Twelve Far Away Dreams



8 months, 11 days ago


Twelve Far Away Dreams

Memories Hidden Behind Dreams, Twelve Far Away Dreams, Dreams, and 12FAD.

Generation 13/14, Group Alpha, 2nd youngest

She/Her & They/Them, Female

Shy, awkward, curious, intelligent, and anxious.

Spark of Hope, Countless Never-ending Threads


<- Spotify Playlist

This December (Slow) - Ricky Montgomery



About and Special Tasks

Twelve Far Away Dreams was created as a library of sorts, mainly to memorize important information and keep other iterators in her local group informed! She does have an ability to work for the great problem, but not to the extent of other iterators, as her structure is very different. Alongside to her odd structure and quiet personality, Dreams' puppet was made to have a few similarities to Ancients, one of which being her tall height and stable footing.

Special Interactions

Last String of Life has a few interesting interactions with the slugcat depending on how they treat Dreams. Here's the ones I have written down:

•To be added soon!








Below Average


Below Average







Below Average



















Ancient Relationship

Dreams Ancients were relatively kind and passive. They thought of Dreams as someone very important as she was based around knowledge, which was something they idolized. Most of Dreams Ancients liked her, while a few disliked her, and a few idolized her and her knowledge. One cycle though, Dreams Ancients began to distance themselves from her and as time went on, they became radio silent towards her without telling her anything. One fateful cycle, Dreams found out that her Ancients were the first out of Group Alpha to mass ascend. Dreams didn't find out until after, causing her to feel confused and worried that she might have been the reason for her Ancients mass ascension.

Dreams structure is big compared to other iterators, but this is because her structure is mainly filled with the subregion memory conflux. Over half of her structure has to do with memories, while the rest is relatively the same to other iterators. Another unique section of her structure is that she has a memory crypts-like section of her structure to store cabinet beasts. Dreams structure will be divided into three sections as many of the memory confluxes are the same. There are the Memory Confluxes, the main region Twelve Far Away Dreams, and the subregion Frgid Heights.

The first section are the Memory Confluxes, which are divided into six subregions of Memory Confluxes. Each Memory Conflux refers to someone of her local group, which go as the following: Prism Conflux, Ruby Conflux, String Conflux, Beyond Conflux, Stories Conflux, and Tides conflux.

The next region of her structure is in the upper middle of her structure, and is where Dreams chamber is located. this area has a few memory conflux rooms, but contain a lot of Neuron Catchers to interact with the many neurons that fly within her structure.

The last subrgegion of Dreams structure is called Frigid Heights, which is her leg and undrneath her structure. This area has a few vines growing through it, and contains many cabinet beasts like in Memory Crypts.

Due to the heat levels in Group Alpha, Dreams structure was altered to produce cold output instead of hot steam. Due to this, Dreams structure has snow on her legs, albeit not very much snow. It's enough to make Group Alpha's territory livable.

Story so far


Amalgamation didn't have much significance in visiting Dreams, as they stopped by for a short while. The two hung out as Dreams pat Amalgamations head, but that was it as Amalgamation left her structure. Despite such little time, Dreams thinks fondly of Amalgamation.


To be written...


To be written...


To be written...


  • Dream's cloak was made to represent hiding oneself from the world. This was common amongst her ancients as they viewed covering up as much of themself as possible would distance themself from worldly ties.
  • Dream's face, specifically the two dots under her eyes represent knowledge being hidden right under the eyes as well as being a common mask decoration. This was because her ancients viewed knowledge as very important.
  • Dreams does have the ability to move her antennae, but doesn't do so very often.
  • Dreams puppet was made quite large as her Creator wanted Dreams to be equal with them.
  • Dreams's structure has many markings relating to dreams and the night, as well as having a picture of the moon upon her head.



  • Ice
  • Colder temperatures
  • Observing any creatures. Her local group
  • Pearls, especially if she gives and learns new information
  • Jokes, as long as it isn't excessive or self depricating


  • Letting anyone down
  • Mentions towards ancients, especially most of her local groups
  • Being idolized/ put on a pedastal
  • Spiders
  • Being told she was lucky


Dreams is very quiet around her local group because she is unsure of how to communicate with them. She prefers to listen to the tales they tell her.

Dreams can read any pearl, neuron, or other kind of iterator device brought to her, even if they may seem like they don't work. Because her structure is based on a library of information, she has a lot more inspectors running around to defend her neuron flies, as well as many more neuron flies. Due to storing so much information, she can decode the missing gaps in the items brought to her.

If the player comes into her structure holding neuron flies, she'll beg the player to let them go, and fill up the players food bar to prevent it. However, if the player comes in holding an inspector eye, she'll be furious with the player, and force them to leave.

Dreams is a neutral party to bioengineering as she thinks that anything can be good or bad regardless of what it is. She does think that it's natural for iterators to do bioengineering on animals and plants and has even tried herself, but quickly abandoned the idea as she wasn't that invested.