Miranda Walsh



7 months, 10 days ago


Name Miranda Walsh

DOB June 30th, 1909

Age 34+

Sign Cancer

Gender Female

Birthplace St. Louis, Missouri

Height 5'3" (160 cm)

Residence St. Louis, Missouri

Build Average

Occupation Homemaker

Eyes Blue

Orientation Homosexual

Hair Blonde

Demeanor Aloof


HTML Pinky

Miranda was born into a strictly Catholic family, the youngest of six daughters. Her life was pretty much laid out for her from the start: as a woman she is "supposed to" become a wife and mother, despite her own feelings on the matter. As she grew up and watched all her older sisters marry off and start families she felt the pressure to do the same, marrying the boy she dated in high school. Although she never truly loved him she hoped she could learn to, in time, (and at the very least, she was keeping up appearances and making her family happy.) Proud as they were of her "beautiful" family and nice house she was miserable, soon realizing that not only did her husband never love her either, but he was insufferable to live with and had a horrible temper. He too married because he felt he was "supposed to", but even despite this common ground they shared they rarely managed to get along peacefully. Outsiders saw them as "such a nice couple", and they did their best to fake it in public, no one but their kids knowing how they really were behind closed doors.

When Hunter told her he was drafted she knew he was lying and using it as an excuse to leave her, but she saw it as a blessing in disguise, to be "free" of him for awhile. Of course, she fakes concern for him around others (especially since she doesn't even know where he really is), but on the inside she's never been happier, and is finally starting to find herself.



An anxious and demure woman who prefers to keep to herself in most situations, she is especially aloof among strangers. She comes across as being a bit snobbish/stuck up, and to some extent, she is, believing some people aren't worth wasting her words on. Even with those she's familiar with she tends to be fairly quiet and doesn't have a lot to say, she is thoughtful, but prefers to keep a lot of it to herself. (Definitely the "still waters run deep" type of person.) As mentioned above, she was raised to believe she should be "obedient" to her father, her husband, and men in general, though in recent years she has definitely begun to push back against that. (During conflict/arguments she tended to freeze up, shy away, or start crying, though she recently decided she'd had enough and often yells back!) Can be a bit of a drama queen and exaggerate the situation or her emotions. Her manner of speaking in general is a little odd and comes off as a bit "old fashioned" or overly dramatic at times, all her time spent reading has quite a bit of influence on her. XD


When alone she likes to relax with a cup of tea and a book, but when her husband is home she likes to keep busy with chores, cooking, etc. as a means of avoiding him. She tends not to make much eye contact when speaking, especially when embarrassed or talking with a stranger, and blushes quite easily. She doesn't smile often, and when she does it's usually of a more shy/soft sort of smile.


Her voice is a bit "shaky", she often sounds as if she's on the verge of tears even when she isn't. Other than that it's pretty "average", neither high nor deep in pitch. Diane from Cheers is fairly close to how she would sound!


Likes: tea, reading, being alone/quiet, fall weather, nighttime, cigarettes, doing her hair/makeup
Dislikes: her husband (and most men in general), arguments/being yelled at, sudden/loud noise, hot weather, being touched (without permission)



Hair: Light golden blonde, it's very thick and kind of wavy (her hair pretty much looks like something out of a shampoo commercial XD), and it reaches almost mid-back length. It is sometimes done up in victory rolls and other 1940s styles.

Eyes: Her eyes are downturned and sky blue in color, sometimes with dark circles/bags underneath, and even without makeup her lashes are quite long.

Build: Pretty average build, sort of hourglass shaped, though her hips aren't very wide.

Scars/Body Modifications/Other distinguishing features: One earring in each lobe.


Almost always wears dresses, but will sometimes wear pants, skirts, or shorts with sweaters or blouses. Her favorite colors are blue, green, red, or black.













  • Though she was raised Catholic, religion isn't something she puts much thought into anymore beyond going to church with her family for major holidays, like Christmas.
  • She smokes very heavily, usually with a cigarette holder.
  • She considers her kids to be the only good thing to come out of her marriage.
  • Even when it's not a special/formal occasion she often likes to dress and do her hair up nicely when going out (spending a lot of time on her appearance is, again, a means of avoiding her husband. XD)
  • She is sometimes called by the nickname "Mandy", but only by Jolene
  • Though she wouldn't do it (probably) she often has "fantasies" about murdering her husband, he is the only person she has ever had such violent thoughts about
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