to keep him and that's how he's brought into the tribe.

But here, there's no one willing to take him and so they do with him what they do with all outcasts; throw him into the wilderness. The idea is to have them either survive on their own without a tribe or die. It's not a very ethical or practical tradition, but the leader of the tribe isn't exactly open to new ideas considering they're throwing babies into the woods. Either way, the infant is abandoned in the wilderness to fend for itself and most likely perish.

However, a group of alien Visitors is exploring the wilderness and come across the infant. Visitors and Djragoni have been at war in this area for a while, so they've become quite adverse to them. When they find an infant with no guardians to protect it, they consider killing it to send a spiteful message. But the leader stopes them, seeing a prime opportunity.

They know Djragoni are viciously skilled hunters compared to other species. Their skills have proved useful before as there have been a handful of times Djragoni have been convinced to leave their world to be employed by other space-faring races, usually for bounty hunting and other seedy work. What they have here is a chance to create an incredibly powerful and lucrative asset built from the ground up. The visitors are part of an organization of hunters employed by the Network, so they see the potential. They take the child to their ship and take off, leaving the planet forever.

From then on the child is "raised" by various parties from the bounty hunting organization. He's not so much raised as he is "programmed". He doesn't even have a name, he's simply known as "AS 0424" and since his abduction is trained as a deadly and machine-accurate bounty hunter. He's given advanced tech used for tracking and hunting to basically turn him into a cyborg, but it's his natural weapons that make him extremely valuable. His roots as a vicious hunting species are unmatched by other hunters from more "advanced" races.

And so this version of Zyra gets by as a hunter-for-hire, tracking down other aliens across the cosmos, still just a young adolescent. As far as a personality, he doesn't really have one. He was raised as a piece of equipment and told to show no emotion lest it compromise his job. He's no more than a tool for the bounty hunting org that abducted him. He's rather robotic in his actions and shows no emotion towards anything, and underneath the neo-robotic mask he uses lies a blank, if somewhat sad expression of a child turned into a machine.

This is what happens to other species "taken" by Network affiliates if they're deemed useful enough, though it's usually by aliens involved in seedy business like organized crime. This version of Zyra simply met a fate true if things had not happened the same during those first days of his life. It is in a way the "better" ending, cause if the aliens didn't abduct him he probably would have just died, but that's up for interpretation if this is considered better.