Kallistos Agape



5 years, 10 months ago


I Am neither Breather, nor Speaker

Fun Adventurous Awkward


Cinderwalker, Turned God of Roses

Name Kallistos Agape Called Kallistos, Demigod of Roses
Age 65 (about 20 in human years) D.o.B. October 4th
Gender Nonbinary Pronouns He/they
Height 5'5" (without the heels) Build Slender but Toned
Demeanor Awkward Style Flashy and Flirty
Race Tiefling Origin Unnamed forest


Motivation To find the person who burned down his parents' sacred land Goals Spend the rest of his life face down in the mud
Disposition Neutral Outlook Uncertain
  • Forests
  • Performing
  • Spending time with people he cares for
  • Calm
  • Authority
  • Looking at himself
  • Being pushed to do something
  • Harming the woods


Charisma Kindess
Temper Patience
Intelligence Judgment
Integrity Confidence
Maturity Humour



Kallistos was my gay disaster character that every young queer must make as a right of passage. I've tried to add more nuance to him as I've gotten older and obtained more brain cells.

Anyway, I'd describe Kallistos as a really joyful person trapped in a wet blanket life. He's awkward and not well socialized but he's fun and excited about everything and you'll always have a good time with him.


Arc One

Kallistos is born to a demon lord and sorceress. His biological Father, Saturninus, is one of hundreds of minor demon lords working for Asmodeus, ruling over bramble and agreements whose conditions are betrayed. Kallistos' biological Mother thought she could outsmart Saturninus, but failed and gave birth to his spawn. Kallistos' biological Mother leaves him in the forest to be forgotten and die. However, Kallistos is found by two forest rangers. The two rangers, a husband and wife, protect the stretch of land that Kallistos was discovered on, a forest that was sacred to the God of nature. The rangers named him and, having no children of their own, raised Kallistos as their son.

Arc Two

Kallistos grows up to be a ranger alongside his Mother and Father. One day, Kallistos awakens to find the sacred forest ablaze. Being fiendish, he wonders the flames and finds his Mother and Father killed by the smoke. In the flames, he sees a creature with features like his own. When the flames die down, there is no sign of the creature he saw and the forest is destroyed. Kallistos buries his Mother and Father on the land they swore their lives to protect, and sets off to find the culprit. Kallistos wonders for many years, a stranger in a strange world. He is drawn in to a travelling carnival where he raises money for his travels and hones his talents as a ranger. After some time, he leaves and continues his travels. He meets the party about a year later.

Arc Three

Kallistos and the party get into a lot of shenanigans together. While travelling, they are lead to a cave system that houses a sword created by the Goddess of dreams. After two party members fail to reach it, Kallistos succeeds and the sword chooses him. Getting knocked out and kidnapped by a cult of a mosquito demigod, the party fights through the cave system. Which turns out to be a golem. Kallistos takes one for the team and seduces someone through a door. That someone is eventually added to the party and they all fight an avatar of the demigod together. The party goes on more adventures, Kallistos gets married, finds his biological Mother, and so on. Kallistos' adventuring days ended when he is forced to make a deal with his demonic Father; come with him, or your friends die. Kallistos agrees to go with him, but his friends have to fight for their lives anyway. Kallistos leaves the material plane and basically becomes a demigod himself. Kallistos eventually escapes the clutches of his Father and leaves Hell, finding solace in the forest God that he worshipped while he was alive. The God, rewarding him for his devotion, makes Kallistos a minor god of roses. Kallistos watches his husband in fragrant bliss from another plane.


  • Kallistos' husband is half dwarf and half rock gnome. At first he was just a guy kidnapped by the cult to be their janitor, but then he had a divine revelation and became a cleric (dream domain). When leaving the material plane, Kallistos gives him the dream sword.
  • Kallistos becomes more joyous over time. At first, he's really awkward and stoic. But he finds joy in life.
  • Kallistos had an animal companion! His name was Hephaestus and he was a cinder wolf :)
  • I made a modern fantasy college AU for Kallistos and the party. Kallistos finds out his biological Father is a demon after he gets freaky powers one day. He majors in botany.


Theme School of Seven Bells - Iamundernodisguise MBTI ESFP
Orientation Gay Sign Libra
Alignment True Neutral Ennegram 5
Sin Sloth Virtue Temperance
Tarot The Fool Flower Iris
