


5 years, 11 months ago


your local goth girlTM
looks intimidating but shes super chill

-shes so tired put her out of her misery
-is pretty much a mix of supportive mom friend and the tired mom friend
-always fussing over everyone and calling them out on their shit but she's still supportive if its not too stupid
-shes honestly one of the most reasonable and well-minded persons within their district
-she doesnt consider herself to be a softie but its an unspoken rule that everyone thinks she is anyway
-can be found at her home consuming coffee and juiceboxes by the dozen
-usually only gets dragged out the house to the bar by one of her friends bcuz she never really has the heart to say no
-ends up having to carry everyone home after they get wasted
-she has a resting face
-and though her voice sounds super cute and cheery it still teeters on sounding uninterested majority of the time
-shes usually attentive though and trys to listen if needed
-has some pretty stylish gothic fashion when shes out n about, at home though shes a couch potato gremlin and will stay in nothing but loose shirts and sweatpants

-hangs out with emi, saki and hector in her spare time