Extracted Prism Sunsets



8 months, 14 days ago


Extracted Prism Sunsets

Tri-Processed Thoughts, Extracted Prism Sunsets, Prism, and EPS.

Generation 5/14, Group Alpha, 3rd oldest

He/Him & They/Them, Male

Grumpy, slightly strict but means well, caring, pessimistic, and curious.

A Drop in the Sea, Fifty Whispering voices


<- Spotify Playlist

Touch Tone Telephone - Lemon Demon


"My fate was already decided by my Ancients long before I knew it."

About and Special Tasks

Extracted Prism Sunsets was created by the Ancients of Ethos to look into studying fauna and manipulating it in hopes to find a solution. Prism is able to create new creatures and manipulate them as long as he has the DNA documented in his Data Manifold and Memory Conflux. Alongside this, Prism has the ability to heal creatures back up to health due to the information being stored.

Special Interactions

Extracted Prism Sunsets has a fe interesting interactions with the slugcat depending on how they treat Prism. Here's the ones I have written down:

•Prism doesn't tolerate hotility of any kind, so if any aggression is shown towards him, he will push the slugcat out of his chamber with only the text "..."

•Additionally, Prism will not brain blast the player unless they throw a bomb at him.

•Prism will always fill the players food pips to the maximum upon them entering his chamber.




Below Average




Below Average




















Below Average








Ancient Relationship

Extracted Prism Sunsets was a very popular iterator amongst his local group, having the most populated city called Ethos. He was idolized by many, and had relatively high authority over his citizens. This popularity did come at a price though, as his city quickly began to overpopulate. This situation has escalated to the point where the buildings of ethos had been being built on the sides of his structure, and is now weighing the top of his structure down.

•Prism's structure is overall an average iterator structure with some changed additions to allow Prism to do his creature work. Near the top part of his structure, the ceiling caves in a bit, which reflects his city's overpopulation problem. It's possible to traverse this area, but many manipulated creatures live here, making it a risky but quick route to take, which leads to Prism's chamber.

•One of Prism's unique structure subregions is the Experimental Arrays. This area is relatively small, with manipulated creatures living inside.

•An area connected to the Experimental Arrays is called The Mass. It contains many long corridors also filled with many creatures but the creatures here are more aggressive than the Experiment Arrays, and contains the caved in top of Prism's structure. The Mass refers to the city on top of his structure caving in.

•Prism also has the System Control Apparatus, which is where his chamber lies. There's three ways to get into it, which is through the bottom, right, or top subregion, The Mass.

•The last subregion of Prism's structure is the Memory Conflux, which is the only entrance to his structure, and leads to Sundown Canopy.

Story so far


Extracted Prism Sunsets was quite curious of Amalgamation, who was the slugcat that fell from space, especially from their strange appearance and nonsensical adaptations. After Amalgamation reached Endless Beyond's structure, Prism requested that Amalgamation traversed over to Prism so that he could get a look at the slugcat himself.

Upon looking into their DNA, Prism found out that their DNA is mismatched and jumbled due to the various alterations and constant changing of their DNA being a mix every creature Prism has reasearched. This is supported by the harlequin pearl that Amalgamation gave to Extracted Prism Sunsets, which also shows he is the other one to indirectly blame for Amalgamation being the way they are. Extracted Prism Sunsets caused it by being the one provide the information for the alterations, which allowed amalgamation to gain all the strange adaptations and nonsensical biology and DNA.

After Amalgamation stuck around Prism for a while, Prism sent Amalgamation to Ruby as she wanted Amalgamation to hold onto a specific item.

Another thing to note is that Prism's structure is being crushed at the top, which has been dealing him quite the amount of stress and causes Prism to be grumpier and grumpier as of lately.


To be written...


To be written...


To be written...


  • Prism's design is heavily based around the number 3. This includes his every action as he always tends to work in 3's.
  • Prism has a deep voice which sounds firm, yet in softer moments, Prism wil speak softer.
  • Prism was too popular pre-mass ascension,and due to this, his structure is caving in at the top due to the amount of weight from the building that pile on top of his structure. This overpopulation is to the point where Ethos, also known as The Mass, has buildings that are built on the sides of Prism's Structure.
  • Prism's puppet was made to be colorful as to represent a prism, much like his name.
  • Prism's face is long as to represent an Echo's face.



  • His local group.
  • Squidcadas and Slugcats + Slugpups.
  • Observing the faunas behavior.
  • Casual jokes that make sense.
  • The neon lights of Sundown Canopy.


  • Tides and String's shenanigans.
  • Jokes that make no sense. Random nonsense.
  • Ethos (The Mass).
  • Cassiopeia's residents.
  • Finding a solution to the cycle.


Prism has full control over his structure and everything inside. This means that it could be very much possible that Prism can grab any creature inside of his structure, and drag them to his chamber if he so wishes.

Prism, despite his job in manipulating creatures, does not actually enjoy it. Prism much more prefers to document their actions and study how they interact.

Prism's favorite creatures are Slugcats and Squidcadas for different reasons.

Prism's city, Ethos, has a MAJOR rivalry with Endless Beyond's city, Cassiopeia. This is because Ethos' residents believed that the answer was right under their noses.

Prism isn't that much of a fan of bioengineering surprisingly, despite him being an iterator based around it! Prism believes that all animals should be handled with care and upmost respect unless they are causing an active disturbance or harm. He's relatively okay-ish with it as he has done such before, but as long as the animals don't get out into the ecosystem as they would be very invasive.