


5 years, 10 months ago





Connor Laventsky

"Con" (Monster Mutant Death Machine), "Penrith Murderer" or "Penrith Cult Survivor"


Possessed Human

He/Him or It/Its

Lives in
Penrith, Maine

June 21st 2000



Relationship Status




Theme | Haunt Me (x3) Voiceclaim | (Young) Frank Iero

Sorry if this comes across as rude but I don't think promising something like that was really a good idea in the first place.. sorry..


Connor was born and raised in a cult town in Maine, a sub city of Penrith (bracelet is their marker), known to locals and members as "The City Of Light". The group was monotheistic, believing that the leader was god's connection to earth rather than God himself. They follow a Christian-esque set of commandments sporting heavy changes from the source material (the bible). They are a small group of no more than Thirty people, lead by three men of similar age. The main leader, Wade, is referred to as "the Lightbringer", as he can summon light from the edges of his form as if he were being visited by god, or alternatively, an angel. The cult had a tight grip on many aspects of life, including most notably, diet. Meat was seen as impure, and was therefore given as punishment. This cemented the fear of meat and blood into the minds of the children watching this all go down, namely Caspar and Connor, the youngest of the kids there at the compound. Throughought their years there, Caspar had it extremely rough, He was mentally ill and constantly picked on by Karl and Isaiah, the other two leaders (or disciples) of light. It's not exactly clear why, but eventually he found himself confiding in his older biological brother Connor, who was usually very distant otherwise. Years passed, and finally they were set to escape. The escape was a massive blur due to an immense amount of trauma, but in the process of it all, Connor ended up possessed, killed a few cult members (including his parents), and escaped into the Penrith Woods with his brother. They walked all night until townspeople out late alerted the police. The cult was soon shut down, and Wade, along with his two Lackeys, were taken to prison. The city raised money for the two child survivors (and the others evacuated), and they tried to live normal lives from then on. Until, of course, the fateful day where they began to realize that Connor did not have much time left if they negleted his possession parasite any longer.


Connor is a 5"4 skinny white guy. Due to many past traumas and injuries, he has many gash scars up his left arm, and the most noticeable of them all being the 5 gashes on his left shoulder. He's most often not very aware of his surroundings, so his outfits are rather boring or overworn.


Despite having aggressive tendencies due to his posession, Connor is extremely self conscious and generally pretty loving. He doesn't have too many friends after his time in the cult, but his capacity to love and care for is unbothered by his circumstances. He even has a pet "Cat" (black matter energy) named Mint Chip! Con speaks with a slight stutter, and hates going outside for anything other than meething up with Kieran or Azrael, or walking Mint Chip. He tends to fidget in place with things around him, namely his sleeves (refuses to wear anything shorter than his wrist because of scarring), and with balls of yarn from his usually half-finished knitting projects. Another side affect of his possession is "vampirism": This is what caused his pale skin and hair. Drinking blood is much more his speed, although he still refuses to eat/drink any animal products due to his time in the cult, basically rendering him weak and useless most of the time.


  • Mint Chip
  • His Brother
  • Fish


  • The Penrith City Cult
  • Dave Matthews Band
  • Eating (his new diet)


As mentioned above in the "summary" section, he was born into a cult in maine that worshipped a power hungry possed guy who called himself a "messenger of god". At 15, he was having enough of cult life because of many factors, and tried to flee with his brother Caspar, only to find out that it was impossible Due to the noise he was making, other members heard and siezed him, filling him with an insane amount of negative energy, forming a parasitic bond to Connor's body. After his attempt to escape, Connor, now possessed, passes out and gets taken to the infirmary and is pronounced dead for a solid two minutes, when he jolts back to life, and makes his escape from the infirmary with caspar, who was outside bleeding from a facial wound inficted by a nurse when he was inside grieving.

When they'd made it out, they were once again swarmed by the other cult members, pushing Connor to use all his available energy. he closed his eyes, screamed, and ran, pulling caspar along with him. Little did Connor know, the semi-sentient energy possessing him was too powerful for his body to handle, thus making whatever moves he made impossible to precalculate. He became infamous for what had happened that day, although it still remains hazy in both their minds. What he did know was that they were in state custody until their emancipation document could go through. thankfully it passed with much support, and they were finally on their way to a somewhat normal life. they now live in a two bedroom apartment in downtown Penrith, trying to deal with the side affects of possession and failing miserably..

Connor's main struggle with his possession is that his body is insanely weak, both in muscle content and mentally. He is not fit to house such a parasitic entity, thus creating a massive power imbalance that slowly eats at him day by day. It makes him tired and hungry at all times and eventually it will kill him... which is what Caspar, Kieran, and Azrael hope to prevent (along with helping themselves in the process when it comes to Kie and Azzy).



Caspar is his brother, who is two years younger. Despite not being directly involved in the possession event AT ALL it has still affected him deeply, thus making it hard to interact with him past face to face stuff. Connor is one of the only people that he really opens up around, especially taking into account all of his trust issues from the past.


Kieran doesn't really get to know Connor all too well outside of helping him with chores and getting to hear the occasional flashback story. For the most part Kie acts as Caspar's friend, and Connor's blood dealer. They get to know eachother better later.


Azzy actually really gets to know Connor throughout the story and makes an active effort to help him after realizing his preconcieved notions of his own possession were wrong, and that he really messed his life up. He devotes his time to help things go as smooth as possible getting them all to the point that they can become exorcized

Extra: Language

english technically isn’t his first language. the cult had it’s own alphabet, although it was basically the english alphabet in differing symbols. However, to keep the kids from a normal education, they had to "forget" english, and learn a backwards made-up language that was supposedly "of heaven". Connor technically knows 2 languages in that sense. When he first escaped the cult, he had a slight unidentifiable accent and couldn’t read anything in regular proper english for a very long time. people thought he was strictly foreign, but he was just only used to the cult's version of the english alphabet. He eventually rid himself of the accent after lots of tedious work, just to distance himself from the parts of his past that he could escape.

Theme Mashup Credit: Circlejourney + Lowkeywicked