Ready Ephraim Quinn



6 months, 24 days ago


"Quote here"

Human, Male, Straight, Height
DOB: 19XX, X X


☀️Appearance ☀️

Short black hair that has a slight curl to it. Wears it slicked back. It's starting to go grey, most noticeably at the temples

Faded scaring on his left cheek, and the right corner of his jaw

Dark eyes

Wears black elbow-length gloves pretty much 24/7 in order to protect his clothing. Ephraim is afflicted with a generational curse. Over the course of his life the flesh on his lower arms and hands has degraded, leaving the bone exposed; his skeleton appears charred and is covered with a creosote-like substance. Has limited feeling in his hands and lower arms.
Always smells like woodsmoke and cooking meat.



Comes off as jaded. It's really just he is very very tired. He cares, and wants the best for others, it's just hard to sound like you do when you're permanently exhausted 

Extremely deadpan sense of humor to the point that it can be hard to tell if he is being serious or not. 

Has a hard time admitting how much he likes other people. He will however do small acts of service in place of words.



Ephraim is afflicted by a generational curse that can be traced back to his great grandfather, Creed Hiram Quinn. Creed worked as a Stranger during the 1870s and wound up cursed by a witch because of it. Like Creed, every firstborn son of his descendants winds up having the flesh on their arms degrade over time, leaving their skeleton exposed.

Much like his father, and grandfather, Ephraim has spent most of his life working as a Stranger. It's a shitty job dealing with supernatural nonsense, but, he at least has the benefit of family knowledge and actual training unlike most people who wind up in the profession 



Fortitude Marcus Quinn - Father - He loved his father, and can say with certainty the man tried his best to both raise him and prepare him for a life of strangeness. 

Chloe Fortunate Quinn - Ex-wife/Friend - He and Chloe were childhood friends that wound up marrying. The demands of his job on top of the stress that came with birth of their son lead to the end of their romantic relationship. The two are still close friends. Falling out of love was crushing, but he's glad that the two of them are still on good terms.

Edith Grace Quinn - Daughter -

Leah Honor Quinn - Daughter -

Marcus Reason Quinn - Son -

Emil Meister - Friend -

Malcolm Prior - Friend -

Isaac Morgan - Acquaintance -

Ottone Sala - Acquaintance - He thinks Ottone is a fine enough man and has worked with him a handful of times. However he can't say that he likes him due to Ottone's son, Jonas, running absolutely wild and Ottone doing nothing to stop the kid.

Able to do some minor magic. Unlike the majority of Strangers, he is actually rather into the 'magic' side of being strange as he knew he wouldn't have a choice on being involved in it or not. Might as well double down and give yourself an advantage.

His children are hugely important to him. Ephraim devotes the majority of his free time to his children. Growing up, he didn't get much time with his own father that didn't revolve around Stranger work, so he much rather not have his children have the same experience. He wants them to remember him as their father first, and a Stranger second. 

Eventually opts to plate his hands and arms in silver. Yes, it was costly and painfully, but he is no longer ruining his clothes and it helps with his job. Can straight up grab a ghost if he wants 

Virtue names are extremely common with his religion. His name formatting is considered old-fashioned as it became more popular for names to go common name-virtue name at the end of the 1800s.