Ruby Skies by Sapphire Shores



8 months, 12 days ago


Ruby Skies by Sapphire Shores

Observe the World, Ruby Skies by Sapphire Shores, Ruby, and RSbSS.

Generation 7/14, Group Alpha, 6th oldest

She/Her & They/Them, Female

Chaotic, unpredictable, grounded, and realistic.

Lost Spirit, Thirty Broken Shards
Twenty Amber Beads, Two Strings.


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About and Special Tasks

The Ancients made Ruby Skies by Sapphire Shores as an aid to help Extracted Prism Sunsets in his work. While Prism works with modifying and documenting creatures to find a solution in natural behaviors and modified behaviors, Ruby was made to dig into creatures DNA whether it be from natural evolution or modified evolution. Ruby looks over every aspect, whether it be clean or the messiest task possible. Along with this task, she was also tasked with knowing many things about medical procedures to be able to help cure her ancients and heal them.

Special Interactions

Ruby Skies by Sapphire Shores has a few interesting interactions with the slugcat depending on how they treat Ruby. Here's the ones I have written down:

•To be added soon!






Below Average
























Below Average






Ancient Relationship

Ruby Skies by Sapphire Shore's Ancients were relatively okay with ruby, but were more focused on her closest neighbor, Extracted Prism Sunsets due to Prism sucess. Ruby's Prime Administrator: Lost Spirit, Thirty Broken Shards, was distant from Ruby and more caught up in the everyday cycles of life. Due to a certain conversation between Spirit and Nova, it ended up in a fight, and for Ruby to be the only iterator in Group Alpha to kill an ancient. Due to this, it's caused a spirialing effect to occur, and for Ruby to be label as violent and an outlaw in many areas such as graffiti, group chats, gates, and many other areas. Alonside this, Ruby's arms were removed from her puppet as punishment, followed by her Prime Administrator to leave, and take a dive into the void sea.

After such events, Ruby gained a new Prime Administrator who went by the name of Twenty Amber Beads, Two Strings. Luckily, Ruby's second Prime Administrator was much nicer than the last one.

•Ruby's puppet does not have any arms, and due to this, her structure makes up for it with arms that scatter across her structure. If the player is on negative terms with her, the hands will attack the player, so it's best to stay on good terms with Ruby if you chose to enter her structure.

•The first area of Ruby's structure is called the Refused Sactuary. This subregion has many rooms similar to puppet chambers with a single large arm in each of them. Other than the large arms, there are a few neurons that roam around each room.

•The second area of Ruby's structure is the Memory Conflux, which is similar in quality to bothMomory Confluxes seen in Vanilla Rain World, and Downpour.

•The third area of Ruby's structure is The Breakout. This subregion has some rooms filled with water, and a room containing a death pit. The reason for this name is because of an Experiment Ruby did, which ended up creating the Pixie Lizards. The Pixie Lizards ended up breaking out, which ended up creating The Breakout to look so damaged.

•The last area of Ruby's structure is the System Control Unit, which is where her puppet chamber lies. There is a false way to get to Ruby's chamber, similar to Moon's structure. Instead, the only way in Ruby's structure to get to her Puppet chamber is either coming above from her city, Plutus, or through the left side.

Story so far


Due to Group Alpha's limited area for their overseers, they never have been able to see past what they thought was Southwest Bridge, but is actually named Shattered Walkway.Due to this, Ruby made an object called the Shockwave Documenter, which allows the user to stun enemies, and record information. Ruby only needs a creature to use it, and traverse past where their overseers aren't allowed to go.

By Extracted Prism Sunsets sending Amalgamation over to Ruby, it allowed Ruby to put her invetion into motion, and to what Ruby hopes, find out what has been kept secret from the local group. Upon meeting Amalgamation, it allowed Ruby to give Amalgamation the Shockwave Documenter, and send them on their way into Shattered Walkway.


To be written...


To be written...


To be written...


  • Ruby's arms were taken away due to an incident from her past. Please don't give her arms unless it's her mechanical arms disconnected from her body, or prosthetics.
  • Ruby often uses nicknames and pet names for those she likes or first meets.
  • Ruby's structure is similar to Beyond's as she was finished shortly after Beyond was.
  • Ruby's chamber is bigger than the average iterator to make up for the space taken up by her hands.
  • Many outlaw symbolds are drawn on the outside of Ruby's structure. This is also present in the gates to enter Ruby's structure as it serves as a warning to Ruby's hostility.



  • Lizards, espcially Pixie Lizards.
  • Red and teal green.
  • Slugcats, espcially if they come by to visit. Her local group, Especially Endless Beyond and Extracted Prism Sunsets (see relationships).
  • Cold Temperatures.
  • Twenty Amber Beads, Two Strings.


  • Lizards, espcially Pixie Lizards.
  • Bio-Engineering done in a cruel way.
  • Her own anger issues.
  • Hot temperatures.
  • Most Ancients.


Ruby enjoys some aspects of her purposed task, but doesn't care much for other parts of it.

If you get past and visit her chamber, she won't hurt you, unless you hurt her. If you leave after visiting, The robotic hands will avoid grabbing you. Also, when the player enters her chamber, she picks it up by the scruff of the neck like a mother cat carrying their young, and she'll inspect the slugcat for a few seconds before talking.

Ruby sometimes likes to enter her local groups chatrooms and listen to the conversation without saying a word. To Ruby, it's comforting to hear voices while she works.

Ruby finds bioengineering entertaining as long as it's moderated and the end result isn't cruel. She doesn't enjoy certain processes, but if it's done with care, it can be relatively fun. It's not fun if the animals get out however.