


3 years, 10 months ago


Osirus Longely (people call him Osi for short)

Age: would be 28 by human standards

He's a very chipper upbeat guy, you can usually find him with an excitable smile and an energetic gait in his step. He's not necessarily a loud guy, but he's very high energy, yknow? Eager to be around his friends, eager to have a good time, eager for anything!

NOT A HIMBO. Please..... dont call him a himbo he is a HUNK.
Kind, a little beefy, respects women, YES, but he is not dumb. Himbo's have to be stupid as well, which Osi is not!
He's actually very, very smart and can be quite tactical when he focuses and gets serious. Especially if it's concerning his family or friends. He's just a little lowkey about his smarts, and knows most people don't expect that from him. So he's willing to lay the part of the 'dumb' guy around certain people.

The only times he's actually a little dumb is if he hangs out with a specific select few people, because thats him sharing a braincell with his besties against his better lack of judgement. You get it? Hanging out with certain people in The Syndicate makes him forego all common sense and reasonable thinking skills, because chaos!

His Relationships with the Syndicate

He meshes well with:-
1. Jiri
2. Ruthie
3. Yenma
4. Silas
5. Cassius
6. Sigma
8. Juniper
9. Remiel
(and in that order!)
(click the spoiler for further details)

Jiri - Jiri to him, is like a little sister. He adores spoiling her and completely babying her. She's usually down to join in on his shenanigans as well, and if it seems like a bad idea, then she helps him think of a better way to carry it out. An absolute ride or die team. They bonded at first over Osirus' lack of siblings and Jiri well.... Jiri has more siblings than she can count. Since she's the youngest of her family, that 'youngest child' energy carries over into a lot of her interactions with him. Osirus will constantly find himself making sure that she's alright and talking to her whenever he sees fit. He respects when she needs space though.

Ruthie - you'd think that when these two get together, Ruthie's initial calmness would rub off on the other and make Osirus be more serious but NO. Osirus just brings out the crackhead in Ruthie in a way that no one else can. Whenever they get together it's madness; excited ideas bouncing off of each other and cracking jokes like they DONT have work to do. Or somehow it makes Ruthie more likely to support anything chaotic Osirus gets up to. Even if they go a long time without talking they can carry on like nothing ever separated them. That's the type of friends they are.

Yenma - Theyre both just crackheads from the get go once they hang out. No one expects anything more from them, it's a disaster pairing you can see coming from a mile away (so unsurprisingly Jiri does step in sometimes to keep their attentions AWAY from each other). Yenma is kind of like his bestie. They get into playful arguments over nothing a lot but will be the first to show each other things or be like 'i saw this cloud the other day and i thought of you'. Theyre also kind of like siblings in a way. They lovingly tolerate each other and commit crimes be stupid together.

Silas - The one that actually makes Osirus behave a bit more. Silas ends up being a bit of an older brother/guardian figure for Osirus, even though Osi is the older one. He kind of looks up to Silas a bit actually, and while he's still honest at the surface with most he meets, he tries to act a bit more put together when Silas is near. If the two of them are next to each other theyre usually having a quiet conversation together on some long complicated topic. Besides Ruthie,  Silas is one of the rare chances Osirus has to stimulate the very large part of his overthinking mind.

Cassius - it's not quite confirmed that they have something going on together? (personally im still unsure) But as odd a pair as they are, it's not uncommon to see the two of them practically joined to the hip together at all times. Osirus had been pretty open with befriending everyone from the get go, but Cassius on other hand was quite used to the prim polished life he grew up around. Boisterous wild people like Osirus were a bit of a surprise to him at first, but he adjusted quite fast honestly! It's turned into being amused by the others schemes and stories of wealth, to joining in and well- eventually reigning the other in when things went too far. Cassius fusses over the other a lot, while Osirus tries to get him to open up to normal things. Example, the first time they all ate out somewhere discreet, Cassius had brought a wide array of utensils to accompany him.... but they were eating pizza and fries etc pretty standard finger foods... Osirus had laughed when he saw all the utensils, but not in a mocking way it was a bewildered 'ah, that's cute...' kind of laugh. Regardless Cassius learned a lot quite quickly. How to let lose per se. And Osirus had even granted him the name Casi, to be cute. The nickname however spread to Yenma, Remiel and... surprisingly Malecai

Sigma- Sigma is the leader of the Syns so it only makes sense that he would more or less get along with him. They're on good terms, but Sigma is too much for him, in the sense that he's too serious. He admires how determined and focused on his goals he is, but he personally thing Sigma's downfall is that he overworks TOO much. That he focuses too much, and that he clings to things from thepast that hurt him too much. He pretty sees some of his actions as foolish, but otherwise, respects his leadership skills to a fault.

Paku- Ppaku doesn't bother much.  Theyre friendly enough with each other.

Juniper- Slackers really annoy him, so Juniper gets on his nerves just a bit. Which may be a little hypocritical since he babies Jiri for slacking BUT, maybe its just the way Juniper does it that gets under his skin a bit. Otherwise theyre alright next to each other. When Juniper gets to work and he's in a chatty mood then it's all good. He once shared his last morsel of food with Osi during an overnight shift, which really helped boost his opinion of him.

Remiel- He tolerates Remiel. He doesn't hate him but they clash in opinions a lot, and in a way that isnt quite as friendly as the arguments he has with Yenma. Remiel just kind of makes his senses feel on edge. It's like he's always hiding something or planning, and while Osirus would usually take people head on, Remiel makes him want to be cautious. So theyre polite with each other. There's no hate, just.... surface level politeness and mild respect. Otherwise they could've actually been really great friends, consider that Remiel finds chaos amusing. And wherever Osi goes, there's sure to follow some sort of commotion, just because he exists.

Tiny little facts about Osirus:

-he adores kids! is very soft and jolly with them, and is usually roped into giving them piggy back rides and buying them a ton of candy. he seriously wont be able to stop smiling if there's a chance he can make a kid happy or give them a playmate for awhile. unfortunately this has landed him in many situations where his hair was pulled, which leads him to gently try and correct the kid he's playing with into.... not doing that.

-contrary to popular belief he is a BABY when it comes to spicy foods. he can only ever watch in horror when Remiel, Jiri and Malecai knock back spicy foods like nothing. He swears they are monsters! Will usually give anything he deems spicy to them, if theyre out eating that is.

-He really likes wearing mesh material. It gives him the option to be open but still covered, which is something he values a lot. Isnt quite sure if he can pull off mesh pants though, but he'll try anything once