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AY bro its all good! Thank you for the kind words, I appreciate that a lot

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Deadass, I just havent used a lot of them, not sure if I ever will. Figured a good place to start is to work on selling some of 'em, lmaooo. Thank you for the kind words man


i can do like four fullbodies for these two: 

heres my art examples if you need em

LOVE your art man, and I'll take it! Is there anybody in This Folder youd be comfortable drawing? Or is there anybody you'd prefer to draw?

THANK YOU!! I could definitely draw anyone!! but if i had to choose i could draw these four: 

and if you can, i would definitely appreciate some pose references!! 

also YOUR DESIGNS ARE AWESOME!! i love them!!!

WOOOO, would absolutely LOVE for you to do those guys, and thank you! Happy to hear you like my designs.
For the post references, I dont have anything exact at the moment, but I can make some descriptions so that you get a feel for 'em.
Emmy Caddet, as stated a billion times in her info, is one hell of a cocky bastard. Her pose would likely make her look as if she was full of it. Leaning up against something, finger guns, anything goes as long as she's got her signature cocky grin. Lmaooo
Dominick is a colder, stoic man. A result of his past self fading. His pose could possibly feel cold, yet threatening. As if its a warning.
Orillion is certainly more welcoming. Think of him as like a cool dad/uncle lmaooo. Though, there are times where he can get very defensive, if that makes any sense.
Roguekill is a COMPLETE wildcard. They go from acting sophisticated to acting like a goddamn raccoon in a span of seconds. Their pose could be literally anything and it would fit them just perfectly.

I hope these descriptions are alright, I know they arent much but I hope it helps provide an idea lmaoo.

OHH YEA I COULD WORK WITH THESE!! Thanks dude!!! ill try to finish these within a month!!!!

Sweeet, take your time man! Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

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Yoo I like that idea, are you comfortable with drawing any of the dudes in This Folder? (And, if so, are there a few you'd prefer to draw?)
Also I'm curious, what's a character page, Is it sorta like a sketchpage? Never been offered one before so I'm a tad curious lmao. Thank you for the offer

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Duuuude awesome, I like that idea! Also, if you want, I can send you some extra art through inbox I've collected of her that I just never got around to uploading. Theres quite a lot
Would you be alright with doing a halfbody, a headshot/bust, and then the character page?
For the halfbody, I'd like Roguekill to be drawn.
For the headshot/bust, I'd like to see Rune.
And for the character page, would Emmy Caddet be alright? She's got the most character info currently so it may be easier to come up with some doodle ideas ha ha
If you've got any concerns, questions, or anything just let me know

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HELL YEAH MAN, thank you!

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Oh ay man, it’s all good! Don’t worry bout it, I get the feeling. Would rather you be fully satisfied with the character and everythin than to feel pressured into completing the trade. It’s very kind of you to still wanna finish the art of Roguekill, anythin I could give you in return for it? Haha And ay, like I said, don’t worry bout it. All fine by me

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